Monday, February 1, 2010


Comment & links by Henk Ruyssenaars

February 1st 2010 - If you still think that the so called 'ministry or department of finance' or similar in your country decides what the 'money' in your wallet or the currency in your country is worth: forget it. What value the coins and notes in your wallet represent is since many decades decided by the directors and collaborators of the Rothschild usury empire, the Bank for International Settlements, the BIS, in Basel, Switzerland.

That's where 55 central bank's collaborating directors - from as many countries - get their marching orders. Nearly every month they are there. In their State within a State...

Rothschild's BIS is most probably your global 'Department of Finances' too, and the unbridled monetary monster we're confronted with. A murderous monster which has ridden us without most of us knowing and understanding it. Apparently this has been going on for ages, and a majority of humanity must be seen as victims of the BIS usury system.*

Because in all countries where the cartel rules, the profits are nationalized, meaning those the banksters keep for themselves, while all debts they make are socialized. This means that the tax payer, his children and grandchildren must pay the bill of the banksters. That's how those criminals do it: theft.

Now some propagandists at Bloomberg info agency have woken up, and found that people who state the above are right. So, like a War Child-sticker on the butt of an M-16, Bloomberg's David Reilly writes this item of alibi-journalism* - not mentioning however the fact that the Federal Reserve bandits are subservient to Rothschild's BIS usury system.*

Taking into account that Bloomberg is part of the criminal financial cartel's war propaganda empire; the above item by David Reilly is partly acceptable.

Even if Bloomberg's David Reilly doesn't want to write about the fact that the bankmanagers of the cartel own the Congress too. As senator Durbin and a lot of others said. He came to the same conclusion as many experts outside the senate: "Big banks use campaign and other money to unduly influence Congress."

Here’s what he told Chicago radio station WJJG: "And the banks - hard to believe in a time when we're facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created - are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place." - [end quote] - Source: 2009 Newsmax - Url.:

If we keep that in mind, that the cartel's banks own Congress too, and we know who in reality runs the show, it's easier to understand: connecting the global dots. Here's the Bloomberg story:

"Secret Banking Cabal Emerges From AIG Shadows."

Jan. 29 2010 - "Bloomberg" - The idea of secret banking cabals that control the country and global economy are a given among conspiracy theorists who stockpile ammo, bottled water and peanut butter. After this week’s congressional hearing into the bailout of American International Group Inc., you have to wonder if those folks are crazy after all.

Wednesday’s (27 January 2010 - HR) hearing described a secretive group deploying billions of dollars to favored banks, operating with little oversight by the public or elected officials. We’re talking about the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, whose role as the most influential part of the federal-reserve system - apart from the matter of AIG’s bailout - deserves further congressional scrutiny.

The New York Fed is in the hot seat for its decision in November 2008 to buy out, for about $30 billion, insurance contracts AIG sold on toxic debt securities to banks, including Goldman Sachs Group Inc., Merrill Lynch & Co., Societe Generale and Deutsche Bank AG, among others.

That decision, critics say, amounted to a back-door bailout for the banks, which received 100 cents on the dollar for contracts that would have been worth far less had AIG been allowed to fail.

That move came a few weeks after the Federal Reserve and Treasury Department propped up AIG in the wake of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc.’s own mid-September bankruptcy filing.

Saving the System

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner was head of the New York Fed at the time of the AIG moves. He maintained during Wednesday’s hearing that the New York bank had to buy the insurance contracts, known as credit default swaps, to keep AIG from failing, which would have threatened the financial system. The hearing before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform also focused on what many in Congress believe was the New York Fed’s subsequent attempt to cover up buyout details and who benefited.

By pursuing this line of inquiry, the hearing revealed some of the inner workings of the New York Fed and the outsized role it plays in banking. This insight is especially valuable given that the New York Fed is a quasi-governmental institution that isn’t subject to citizen intrusions such as freedom of information requests, unlike the Federal Reserve. [This is not true.* - HR]

This impenetrability comes in handy since the bank is the preferred vehicle for many of the Fed’s bailout programs. It’s as though the New York Fed was a black-ops outfit for the nation’s central bank.

Geithner’s Bosses

The New York Fed is one of 12 Federal Reserve Banks that operate under the supervision of the Federal Reserve’s board of governors, chaired by Ben Bernanke. Member-bank presidents are appointed by nine-member boards, who themselves are appointed largely by other bankers. As Representative Marcy Kaptur told Geithner at the hearing: “A lot of people think that the president of the New York Fed works for the U.S. government. But in fact you work for the private banks that elected you.”

And yet the New York Fed played an integral role in the government’s bailout of banks, often receiving surprisingly free rein to act as it saw fit.

Consider AIG.

Let’s take Geithner at his word that a failure to resolve the insurer’s default swaps would have led to financial Armageddon. Given the stakes, you might think Geithner would have coordinated actions with then-Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson. Yet Paulson testified that he wasn’t in the loop.

 “I had no involvement at all, in the payment to the counterparties, no involvement whatsoever,” Paulson said.

Bernanke’s Denials

Fed Chairman Bernanke also wasn’t involved. In a written response to questions from Representative Darrell Issa, Bernanke said he “was not directly involved in the negotiations” with AIG’s counterparty banks.

You have to wonder then who really was in charge of our nation’s financial future if AIG posed as grave a threat as Geithner claimed. Questions about the New York Fed’s accountability grew after Geithner on Nov. 24, 2008, was named by then-President-elect (Select - HR) Barack Obama to be Treasury Secretary. Geither said he recused himself from the bank’s day-to-day activities, even though he never actually signed a formal letter of recusal.

That left issues related to disclosures about the deal in the hands of the bank’s lawyers and staff, rather than a top executive. Those staffers didn’t want details of the swaps purchase to become public. New York Fed staff and outside lawyers from Davis Polk & Wardell edited AIG communications to investors and intervened with the Securities and Exchange Commission to shield details about the buyout transactions, according to a report by Issa.

That the New York Fed, a quasi-governmental body, was able to push around the SEC, an executive-branch agency, deserves a congressional hearing all by itself. 

Later, when it became clear information would be disclosed, New York Fed legal group staffer James Bergin e-mailed colleagues saying: “I have to think this train is probably going to leave the station soon and we need to focus our efforts on explaining the story as best we can. There were too many people involved in the deals - too many counterparties, too many lawyers and advisors, too many people from AIG - to keep a determined Congress from the information.”

Think of the enormity of that statement.

A staffer at a body with little public accountability and that exists to serve bankers is lamenting the inability to keep Congress in the dark.

This belies the culture of secrecy obviously pervasive within the New York Fed. Committee Chairman Edolphus Towns noted during the hearing that the bank initially refused to disclose even the names of other banks that benefited from its actions, arguing this information would somehow harm AIG.

‘Penchant for Secrecy’

“In fact, when the information was finally released, under pressure from Congress, nothing happened,” Towns said. “It had absolutely no effect on AIG’s business or financial condition. But it did have an effect on the credibility of the Federal Reserve, and it called into question the Fed’s penchant for secrecy.”

Now, I’m not saying Congress should be meddling in interest-rate decisions, or micro-managing bank regulation. Nor do I think we should all don tin-foil hats and start ranting about the Trilateral Commission.

Yet when unelected and unaccountable agencies pick banking winners while trying to end-run Congress, even as taxpayers are forced to lend, spend and guarantee about $8 trillion to prop up the financial system, our collective blood should boil.

(David Reilly is a Bloomberg News columnist. The opinions expressed are his own.)

HR: And already the 'collective blood' should boiled when the privately owned Fed 'lost' another $9 Trillion! - Url.:;article=2471;search_term=Ruyssenaars

At 'International Clearing House' - from where the Bloomberg article is reprinted - you can click on "comments" below the article to read or post comments. - Url.:


HR: Remember all the time what's said: in all countries where the cartel rules, the profits are nationalized, meaning those the banksters keep for themselves, while all debts they make are socialized. This means that the tax payers, their eventual children and grandchildren, must pay the bills of the banksters. That's how those criminals usually do it: plain theft. That's what pays already for centuries for the more than lavish life style of the criminals.

And, to give you some more food for thought: why haven't ever the Chinese or Russian leaders, or any other of the big 'Moral Knights' which now are on the covers of their propaganda media, asked for an investigation of 9/11? Or audit of the Fed or the cartel?

Or why all those illegal invasions and the killing and sufferings of millions of people for the power and profit of the cartel, are necessary?

It is they think in their inhuman nitwit arrogance, because they have nearly all joined the mad money mafia, the criminal cartel of Rothschild's BIS usury system. And profit from it. Profit immensely from the blood, sweat and tears of the people. That's why.

They are criminal people drinking from a well which is poisoned.

And has been as such for centuries.

"The king to the banker did say: Tis I who ride you this day.

This day it is true, the banker did say: But tomorrow tis I who ride you."

And that's what Iceland wants to avoid!

Being cannibalized by the BIS bandits.

As so many others...


* The criminal and financial usury cartel, the cabal running and controlling the world's money supply. - Url.:

* "Alibi Journalism & Why I Threw the Shoe." - Url.:

* Global Hunger Epidemic: Who manipulates the prices? - Url.:;article=3054

* Haiti: Mud cakes become staple diet as cost of food soars beyond a family's reach. With little cash and import prices rocketing half the population faces starvation. - Source: The Guardian (UK) - Url.:

* The confirmation of the cartel's BIS and China cooperation - 7 March 2005 in a BIS Press release. - Url.:;article=2649

* Slave, who's faking your money? - Url.:;article=2590;search_term=Ruyssenaars

* An Unbridled Monster: the global monetary system - Url.:;article=2596;search_term=Ruyssenaars

* US: Private Fed banks get total monetary control! - Url.:;article=2591;title=APFN%20MESSAGE%20BOARD


* Web results for Prof. Schachtschneider +EU +"death penalty" - Url.:

* Google search: Web results for Henk R. +"European Union" +BIS - Url.:

* Google search: Web results for "Central Banks, The Crimes of Usury and Fraudulent Fractional Reserve Lending" +BIS - Url.:

* Lisbon II - How it pushes the Militarisation & the Armaments Industry - Tuesday September 22, 2009 - by Joe Higgins MEP - Socialist Party - Url.:

* Google search: Web results for Henk R. +Rothschild +Rockefeller +BIS - Url.:

* Pentagon used psychological operation on US public, documents show - Url.:



* COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands


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