Monday, February 8, 2010


February 8th 2010 - In August 2006 I did a story - with quite interesting links below - on the CIA/NED orchestrated so called 'Orange revolution,' the faked election in Ukraine. And today it showed again that a majority of the people in Ukraine doesn't want the raw US/UK cartel's global capitalism and inhuman rule shoved down their throats.

Also: the common sense and human Ukrainians do not want to kill like cannon-fodder as so-called NATO-peacekeepers, being part of the global geopolitical 'game' resulting in power and profit for the criminal cartel only. They too do not want to suffer this pest of an usury-system. And thus voted against it. No more CIA/NED 'Orange Revolution' for them apparently.

For those who don't know yet how for instance the NED works in other countries they are trying to usurp for the criminal cartel; it's what author William Blum calls a 'Trojan Horse': "The National Endowment for Democracy" - excerpted from the book 'Rogue State - A Guide to the World's Only Superpower.' - Url.:

The Chinese information agency Xinhua pointed out, that the pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovich lead shrank in the Ukrainian presidential run-off, but anyhow saw the victory of pro-Moscow Yanukovich coming. Unless the criminal cartel pulls some last trick out of the CIA/NED hat. Below the Xinhua story is what I wrote earlier about how the election in 2006 went, and it's more or less the same now: an ongoing blowback for the CIA/NED 'spooks' again.

KIEV, Feb. 8 (Xinhua) - Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Yanukovich's lead in Sunday's presidential run-off has shrunken to 2.82 percentage points, with 86.66 percent of the ballots counted, according to results published by the Ukraine Central Election Committee (CEC) Monday morning.

Yanukovich, a 59-year-old former prime minister, won 48.58 percent of the vote, while incumbent Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko was supported by 45.76 percent of the voters. Earlier in the day, Yanukovich enjoyed a lead of over 4 percentage points.

Yanukovich, favored by exit polls as the winner of the election, appeared ready to take victory. He said on TV Sunday night that Tymoshenko could start to prepare for her resignation from the post of prime minister. "I think that Yulia Vladimirovna (Tymoshenko) should be preparing for resignation. She understands this well. In any case I think that such an offer will be made to her," he said.

If elected, Yanukovich will become the country's fourth president since the former Soviet Union republic won independence in 1991. Tymoshenko's camp, however, has refused to concede defeat based on the exit poll results. The CEC Deputy Chairman Andriy Mahera told a briefing on Sunday that the commission has deemed the Feb. 7 presidential election valid. A probability of a tie is 0.01 percent, he added.

The CEC has not received information on serious irregularities during the second round of the Ukrainian presidential election, he said." - [and end] - Url.:

This is what we have to watch, because this is where problems can erupt, depending on how big the difference in votes has become: the pro-west, in Poland situated 'Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights':

"International observers to hold press conference in Kyiv on Monday.

KYIV, 5 February 2010 - The International Election Observation Mission for the presidential election in Ukraine will present its preliminary post-election statement at a news conference on Monday, 8 February, in Kyiv. The mission is a joint undertaking of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR), the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA), the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the European Parliament (EP) and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA).

The preliminary statement will be delivered by Joao Soares, OSCE PA President and Special Co-ordinator of the OSCE short-term observers, followed by Matyas Eoersi, Head of the PACE delegation, Assen Agov, Head of the NATO PA delegation, Pawel Kowal, Head of the EP delegation, and Heidi Tagliavini, Head of the OSCE/ODIHR long-term election observation mission.

The International Election Observation Mission comprises a total of 650 observers from 45 countries, including more than 500 long-term and short-term observers deployed by the OSCE/ODIHR, as well as 69 parliamentarians and staff from the OSCE PA, 37 from the PACE, 16 from the NATO PA, and 13 from the EP." - [and end] - Url.:

Mind you: all of the above organizations, OSCE, NATO PA, or the European Parliament-members: they are all paid by the same firm, the same global cartel.

"The American Conservative" saw the CIA/NED-made 'color revolutions' - and what happened in Ukraine - like this: "The fake “revolution” must be associated with newness, trendiness, youth and the hip youngsters who are making it happen (we saw this especially in the stage-managed Ukrainian mob tactics during the winter), so that an insignificant political demonstration in a country that does not ban, though it does restrict, freedom of assembly is taken as some kind of bold, Arab hippie march against the forces of the old and corrupt powers that be.

“Woodstock” is even invoked by Mr. Osnos, if you can believe the silliness of it, and the stage-managed, planned tent city that invaded the heart of Kiev in December has a meager, smaller imitation forming up in the center of Beirut." - [end quote] - Url.:

That's how it looks now, and this is how it looked in 2006: the CIA/NED funded and faked everything, but in this beginning blowback lost in Ukraine too:

"The 'Project for a New American Century' is sinking so fast, that only the blood besmirched US flag is still visible above the growing waves of intense contempt. Within six years the US 'management' and the criminal cartel's war machine has been unveiled: the blood of it's victims has totally washed away the façade.


FPF - Europe - August 3, 2006 - To make a long story short: the 'US Empire' lost early this morning an earlier usurped and strategically very important rich country the size of France, with fifty million inhabitants, to the Russian Empire which still is convinced that Ukraine is an important part of it. On the front pages of the global 'news' c.q. propaganda papers today, the for 'the crazies' in Washington bad news is 'adjusted', or, as the PNAC paper the International Herald Tribune phrased it: an enemy of the US has been nominated in Ukraine.*

Power and profit is back in Moscow's Kremlin, and the US 'project managers' lost this one too. Including the influence over the strategically very important 'Russian' part of the Caspian sea.

One should not forget this however, when last July Russia and the US met: "In the continuation of the task to heal the bonds which had been disrupted by the Bush administration, Obama has recently visited Russia to add them to his list of compliant helpers. Within his time there he emphasised the similarities in their interests carefully highlighting only issues which they both agree upon. Such as not only reducing their nuclear arsenal but also of other countries amassing nuclear weapons of their own, such as North Korea and in the Middle East, stating: "we should be united in opposing North Korea's efforts to become a nuclear power, and preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon."

As with many other European countries Obama also called for Russia to have more involvement in its war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the name of fighting extremism Obama stated: "Instead, we want to work with international partners to help Afghans and Pakistanis advance their own security and prosperity. That is why I'm pleased that Russia has agreed to allow the United States to supply our coalition forces through your territory."" - [end quote] - Url.:

Source: - Url.:

Internationally the signs are seen. As clearly as the US/Israeli bombs raining on Lebanon - that it's not only in Afghanistan, Iraq,* Lebanon and many other countries the US/UK/Israeli war machine is under attack and losing. Russia - as one of the global opposition forces and resistance - drew a line in the sand after the faked 'election' in Ukraine in 2004 for Washington's CIA man Victor Yushenko. The fact that his wife, Kathy, is American, works for the PNAC and has worked for Reagan and the CIA etc. was - and is - hardly ever mentioned. - Google Url.:

Have a look at this story and look at the video too: "US planted moles inside foreign governments" - Source: World Future - Url.:

By the US National Security Agency (NSA), the CIA, fake NGO's etc. mostly via the US Embassy, USAID etc. funded 'movements' in Ukraine, are the 'PORA People's Party', Yulia Tymoshenko's Bloc, 'Our Ukraine' and probably the 'Ukrainian People's Party'. - The CIA paid PORA group, now wants the newly elected parliament to disband and new (fixed) elections to be held in Ukraine. They still don't understand what can happen to them: in both the US and Russia there are Gulags. With the same malignant 'masters' than as now. And Holocaust in Ukraine is called Holodomor.*


The US management's inhumane 'Might makes Right' drive for global hegemony is - like the other's - 'only' a fight for power and profit. Around the world already for centuries being fought with armed forces under any fake flag, religion, name or logo, and all connected to secret services and psychological- and 'false flag'-operation units. Including all the war-advocating media megaphones, which are used and abused for propaganda in most countries of the world.

China - which by canceling US loans can declare the US still more bankrupt today - leaves this until further notice - or geopolitical need - to the present management of the 'Russian Empire' under former secret service 'KGB' top man Vladimir Putin, as autocratic President. Who - even more than most people in the world - also is totally fed up with the threat of the American/Israeli PNAC idea, and some years ago decided to stop the predators which are trying to steal part of Russia's loot.*

When the CIA for the umpteenth time managed to fund and stage a so called 'popular revolution' - this one in Ukraine - most international observers were wondering: can the US 'spooks' pull this one off too? Well... no, it didn't work here either, even if hundreds of millions of US tax dollars were squandered about which the taxpayers are never informed: it's all 'secret'.


The US defeat was early this morning confirmed by the 'front man' - president Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine, whom the US put on the throne. But alas, and as expected, the 'CIA man' lost to a majority fighting his PNAC rule, and he is now forced to accept 'enemy' Yanukovich as Prime minister. And this PM is his pro-Russian opponent, who was robbed of his election victory by the CIA's fake 'Orange Revolution'. He is a Moscow-backed 'Politruk' and Kommissar, who is looking for revenge. This is 'only' another Russian geopolitical step, one of many taking advantage of the fact that the United States is going down on it's knees.

In Ukraine, since last March 26 parliamentary elections where Yushenko's party only got 14 percent of the votes - and the CIA and collaborating 'spooks' really tried everything - more than four months of political stalemate and 'cloak and dagger' followed, in which the 'crazies' in Washington - via every possible channel - tried to stop Russia from taking back Ukraine.

''Being forced to accept Yanukovich as prime minister - he was openly supported by Russia during the scandal-tainted 2004 elections - would undermine Yushchenko's efforts to guide Ukraine closer toward political and economic ties with Europe, rather than Russia.'' the PNAC's Herald Tribune writes today.*


What they in between the lines are admitting, is that in the political fight for this profitable country - strategically very important in connection with the Caspian Sea, war harbors and oil and gas pipelines - the US lost the possibility to reconfigure it's empire. The chance is gone to use more brainwashed cannon-fodder as so called UN or 'NATO peace troops', kiling to defend US interests, or to bleed Ukraine like the other colonies within the European Union. The 'Rien ne va plus' was announced long before, but the crusading 'crazies' apparently vegetate in some other inhuman universe, an alien world where reason, compassion, decency, human behavior or logic are non-existing.

However: not Washington's PNAC mafia, nor the foreign managers of the European Union among the 'London War Lords' are amused, it is understood. This means that their propaganda press proceeds with the usual lies, smear and slander concerning all and everything connected to Russia, Russian president Putin [anno 2010 it's Medvedev] and the people in Ukraine; all between heaven and hell will be done to cover and belittle the American defeat and loss of another country.

It also means that the desperate last ditch effort the past night by the CIA's 'president of Ukraine' most probably will disappear in the global 'memory hole'.

Because beaten 'president' Yushenko tried - until the early morning hours of today - to get the parliamentary opposition parties to sign his PNAC master's documents, selling Ukraine and its people.

A 'Pact with the Devil' apparently, stating and confirming that Ukraine will follow the US PNAC policy too; with NATO's killing scenario and totalitarian London made EU rules, including low wage slave labor and inhuman tax laws.

"Unfortunately, the pact has not been signed," U.S. stooge Yushchenko had to admit.



Story above - Url.:


* One has to keep in mind that ALL so called 'objective observers' watching an election somewhere on the globe, ALWAYS are paid by their own governments. Which in almost all cases cooperate with the US and will defend US interests. They are never 'independent' - NEVER! It's all part of the (failed) US 'empire building' - OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Election Observation Mission - - Presidential Election - Ukraine 2004

* The CIA World (Fact?) Handbook describes what was wanted, and where (part of) the loot is. - Url.:

* The Guardian - UK - ''US campaign behind the turmoil in Ukraine'' - Url.:

* Already on 24.06.2009 Clifford Levy of the propaganda-sewer 'The New York Times' had to give in a little, but mr Levy wasn't writing about the huge IMF 'loans' which Ukraine would never be able to repay. That's the usual IMF system: inhumane and for profit only. Their own - not the people's profit.: "Ukraine’s Political Paralysis Gives Black Eyes to Orange Revolution Heroes." - Print version to avoid NYT's registration - Url.:

* The by the CIA paid PORA group in Ukraine now wants the newly elected parliament to disband and new (CIA fixed) elections to be held. - Url.:

* BBC today August 3d - 2006: THE US IS LOSING IN IRAQ - Civil war is a more likely outcome in Iraq than democracy, Britain's outgoing ambassador in Baghdad has warned Tony Blair in a confidential memo. - Url.:

* CIA-Kathy Yushchenko is Ukraine's 'Valerie Plame' - Url.:

* The Holocaust in Ukraine - shortly before World War II and with up to ten million victims, is never spoken nor read about in the global PNAC media. In Ukraine everybody knows it as the Holodomor, and knows who did it. - Url.:

* "Saakashvili’s “democracy” in Georgia" - by Wayne Madsen - Online Journal - August 28, 2008 - Url.:’s-democracy-in-georgia/

* Ukrayinska Pravda - Url.:


* The lost US/Israeli fight for Yukos & Putin - Url.:

* USurping is? - Url.:

* Another planned victim of the criminal cartel's armed errand boys of the CIA/NED: BBC - 'President Chavez oil talks in Russia':

* FUNDING VIA THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY (NSA), THE FAKE NGOS's and CIA: 'What is the National Endowment for Democracy?' - Url.:

* FOXNEWS - using a story by AP (Assorted Propaganda) leads the CIA/NED's election fraud, stealing the victory via orchestrated demonstrations - "Ukrainian Election Disputed, Protests Begin" - Monday, November 22, 2004 - Url.:

* The zionist's Pentagon Papers - Look who signed this: 'A Clean Break: Strategy for Securing the Realm' - Url.:

* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands


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