Saturday, February 27, 2010


February 27th 2010 - The french franchiser for the war profiteers in London* - Mossad agent Sarkozy* - said according to Reuters that "France made errors over Rwanda genocide." But people are still waiting for an excuse by Sarkozy. Because too many know the real participants, like France and Belgium, and who the real financiers of the genocide in Rwanda are.*

The warmonger's bureau Reuters - which also is part of the lies and war propaganda - cabled this on Thursday Feb. 25, 2010:

* Sarkozy admits serious errors, does not apologise

* France failed to appreciate scale of genocide planning

* France, Rwanda cement partnership over development, trade

By Hereward Holland

KIGALI, Feb 25 (Reuters) - France made serious errors of judgment over the 1994 genocide in Rwanda and wants to ensure all those responsible for the slaughter are caught and punished, President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Thursday. Sarkozy was visiting his counterpart Paul Kagame in the central African country to cement improved diplomatic relations following years of acrimony, recriminations and diplomatic standoffs over events surrounding the genocide.

The French president stopped short of an official apology for his country's role during the killing of 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus in less than 100 days. "There was a serious error of judgment, a sort of blindness when we didn't foresee the genocidal dimensions of the government," he told reporters at a news conference with Kagame. "Errors of assessment and political mistakes were made here, and they led to absolutely tragic consequences," Sarkozy said.

The two countries broke off diplomatic ties in 2006 after a Paris judge accused Kagame and nine aides of shooting down former President Juvenal Habyarimana's plane in April 1994 -- the catalyst for the massacre. The central African country rejected the charges and accused the administration of former President Francois Mitterrand of having trained and armed the Hutu militias behind the killing.

The two countries restored diplomatic ties in November 2009. During the three-year diplomatic rift, Rwanda joined two Anglophone blocs, the Commonwealth and the East African Community. The former Belgian colony also changed its language of instruction in schools to English from French.


During his brief trip to Kigali, the first by a French head of state since the genocide, Sarkozy said Operation Turquoise, a French rescue mission under a U.N. mandate to provide safe zones, had been too little and too late. The killing started in April 1994, and the French arrived in June. Sarkozy laid a wreath at the Kigali genocide memorial, a mass grave for some 250,000 people.

Rwanda has called on Paris to pursue genocide fugitives living on French soil, including top suspect Agatha Habyarimana, widow of the former president. "We want those responsible for the genocide to be found and punished. There's no ambiguity about that, and that's what I told President Kagame," said Sarkozy, stressing that the French judiciary was independent. "Are there any in France? That's for the judiciary to say."

Analysts say the rapprochement is a sign of France's new pragmatic and broadly economic interest in Africa. Kagame accepted an invitation to a Franco-African summit in Nice in May. Kagame said the two countries have had a difficult past, but reaffirmed his commitment to the new partnership on issues such as development, investment, trade and culture. "It is important for the people of Rwanda and France to build a new relationship based on the understanding and proper management and treatment of the truth," Kagame said." - [end story] - Source: Thomson Reuters - Url.:

And then this arrives in the emailbox, showing the judging part of the criminal global cartel, always hanging the small ones and never catching themselves, the real perpetrators in the criminal cartel doing the global robbing and killing. Because the cartel day and night globally does to humanity what they put Lieutenant Colonel Ephrem Setako in jail for.

"Ephrem Setako Sentenced to 25 Years of Imprisonment"

"PRESS RELEASE (non official - for media information only) - ICTR/INFO-9-2-630.EN - Arusha, 25 February 2010 - The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda today sentenced Lieutenant Colonel Ephrem Setako, head of the division of legal affairs in the Ministry of Defence in 1994, to 25 years of imprisonment. He was found guilty of genocide, crimes against humanity (extermination) and serious violations of Article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol II (murder), but acquitted of complicity to commit genocide, murder as a crime against humanity and pillage as a war crime.

The Chamber found that Setako ordered the killings on 25 April 1994 of 30 to 40 Tutsis at Mukamira military camp in Ruhengeri prefecture and around 10 other Tutsis there on 11 May 1994. Setako was arrested on 25 February 2004 in The Netherlands and transferred to the United Nations Detention Facility on 17 November 2004. The trial opened on 25 August 2008 and closed on 26 June 2009, after 60 trial days. The Prosecution presented 21 witnesses and the Defence 34, including Setako. Closing arguments were heard on 5 and 6 November 2009.

The Prosecution team was led by Ms. Ifeoma Ojemeni Okali and included Mr. Simba Mawere and Ms. Christiana Fomenky. Setako was represented by Professor Lennox Hinds (United States), assisted by Mr. Cainnech Lussiaà-Berdou (Canada). The case was heard by Trial Chamber I, composed of Judges Erik Møse (Norway), presiding, Sergei Alekseevich Egorov (Russian Federation) and Florence Rita Arrey (Cameroon)." - [and end] - Url.:

This is quite informative too, concerning the genocide and robbing in Rwanda - Url.:

Von Curtis posted on Friday Oct. 31, 2008 the following comments about "How We Fuel Africa's Bloodiest War" - What is rarely mentioned is the great global heist of Congo's resources. - Url.:

Quotes concerning the article: "The UN named the international corporations it believed were involved: Anglo-America, Standard Chartered Bank, De Beers and more than 100 others. (They all deny the charges.) But instead of stopping these corporations, our governments demanded that the UN stop criticising them."

The representatives of the international and criminal Rothschild banking cartel in London; french foreign minister Bernard Kouchner and his synagogue buddy british foreign minister David Miliband, flew (tax paid) to the Congo, "to assess the situation."

Personally I've spend ten years in Africa too, living and working there as an independent foreign correspondent, and it's a fact that foreign banks and multinationals are - like the US, Dutch, Germans, Israeli, French, British a.s.o. - the worst to hit the Africans. And for centuries already. This link - thanks Mary -10.30.08 - 3:05 pm - will explain a lot. 'Gertler’s Bling Bang Torah Gang' - Url.:

In this latest case of chutzpah, Friday Oct. 31, 2008, both french and british 'Gauleiters' (and their compliant cowards in the PR staff) have been ordered by the multinationals - stealing the africans blind too, as always - to make some 'smoke curtain' in the global major media, showing ''how concerned they are''...

Believe me, the only thing they are concerned about is themselves and their manager's power and profit for the multinational and banking cartel, and thus for them. The trickle down effect, you know...?

CIA/Mossad 'president' Sarkozy in France, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, is - as usual when profit is to be made - pressing for deployment of a so called European Union force. The (tax paid) mercenaries, which always only defend the interests of the robbing multinationals, of course are called 'peace keepers' in all the propaganda media.


The story about Sarkozy and the CIA - for those who haven't seen it yet - is at Axis of Logic - Url.:

The same disgusting formula as everywhere else has been and is used: first you make the problem, than you wait for the reaction, the cry for help by starving people, and than you serve the solution - your profitable idea - whether the people want this or not.

Concerning Hutus, Tutsis and the ongoing genocides in Africa: again are the financiers of the big multinationals active. And to give just one example of how bad those criminals are, and how they slaughter millions of human beings for money:

"In April 1994 the French Embassy became the setting for the formation of the extremist Hutu Government that was to organise and carry out the meticulously planned genocide of the Tutsis. More genocide, of which I clearly remember the French paying for and supplying the brand new machetes. Still in the paper from the factory..." - The Times (UK) December 5, 2006 - Url.:

Hutus and Tutsis? Those who orchestrated the massacres laughed all the way to the bank. Jean Ziegler, the well known author and rapporteur at the UN on questions of food resources, published a book which was translated in 14 languages, with the Editions Fayard, and called "Empire of Shame." He was interviewed about the Rwanda massacre too.

Ziegler: "From April to June 1994, a dreadful genocide, organized by the Hutu government allied with France at the time of François Mitterrand, caused the death of more than 800,000 Tutsi men, women and children. The machetes that often were used for the genocide, were imported from China and Egypt, and were financed, essentially, by the french (BIS) bank Crédit Lyonnais.

This money mafia is all one big criminal financial network, an economy octopus. And Crédit Lyonnais is a French bank which also is part of the Hellhounds of Finance: "Who controls global monetary affairs? The Bank for International Settlements. Based in Basle, Switzerland, the BIS is central bank to central banks. The BIS has greater immunity than any sovereign nation, is accountable to no one, runs global monetary affairs (including yours probably) and is privately owned." - Url.:

Today the survivors, including farmers and all as poor as Job, must reward the bank thieves, like in the US and Europe, and through this shameless global heist refund to banks and creditor governments even the credits which were used for the purchase of the machetes used by the genocidal Hutus." - [end exerpt] - Url.:

One wonders why and how this group of financing vultures can be stopped. They really are the biggest plague ever to pester mankind, and not only in Africa. It's planned cruelty, and they've done it for ages! The worst picture depicting African reality, symbolizing everything the criminal multinational and financial cartel and their collaborators do, is this picture of the vulture waiting for a child to die. It's understandable that photographer Kevin Carter committed suicide some time after taking the picture. - Url.:

But, when they keep using all (tax paid by us) violence in the world against us, why should we only use words? Because a pen is sharper than a sword? That's a Matrix cliché too, isn't it?

François Grignon, Africa Director of the International Crisis Group, tells the truth: "What we are seeing now is beneficiaries of the illegal war economy fighting to maintain their right to exploit."

Meaning that the foreign profit makers just want to go on. The writer of this article, Johann Hari is still optimistic, but indeed right when she says that we must have a system that values the lives of people more than it values profit.

Normal people have more respect and decency in their Little finger, than this whole banking mafia ever will have." - [end] - Url.:

In The Times on December 5, 2006, Andrew Wallis wrote: "France, steeped in genocidal blood, must face trial."

The hastily arranged car boot sale outside the French Embassy in downtown Kigali last Monday did good business. On offer were laptop computers, televisions, three-piece suites and, well, even the cars themselves. Given the decision taken by the Rwandan Government ten days ago to expel the French Ambassador, his staff and to close all official French buildings in the tiny Central African country, there was clearly little expectation of a return.

Behind these scenes of gloomy embassy employees packing and selling their diplomatic and domestic baggage is a recent history between France and Rwanda steeped in a mire of blood and guilt. Indeed it is the second time in 12 years that the French have found the need for a sudden retreat from Rwanda.

In April 1994 the French Embassy became the setting for the formation of the extremist Hutu Government that was to organise and carry out the meticulously planned genocide of the Tutsis. Witnesses spoke of these ministers, many now facing life imprisonment for crimes against humanity, sitting in plush embassy chairs comparing notes on where the killing was going best.

Their host, the French Ambassador, later helped to evacuate those extremists to Paris, away from the apocalypse they had created. The ambassador then made a bonfire of two rooms piled high with documents linking his Government with that of the Hutu dictatorship of Juvénal Habyarimana.

Rwanda is made up mainly of two ethnic groups, the vast majority being Hutu, who, under Habyarimana’s “apartheid” State, took total control of the army, bureaucracy and government. The Tutsi, 15 per cent of the population, were banished from public life.

When François Mitterrand, then the French President, decided in 1990 to send in crack paratroopers to protect Habyarimana, his French-speaking friend and ally, it looked like just another attempt by Paris to keep a client leader in power. The danger came from across the border in Uganda. Anglophone Paul Kagame and his Rwandan Patriotic Front, made up mostly of Tutsis previously driven from their homeland by a series of earlier massacres, had invaded.

During the next three years Mitterrand had no compunction in sending in troops to save a brutal and corrupt regime. The Hutu army received millions of dollars of French weaponry; and the French elite training corps trained its Rwandan allies in how to dismember bodies, fire its new heavy artillery and use attack Gazelle helicopters.

Habyarimana was assassinated on April 6, 1994, when unknown assailants shot down his Falcon 50 jet, another present from the French taxpayer. The event ushered in possibly the hundred bloodiest days in history. Up to one million Tutsis were slaughtered.

As the body count grew, France welcomed ministers of the genocidal Government to an official reception in Paris. Meanwhile, its military continued to send arms to bolster its Hutu allies in power, regardless of the genocide they were perpetrating.

Since 1994 France has been adept at trying to hide this stain on la gloire. Its ministers, including the current Prime Minister, constantly repeat the “double genocide” myth, which alleged that while Hutu killed Tutsi, the Tutsi also killed Hutu. It is akin to claiming that Holocaust victims were also mass murderers.

So the latest French government attempt to cover its Rwandan shame is no surprise to observers of La Françafrique. The timing behind the sudden release of Judge Jean-Louis Bruguière’s report, which blames Kagame for Habyarimana’s death, is no coincidence. Four senior French military and political figures will shortly give testimony before the international war crimes tribunal in Arusha. They have been called by the defence team of Colonel Théoneste Bagosora, who faces charges of being the mastermind behind the genocide.

It is deeply embarrassing, like being called to defend Nazis at Nuremberg. Shortly, too, Kagame’s government of reconciliation, which drove the genocidaire out in 1994, will announce the findings of its own inquiry into the French involvement in the genocide. It promises to uncover even more explicit details of Mitterrand’s crime.

President Kagame arrived in London on Sunday for a five-day visit to the UK. His 12-year-old Government has revived a country torn apart by genocide, corruption and poverty. He has emphasised there is no “Hutu” or “Tutsi” in his country now, only Rwandans. But while he has created a stable economy and new sense of pride, it is vital that the world, which looked the other way in 1994, now demands answers from France about its direct complicity in the genocide.

There seems to be an unwritten rule among Western leaders not to question each other’s foreign policies too closely. But genocide cannot be allowed to be so cynically forgotten. Tony Blair has a duty to ask some deeply troubling questions about how and why the Élysée supported a genocidal government before, during and after one of the most appalling episodes of killing the world has ever seen.

He may put at risk having some of his own skeletons unearthed. But the dead and the traumatised survivors in Rwanda deserve such belated recognition — and respect." - [end story] - Andrew Wallis is the author of Silent Accomplice: The Untold Story of France’s Role in the Rwandan Genocide - France, steeped in genocidal blood, must face trial - Times (UK) - Url.:

And all wars are financed by this group, playing it both sides so the profit is always there:


And I totally agree concerning one of the best articles I've seen lately: Ex-UN envoy Ziegler: "An absurd, murderous world order." - Ur.:

Rwandan Genocide - YouTube video 9.11 - Url.:

Conspiracy to Murder: The Rwanda Genocide and the International Community - Book by Linda Melvern - Url.:

Google search: Web Results for Ruyssenaars +Rwanda - Url.:


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