A Parliamentary resolution concerning investigative journalism is presented on 16 February 2010. And: will the BIS and Icesave negotations with the banksters from England and The Netherlands 'break' Iceland?
Henk Ruyssenaars
February 15th 2010 - The international media and 'Ice News from the Nordic countries' wonder whether "New Icesave negotiations to begin today?" What they should wonder about is the way the criminal banks on Iceland were 'broken' and by whom, how this 'debt' originated and how in the future the parliamentary resolution concerning investigative journalism can work to the advantage of Iceland too.
Ice News - 15 February 2010. - Representatives of the Icelandic government and opposition met over the weekend to decide their goals in this week’s Icesave discussions with the Netherlands and the UK. Finance Minister Steingrimur J. Grimsson told RUV (HR: Icelandic national broadcaster) that the delegation representing Iceland has already been organised and briefed; but will not be formally announced until later today.
The three nations will meet to discuss a possible renegotiation of the Icesave deal which could avoid the need for a referendum in Iceland on 6th March, which the government is widely predicted to lose. The location of the meeting and when exactly this week it will take place are not yet known. According to RUV sources, it is likely the meeting will commence today and the five-man Icelandic delegation will likely include imported experts Lee Buchheit and Don Johnston." - [and end] - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yect7gm
Source: www.timesonline.co.uk, and knowing that Iceland only has 320.000 inhabitants all in all: "It is hypocritical of Britain, with the Netherlands, to insist on the full £3.6 billion. Britain describes this as a loan to Iceland, but the “deal” in June that purported to set out the terms has never been agreed by Iceland’s parliament and President — hence this week’s drama.
Britain claims that responsibility for foreign activities of a bank falls on the taxpayers of a country in which its headquarters happen to sit. But while Britain has courted foreign banks assiduously, it is unthinkable that if it faced paying £720 billion to foreign savers (as, scaled up for the UK population, a comparable bill would be) it would pay without murmur. UK regulators also approved Icesave, and bear responsibility too.
What’s more, the UK, which now claims to advise the world on regulation after the financial crisis, is ignoring two key questions that the Iceland debacle has raised but the EU has not begun to resolve. The first is whether bank activities which benefit from a government guarantee should be walled off from those that do not. It’s certainly a live debate, but hard to say there is much real impetus to resurrect the barriers. The second is whether EU members want to agree a common level and model for deposit guarantees, backed, in the end and in every case, by government funds. The answer so far has been no." - [end quote] - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yatskmo
That should be investigated, because the way globally seen investigating journalism is forced into silence and coma, should be, and can be stopped by Iceland too: “The Icelandic Modern Media Initiative addresses the key issues for free expression in the digital age, and may yet be the catalyst for the kind of legislative reforms that all 21st Century democracies will need.” — Index on Censorship
“I am proud to advise the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative's proposal to create a global safe haven for investigative journalism. I believe this proposal is a strong way of encouraging integrity and responsive government around the world, including in Iceland. In my work investigating corruption I have seen how important it is to have have robust mechanisms to get information out to the public. Iceland, with its fresh perspectives and courageous, independent people seems to be the perfect place to initiate such an effort towards global transparency and justice.” — Eva Joly [Member of the European Parliament]
And Eva Joly is a special person who advocates it all, based on her background as an investigative and anti-corruption judge in France. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yczxqp8
Concerning the influence of the international banksters and their collaborators on Iceland, the investigative people should definitely look into the background of creatures like Dorrit Moussaieff: (Hebrew & Bukhori: דורית מוסאיוף), born January 12, 1950, the Israeli-born British First Lady of Iceland, a jewellery designer, editor, businesswoman, and socialite. Moussaieff married Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, president of Iceland, on his 60th birthday in 2003 and became the First Lady of Iceland. She is probably the most significant Jew in Icelandic history." - [and end] - Source: Wikipedia - Url.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorrit_Moussaieff
It is many people's pertinent impression that the cartel of Rothschild banksters from London and Basel in Switzerland, via Rothschild's usury 'department of global finances' the BIS, have put the Icelanders in this horrible situation. The money mafia nearly broke the 320.000 people of Iceland too. - Wikipedia [Yes, I know who the owners are. In this case: that's why.] - Url.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iceland
As written in the above quote: "Iceland is a member of European Economic Area (EEA), which allows the country access to the single market of the European Union (EU). It is not a member of EU, but in July 2009 the Icelandic parliament, the Althingi, voted in favour of application for EU membership. EU officials mentioned 2011 or 2012 as possible accession dates. Iceland is also a member of the UN, NATO, EFTA and OECD."
As one of many countries, Iceland should get out of these strangling 'memberships' concerning the international robbers, killers and usurers as soon as is possible, to survive as a nation. That's what should be investigated thoroughly too. Anyhow, this is what is published about investigative journalism:
"Modern Media Initiative - Iceland is at a unique crossroads. Because of an economic meltdown in the banking sector, a deep sense is among the nation that a fundamental change is needed in order to prevent such events from taking place again. At such times it is important to seek a collective future vision and take a course that will bring the nation and the parliament closer together.
On February 16th [2010] a parliamentary resolution will be filed at the Icelandic parliament suggesting that Iceland will position itself legally with regard to the protection of freedoms of expression and information. This suggestion for a future vision has sparked great enthusiasm both within the parliament and among those it has been introduced to.
The main goal with the proposal is to task the government with finding ways to strengthen freedom of expression around world and in Iceland, as well as providing strong protections for sources and whistleblowers. To this end the legal environment should be explored in such a way that the goals can be defined, and changes to law or new law proposals can be prepared.
The legal environments of other countries should be considered, with the purpose of assembling the best laws to make Iceland a leader of freedoms of expression and information. We also feel it is high time to establish the first Icelandic international prize: The Icelandic Freedom of Expression Award.
This proposal does not belong to any single group or party, but should be considered a joint project of all parliamentarians to find a harmonious tone of reconciliation in order to pull the nation out of these difficulties with something to achieve together.
We have already been in touch with, and introduced the proposal to, various interest groups whom this new legislation package might affect, including industry, media and civil society. So far we have only received positive feedback from all levels.
A keen interest has developed among the foreign press in relation to this legislative proposal, perhaps because all over the world the freedom to write news is increasingly being smothered. In their mind Iceland could become a reverse to tax haven: a journalism haven.
The suggestions in the proposal for a legislative package would transform the possibilities for growth in various areas. Iceland could become an ideal environment for Internet-based international media and publishers to register their services, start-ups, data centers and human rights organizations. It could be a lever for the economy and create new work employment opportunities.
If this proposal became a reality it could improve democracy and transparency in Iceland, as firm grounding would be made for publishing, whilst improving Iceland's standing in the international community." - [andend] - Url.: http://www.immi.is/?l=en&p=intro
As I wrote earlier, and what should be one of the first things to further investigate: "From my point of view, they have the 'enemy' within their banking walls. Because the first one who jumped into the Icelandic 'money mess' was Már Gudmundsson, who became (?) the 'new' director. He formally began working as the new director of the Central Bank of Iceland on August 1st in 2009, replacing Norwegian Svein Harald Oeygard. The latter was hired to the position temporarily after his three predecessors were made step down in February. [According to the Icelandic Constitution, NO foreigner is allowed to have a function like that. It was illegal. - HR]
In 1991, Már Gudmundsson was hired as director of the Central Bank's economic division and later became the bank's senior economist. But the problem is that in 2004: "Gudmundsson moved to Switzerland to work as assistant managing director of the monetary and economic division of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, a position which he served until being appointed director of the Central Bank of Iceland." - [end quote] - Source: Iceland Review - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/lfygvv
Google search 6 Jan. 2010: Web results 1-10 of about 9.900 for BIS +"Central Bank of Iceland" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/me2l2m
So, Gudmundsson comes more or less straight from the BIS, Rothschild's Bank for International Settlements in Basel, in Switzerland, to avoid more usury? More robbing of Iceland? And, in case you don't know what the BIS is, it's a bank which calls itself 'The Central Bank for all Central Banks.' - which at present means fifty-six central banks in countries the world over. - [all links via the Url below]
The criminals who direct the BIS and control the monetary flow on earth, this whole usury system, has taken humanity for a ride as long as they can remember. Már Gudmundsson was "assistant managing director of the monetary and economic division of the Bank for International Settlements" and said not a word about the BIS usury? Resulting of course in the fact that people in general, the tax payers of course, are told nothing, and had and have to pay the overpriced tickets themselves. It's a debt and enslaving system, build on usury, and that's the 'new' director of the Central Bank of Iceland? Icelanders better beware! And use investigative journalism to uncover the dirty facts.
The IMF, the 'International Murder Fund' as it is known to its clients, because it strangles them, and which is compliant and obedient to the 'authority' of the BIS, like the fraudulent private banking cartel, the Federal Reserve in the US and ALL central banks, immediately threatened to do not support any more 'loan' to go to Iceland. Which in reality would be better of in such a case.
And also in Sweden, where the Wallenberg dynasty* is the franchiser for Rothschild's BIS and their collaborators in London, the swedish arm of the BIS money mafia started threatening too.
One good look at the dark brown roots of their BIS bank and the European Union for instance, convinces everybody of the malignant plans the money mafia has in store for Iceland, like for the rest of the world. The present global misery in long term planning of this criminal BIS cartel, went further than Iceland: it's global. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yjohdgu
And, no - as I wrote last year 2009, in April - I absolutely don't think that Iceland 'voluntarily' should join the murdering money mafia within the by the war profiteers financed European Union. They - just to make sure the now close to 500 million people in 27 countries stay in line - also reintroduced capital punishment - of course and like in so many cases - without telling anybody. Knowing the death penalty is abhorred by the human beings in the EU, but now they unwittingly got it.
Since last year's 1st of December 2009 - with 'constitutional legislation' which nobody of the 495 million people in the 27 EU countries - who's future was concerned - ever asked, was allowed to read, or voted for - the totalitarian superstate EU installed its selected 'president' in the abominable Belgian PM van Rompuy. The EU countries have ''One Central Bank for ALL central banks,'' as the Bank for International Settlements, BIS, in Basel, Switzerland says on its web site: "The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international organisation which fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks." - Url.: http://www.bis.org/about/index.htm
One must keep in mind those very negative developments everywhere, and the awful curbing of human rights in a global way. Those gangsters do the same to humanity anywhere! Because that is how the usury and power system works, since centuries. - The rest of the text "International banking system tries to break Iceland." is here at Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yl27mbq
From my point of view as a journalist - and I have 45 years of experience working as an independent correspondent abroad, in other, non-english speaking countries - the Icelandic proposal concerning investigative journalism is perfect. But it would be more perfect if a lot of people on Iceland immediately start investigating the nefarious influence of the "Bank for International Settlements," the Rothschild's BIS.
One of the items could be the speech which Már Guðmundsson as the Governor of the Central Bank of Iceland, held at FIBE in Bergen last 7 January 2010, and which is reprinted in the BIS Review #9/2010: "The financial crisis in Iceland and the fault lines in cross-border banking."
It is with pain in my heart that I must state, that I have never seen so few people, do so much damage to so many people.
They must absolutely be stopped, or they'll stop humanity.
* BIS Review #9/2010: Speech by Mr Már Guðmundsson - PDF Url.: http://www.bis.org/review/r100129a.pdf
* How the BIS in reality works, as a monetary and global octopus, strangling too many, was in a very rare article about this global 'department of finances' - hidden between the Swiss Alps - described by The Washington Post, : "Key Players Control World Money Supply" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ycftqo6
* Bloomberg, about Rothschild's global & criminal financial BIS banking cartel - Url.: http://www.indymedia.be/nl/node/36441
* UPDATE: GLOBAL BANKS TRY TO BREAK ICELAND - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/16288.html
* Iceland is absolutely 'sustainable' and ranks #165 on the list herefor, before the US, UK, etc. - Url.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Failed_States_Index
* HR & Iceland - Google search - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yj5mbwx
* Global Hunger Epidemic: Who manipulates the prices? - Url.: http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?id=234999;article=3054
* Haiti: Mud cakes become staple diet as cost of food soars beyond a family's reach. With little cash and import prices rocketing half the population faces starvation. - Source: The Guardian (UK) - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5ddz5k
* The confirmation of the cartel's BIS and China cooperation - 7 March 2005 in a BIS Press release. - Url.: disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?disc=234999;article=2649
* Slave, who's faking your money? - Url.: http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?id=234999;article=2590;search...
* An Unbridled Monster: the global monetary system - Url.: http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?id=234999;article=2596;search...
* US: Private Fed banks get total monetary control! - Url.: http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?disc=234999;article=2591;titl...
* THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: LISBON II: THE DARK ROOTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION - Url.: http://www.eufacts.org/en/background/dark_roots_europe_lecture.html
* Web results for Prof. Schachtschneider +EU +"death penalty" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yddcbv
* Google search: Web results for Henk R. +"European Union" +BIS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ydouyha
* Google search: Web results for "Central Banks, The Crimes of Usury and Fraudulent Fractional Reserve Lending" +BIS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yftan3f
* Lisbon II - How it pushes the Militarisation & the Armaments Industry - Tuesday September 22, 2009 - by Joe Higgins MEP - Socialist Party - Url.: http://www.indymedia.ie/article/94162?print_page=true
* Google search: Web results for Henk R. +Rothschild +Rockefeller +BIS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y9shysc
* Pentagon used psychological operation on US public, documents show - Url.: http://rawstory.com/2009/10/bryan-whitman-2/
* COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3z3r6
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Monday, February 15, 2010
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