Eén van de grootste zwendelende banken ter wereld, Goldman Sachs, wordt in de VS in 't Congres verhoort wegens hun globale fraude. Eerdere zaken, betreffende hun computer-zwendel en de manier waarop amerikaanse banken en hun lokale medeplichtigen de Griekse schulden verstopten, komen minder aan bod. Zoals Lloyd Blankfein zei, de directeur van Goldman Sachs - die weer een recordbonus van $100 miljoen krijgt: "We doen alleenmaar God's werk...'*
Moreel noch moraal komt ter sprake. Van deze moordende zwendelaars is geen enkel heil te verwachten: alleen maar onheil. Zoals dagelijks blijkt door het financiële terrorisme van Wellink en de andere oplichters.
Henk Ruyssenaars
Woensdag 28 April 2010 - Tijdens de congresverhoren in de VS wordt er weinig op gewezen dat Goldman Sachs de schulden van niet alleen Griekenland heeft verstopt, maar zich permanent schuldig maakt aan onbeschofte en exhibitionistische zelfverrijking. Zoals landsverrader en de later hiervoor beloonde 'commissaris' Wim Kok zei. Zolang als ze er zélf maar beter van werden, dan werd het zonder enige scrupules gedaan, zo blijkt keer op keer. Krimineel of niet: ze deden het. Het woord 'genoeg' komt niet voor in hun woordenboek. 'Winst' wél.
Zo beschikten de Goldman Sachs-zwendelaars ook - om 't even gemakkelijk uit te leggen - over een hyper- en supersnelle computer, die de grote deals een paar seconden vóór alle andere zwendelaars liet zien. Daar verdienden deze kriminelen van Goldman Sachs zo'n miljardje aan, per maand.
Bloomberg, het persbureau van 't criminele financiële cartel had er 'n verhaal over, wat iedereen bij moet zijn gebleven die het las: Joseph Facciponti, één van de openbare aanklagers in de VS, vertelde over Goldman Sachs en deze vreemde, diefachtige computercode - die aan het licht kwam toen deze 'gestolen' werd, meegenomen door de programmeur zelf: "dat dit computer-programma, om ONEERLIJKE winst te maken, erg belangrijk was voor het handelen van de kriminelen bij Goldman Sachs."
De kriminaliteit van dit soort zwendelende dieven en moordende woekeraars is bekend en bevestigd, en mensen worden er dagelijks mee geconfronteerd. Het zijn en blijven dieven en oplichters. Kwalijke figuren zoals Nout Wellink - van wie álle 'ministers van financiën' geld tegen rente, betaald door de nederlandse belastingbetaler, moeten LENEN - zoals de 10 jaar lang bij SHELL opgeleidde Wouter Bos, die weten hier allemaal van. Stuk voor stuk. Maar ze houden hun louche bek dicht en blijven gemeenplaatsen de wereld inroepen.
Net zoals 99% van de z.g. economen - die er nooit waren toen de belastingbetaler ze voor eerlijke informatie nodig had - ook weten aan welke kant hun brood besmeerd is. Die regeringslui, het met afgeperste belastingen overbetaalde politieke personeel dat al lang de bons en gevangenisstraf had moeten krijgen - die weten allemaal van de BIS af. Ze weten dat die z.g. Centrale Banken allemaal aangelsoten zijn en varen op de woekerkoers van Rothschild's BIS. maar ze zeggen niks, en zijn dus schuldig.
Wie zwijgt stemt toe, en dat geldt zeer zeker ook voor alle media-papegaaien. Zonderhun kwalijke medewerking was geen van die illegale morodende invasies en strooptochten mogelijk geweest. Géén enkele! Die moeten helemaal vooraan zitten in het beklaagdenbankje. En lange gevangenisstraffen krijgen. De Pauwen, Wittewasmannen en de bijklussende woordvoerdes en campagne-managers van de stelende elite. Dat zijn ze. - "Pers regelmatig werkzaam voor ministeries, blijkt na WOB-procedure KRO Reporter" - Url.: http://reporter.kro.nl/dossiers/bijklussende_journalisten/intro_2004.aspx
Maar, ze zeggen er dus niets over, en bloedden mensen en land leeg. Ten eigen voordele. Dit soort witteboordencriminelen moet levenslang gevang krijgen. Op water en brood. Ze zijn medeschuldig aan de dood van miljoenen mensen, maar willen dat niet weten. Dat is toch psychopatisch? Volgens een van de laatste berichten van het informatiebureau Reuters hierover, zijn financiële terroristen, zoals Wellink en de rest van Rothschild's woekeraars, schuldig aan het feit dat er nu weer 53 miljoen verhongerden en extreem arme mensen bij komen.
En de permanente kindermoord? De globale en extreme voedselcrisis die de banken zélf met hun 'schaarste-politiek veroorzaken - om er beter van te worden - gaat ook dit jaar weer het leven kosten aan minstens 10 miljoen kinderen. Volgens de cijfers van UNICEF, dus het zal wel erger zijn. Dieven en moordenaars, dat zijn de 'Wellinks' van deze Matrix. De kindermoord is hier te vinden. - Url.: http://www.unicef.org/media/media_46565.html
Het is overigens bekend, dat de z.g. ratings, de kredietbeoordelingen door bijvoorbeeld de nu actuele Standard & Poor's - maar ook die can bureaux als Fitch en Moody's - op bestelling worden geleverd en verkocht aan de zwendelende banken. Die beoordelingen worden dus besteld en verkocht, en dat weet iedereen in die kriminele kringen. Maar die kriminelen verkopen alles en iedereen om er zelf beter van te worden. Het amerikaanse persbureau McClatchy had er trouwens een artikel over. "How Moody's sold its ratings - and sold out investors." - Url.: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/227/story/77244.html
En als we dus de propaganda van de Nederlandse Omroep Stichting, de NOS moeten geloven, dan zijn de beleggers bezorgd over de 'junk status' die door de zwendelaars aan Griekenland werd gegeven, helemaal volgens plan. NOS info - "27 april 2010 - De kredietwaardigheid van Griekenland is door Standard & Poor's opnieuw verlaagd. Het land heeft nu de "junk status". De kredietbeoordelaar heeft grote twijfels of Griekenland de zaken wel financieel op orde kan krijgen."*
Maar, en hier ligt de waarschuwing alweer van het kriminele cartel en z'n loopjongens bij Standard & Poor's: "De beoordelaar verlaagde ook de kredietwaardigheid van Portugal vanwege zorgen over het vermogen om schulden af te betalen."
Dus het volgend slachtoffer, als Griekenland de moordende IMF 'leningen' tegen een woekerrente van 10.9% van de EU etc. komende Mei krijgt, dat wordt dan Portugal? Zo te zien is de mediale slachting al in voorbereiding.
De economische slaven, die bovendien nog denken dat ze 'vrij' zijn, de kudde die in elk land door deze bankdieven met allerhande wetjes en trucs van hun zuurverdiende belastinggeld permanent wordt beroofd - en in Nederland doen kwalijke creaturen zoals Wellink, Wouter Bos etc. daar al heel lang aan mee - die zullen eindelijk toch 's meer wakker moeten worden. En reageren. Pek en veren is 'n goed begin voor die woekeraars en hun trawanten.
Want dit soort kriminelen heeft zoveel op 't door en door verrotte geweten, dat ze allemaal - zonder uitzondering - strafrechtelijk moeten worden vervolgd.
En veroordeeld door eerlijke rechters.
Want 't zijn allemaal fraudeurs.
Henk Ruyssenaars
Blog - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/
Wie de referenties c.q. voetnoten leest, weet er bijna alles van!:
* VS persbureau McClatchy: "How Moody's sold its ratings - and sold out investors." - Url.: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/227/story/77244.html
* De BIS-banken van 't kriminele kartel hebben 't hele amerikaanse congress met vrijwel alle leden in hun macht. Dat zeggen ze zélf ook. "May 13, 2009 - Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) - "And they frankly own the place." - [end quote] - Source: 2009 Newsmax - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yfehavw
* DNB, de z.g. Nederlandse Bank, is 'n privébank onder leiding van stroman Nout Wellink die van Nederland een waar woekerparadijs heeft gemaakt. En van die krimineel moeten we geld LENEN?Citaat volgens Wikipedia: "De Nederlandse regering kan nu alleen aan geld komen door dit te lenen van particuliere banken. Samen met die volledige overdracht van DNB aan de Europese Centrale Bank (ECB) is het voor Nederland sinds 1998 totaal onmogelijk om schuldloos zijn eigen economie van geld te voorzien. Nederland kan sinds de bankwet van 1998 niet meer zelfstandig de hoeveelheid geld in omloop regelen." - [einde citaat] - De rest is hier via Url.: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/De_Nederlandsche_Bank
* Nout Wellink, die zijn rol speelt als president van de private bank DNB was vanaf 2002 President van de Bank voor Internationale Betalingen, Rothschild's BIS, in Basel, Zwitserland. Hij is nu lid van de BIS Governors, de 'Raad van Bestuur' van dit globale woekerimperium. - Google: Resultaten voor Ruyssenaars & Nout Wellink" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/38wmztg
* Nout Wellink en zijn clique zijn medeschuldig aan het lijden en verhongeren van miljoenen mensen. Medeschuldig aan kindermoord! - Reuters Url.: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/LDE63K0CQ.htm
* Dit doet 't BIS woekersysteeem, waarvan Nout Wellink ook nog 's jaren lang 'president' was. Google search: Web results 1 - 10 of about 451,000 for "World hunger" +children. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3679cvs
* Once and for all: BIS article, Sunday, June 28, 1998; Page H01 - The Washington Post Company. - Url.: http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg35891.html
* De diefachtige computercode verklaard. Goldman Sachs: "Computerized Front Running and Financial Fraud - How a Computer Program Designed to Save the Free Market Turned Into a Monster - By Ellen Brown - Global Research, April 23, 2010 - Url.: http://www.webofdebt.com/articles/computerized_front_running.php
* VS openbare aanklager over Goldman Sachs' kriminaliteit. - Bron: Bloomberg - Url.: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=axYw_ykTBokE
* De computercode - Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 4,680,000 for "Goldman Sachs" +code- Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3aehrpx
* Lloyd Blankfein, CEO Goldman Sachs - Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 22,800 for "Lloyd Blankfein" +"God's work" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3a876ak
* The BBC writes that IMF financial aid is hailed, but in reality IMF 'loans' are like an old-fashioned garrote, the torture and killing instrument preferred by the Inquisition in Spain. It was a wet strip of cow hide tied around some poor victim's throat, slowly drying up in the hot sun, and strangling... - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/37962.html
* A very good story: Lawyer and economist Ellen Brown about the BIS, and our global Web of Debt. - Url.:http://tinyurl.com/ygjd2qn
* Christopher Booker: "No One in the EU Can Keep Books as Badly as the EU!" - More at Url.: http://tinyurl.com/qf3kpj
* Rothschild's BIS bank's usury controls the world's money supply - Killing for their own Power and Profit - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/c7xh99
* And the BIS really is - as the regrettably late, but excellent researcher and publisher Eustace Mullins wrote - and some maybe don't know yet: 'A Bank for All Reasons' - Url.: http://preview.tinyurl.com/yjnfdf3
* Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 2,860 for Griekenland +"junk status" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3ydbo39
* NOS - Beleggers bezorgd over 'junk status' Griekenland - Url.: http://nos.nl/artikel/153633-beleggers-bezorgd-over-junk-status-griekenland.html
* "GLOBAL FINANCIAL MELTDOWN IS A CON" - Url.: http://www.cemab.be/print.php?id=9158
En daarom noemen ze het waarschijnlijk CONgres...
En de geheime BIS-vergaderingen: CONferenties...
En financiële terroristen: CONfraters?
Toch 's Nout Wellink vragen...
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The Times (UK) confirmed the umpteenth CIA 'blowback' again: "Ukraine’s Parliament descended into chaos today as smoke bombs were set off and eggs thrown at the Speaker in opposition protests against a new treaty with Russia." The CIA/NED lost.
Henk Ruyssenaars - Journalist
April 27th 2010 - In the Ukrainian Parliament at was a protest over a Russian treaty: "allowing Russia to retain its naval base at Sevastopol," as the demonstrators said. The parliament speaker, Volodymr Lytvyn, was forced to take cover under an umbrella, as eggs and other things were thrown.
Clouds of smoke filled the chamber and deputies fought each other in the aisles ahead of a critical vote to ratify an agreement allowing Russia’s Black Sea Fleet to remain in Ukraine until the middle of the century.
The Speaker, Volodymr Lytvyn, was forced to hide under two black umbrellas held up by aides as opposition deputies hurled eggs at him in a bid to disrupt the proceedings. Alarms went off when two smoke bombs were thrown, but deputies continued to debate the treaty even as the chamber filled with fumes.
Despite the protests, 236 deputies in the 450-seat Rada voted to ratify the treaty, allowing Russia to retain its naval base at Sevastopol in Crimea for up to 30 years after its current lease expires in 2017. The deal was signed by Ukraine’s pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych during a visit by his Kremlin counterpart Dmitri Medvedev to Kharkiv last week." - [end excerpt] - Times Online - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2vyh7x6
John Giles wrote among others about this: "Ordinary Ukrainians are reeling from the impact of rising gas prices, not least because the policies of the previous administration have allowed the Ukrainian currency to halve in value, effectively doubling prices of gas and other imports priced in dollars.
The agreement is hated by the nationalist extremists as it shows that the Russians are better friends to ordinary Ukrainians than the USA, who only stirred up trouble by funding the now discredited Orange Revolution." - [end quote]*
And, like in most countries, Greece, Iceland or now in Hungary again, reality is always different from what the mainstream media globally tries to make people believe. The fact is that the criminal cartel's armed errand boys from the CIA and the NED, plus their fake NGO's and so-called color revolutions, found themselves confronted with another blowback. People really are fed up with the scheming of this clique: they people are through with all the dying and suffering.
In August 2006 I did a story - with quite interesting links below - on the CIA/NED orchestrated so called 'Orange revolution,' the faked election in Ukraine. And today it showed again that a majority of the people in Ukraine doesn't want the raw US/UK cartel's global capitalism and inhuman rule shoved down their throats.
Also: the common sense and human Ukrainians do not want to kill and be killed like cannon-fodder as so-called NATO-peacekeepers, being part of the global geopolitical 'game' resulting in power and profit for the criminal cartel only. They too do not want to suffer this pest of an usury-system. And thus voted against it. No more CIA/NED 'Orange Revolution' for them apparently.
For those who don't know yet how for instance the NED works in other countries they are trying to usurp for the criminal cartel; it's what author William Blum calls a 'Trojan Horse': "The National Endowment for Democracy" - excerpted from the book 'Rogue State - A Guide to the World's Only Superpower.' - Url.: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Blum/TrojanHorse_RS.html
The Chinese information agency Xinhua pointed out, that the pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovich lead shrank in the Ukrainian presidential run-off, but anyhow saw the victory of pro-Moscow Yanukovich coming. Unless the criminal cartel pulls some last trick out of the CIA/NED hat. Below the Xinhua story is what I wrote earlier about how the election in 2006 went, and it's more or less the same now: an ongoing blowback for the CIA/NED 'spooks' again.
KIEV, Feb. 8 (Xinhua) - Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Yanukovich's lead in Sunday's presidential run-off has shrunken to 2.82 percentage points, with 86.66 percent of the ballots counted, according to results published by the Ukraine Central Election Committee (CEC) Monday morning.
Yanukovich, a 59-year-old former prime minister, won 48.58 percent of the vote, while incumbent Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko was supported by 45.76 percent of the voters. Earlier in the day, Yanukovich enjoyed a lead of over 4 percentage points.
Yanukovich, favored by exit polls as the winner of the election, appeared ready to take victory. He said on TV Sunday night that Tymoshenko could start to prepare for her resignation from the post of prime minister. "I think that Yulia Vladimirovna (Tymoshenko) should be preparing for resignation. She understands this well. In any case I think that such an offer will be made to her," he said.
If elected, Yanukovich will become the country's fourth president since the former Soviet Union republic won independence in 1991. Tymoshenko's camp, however, has refused to concede defeat based on the exit poll results. The CEC Deputy Chairman Andriy Mahera told a briefing on Sunday that the commission has deemed the Feb. 7 presidential election valid. A probability of a tie is 0.01 percent, he added.
The CEC has not received information on serious irregularities during the second round of the Ukrainian presidential election, he said." - [and end] - Url.: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/world/2010-02/08/c_13167949.htm
This is what we have to watch, because this is where problems can erupt, depending on how big the difference in votes has become: the pro-west, in Poland situated 'Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights':
"International observers to hold press conference in Kyiv on Monday.
KYIV, 5 February 2010 - The International Election Observation Mission for the presidential election in Ukraine will present its preliminary post-election statement at a news conference on Monday, 8 February, in Kyiv. The mission is a joint undertaking of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR), the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA), the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the European Parliament (EP) and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA).
The preliminary statement will be delivered by Joao Soares, OSCE PA President and Special Co-ordinator of the OSCE short-term observers, followed by Matyas Eoersi, Head of the PACE delegation, Assen Agov, Head of the NATO PA delegation, Pawel Kowal, Head of the EP delegation, and Heidi Tagliavini, Head of the OSCE/ODIHR long-term election observation mission.
The International Election Observation Mission comprises a total of 650 observers from 45 countries, including more than 500 long-term and short-term observers deployed by the OSCE/ODIHR, as well as 69 parliamentarians and staff from the OSCE PA, 37 from the PACE, 16 from the NATO PA, and 13 from the EP." - [and end] - Url.: http://www.osce.org/odihr/item_1_42656.html
Mind you: all of the above organizations, OSCE, NATO PA, or the European Parliament-members: they are all paid by the same firm, the same global cartel.
"The American Conservative" saw the CIA/NED-made 'color revolutions' - and what happened in Ukraine - like this: "The fake “revolution” must be associated with newness, trendiness, youth and the hip youngsters who are making it happen (we saw this especially in the stage-managed Ukrainian mob tactics during the winter), so that an insignificant political demonstration in a country that does not ban, though it does restrict, freedom of assembly is taken as some kind of bold, Arab hippie march against the forces of the old and corrupt powers that be.
“Woodstock” is even invoked by Mr. Osnos, if you can believe the silliness of it, and the stage-managed, planned tent city that invaded the heart of Kiev in December has a meager, smaller imitation forming up in the center of Beirut." - [end quote] - Url.: http://www.amconmag.com/larison/2005/03/03/another-fill-in-the-blank-revolution/
That's how it looks now, and this is how it looked in 2006: the CIA/NED funded and faked everything, but in this beginning blowback lost in Ukraine too:
"The 'Project for a New American Century' is sinking so fast, that only the blood besmirched US flag is still visible above the growing waves of intense contempt. Within six years the US 'management' and the criminal cartel's war machine has been unveiled: the blood of it's victims has totally washed away the façade.
FPF - Europe - August 3, 2006 - To make a long story short: the 'US Empire' lost early this morning an earlier usurped and strategically very important rich country the size of France, with fifty million inhabitants, to the Russian Empire which still is convinced that Ukraine is an important part of it. On the front pages of the global 'news' c.q. propaganda papers today, the for 'the crazies' in Washington bad news is 'adjusted', or, as the PNAC paper the International Herald Tribune phrased it: an enemy of the US has been nominated in Ukraine.*
Power and profit is back in Moscow's Kremlin, and the US 'project managers' lost this one too. Including the influence over the strategically very important 'Russian' part of the Caspian sea.
One should not forget this however, when last July Russia and the US met: "In the continuation of the task to heal the bonds which had been disrupted by the Bush administration, Obama has recently visited Russia to add them to his list of compliant helpers. Within his time there he emphasised the similarities in their interests carefully highlighting only issues which they both agree upon. Such as not only reducing their nuclear arsenal but also of other countries amassing nuclear weapons of their own, such as North Korea and in the Middle East, stating: "we should be united in opposing North Korea's efforts to become a nuclear power, and preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon."
As with many other European countries Obama also called for Russia to have more involvement in its war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the name of fighting extremism Obama stated: "Instead, we want to work with international partners to help Afghans and Pakistanis advance their own security and prosperity. That is why I'm pleased that Russia has agreed to allow the United States to supply our coalition forces through your territory."" - [end quote] - Url.: http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/comment/6950-us-russia-summit-dividing-the-spoils
Source: Khilafah.com - Url.: http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/about-us
Internationally the signs are seen. As clearly as the US/Israeli bombs raining on Lebanon - that it's not only in Afghanistan, Iraq,* Lebanon and many other countries the US/UK/Israeli war machine is under attack and losing. Russia - as one of the global opposition forces and resistance - drew a line in the sand after the faked 'election' in Ukraine in 2004 for Washington's CIA man Victor Yushenko. The fact that his wife, Kathy, is American, works for the PNAC and has worked for Reagan and the CIA etc. was - and is - hardly ever mentioned. - Google Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y8lsuls
Have a look at this story and look at the video too: "US planted moles inside foreign governments" - Source: World Future - Url.: http://wfol.tv/editorial/662-us-planted-moles-inside-foreign-governments-.html
By the US National Security Agency (NSA), the CIA, fake NGO's etc. mostly via the US Embassy, USAID etc. funded 'movements' in Ukraine, are the 'PORA People's Party', Yulia Tymoshenko's Bloc, 'Our Ukraine' and probably the 'Ukrainian People's Party'. - The CIA paid PORA group, now wants the newly elected parliament to disband and new (fixed) elections to be held in Ukraine. They still don't understand what can happen to them: in both the US and Russia there are Gulags. With the same malignant 'masters' than as now. And Holocaust in Ukraine is called Holodomor.*
The US management's inhumane 'Might makes Right' drive for global hegemony is - like the other's - 'only' a fight for power and profit. Around the world already for centuries being fought with armed forces under any fake flag, religion, name or logo, and all connected to secret services and psychological- and 'false flag'-operation units. Including all the war-advocating media megaphones, which are used and abused for propaganda in most countries of the world.
China - which by canceling US loans can declare the US still more bankrupt today - leaves this until further notice - or geopolitical need - to the present management of the 'Russian Empire' under former secret service 'KGB' top man Vladimir Putin, as autocratic President. Who - even more than most people in the world - also is totally fed up with the threat of the American/Israeli PNAC idea, and some years ago decided to stop the predators which are trying to steal part of Russia's loot.*
When the CIA for the umpteenth time managed to fund and stage a so called 'popular revolution' - this one in Ukraine - most international observers were wondering: can the US 'spooks' pull this one off too? Well... no, it didn't work here either, even if hundreds of millions of US tax dollars were squandered about which the taxpayers are never informed: it's all 'secret'.
The US defeat was early this morning confirmed by the 'front man' - president Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine, whom the US put on the throne. But alas, and as expected, the 'CIA man' lost to a majority fighting his PNAC rule, and he is now forced to accept 'enemy' Yanukovich as Prime minister. And this PM is his pro-Russian opponent, who was robbed of his election victory by the CIA's fake 'Orange Revolution'. He is a Moscow-backed 'Politruk' and Kommissar, who is looking for revenge. This is 'only' another Russian geopolitical step, one of many taking advantage of the fact that the United States is going down on it's knees.
In Ukraine, since last March 26 parliamentary elections where Yushenko's party only got 14 percent of the votes - and the CIA and collaborating 'spooks' really tried everything - more than four months of political stalemate and 'cloak and dagger' followed, in which the 'crazies' in Washington - via every possible channel - tried to stop Russia from taking back Ukraine.
''Being forced to accept Yanukovich as prime minister - he was openly supported by Russia during the scandal-tainted 2004 elections - would undermine Yushchenko's efforts to guide Ukraine closer toward political and economic ties with Europe, rather than Russia.'' the PNAC's Herald Tribune writes today.*
What they in between the lines are admitting, is that in the political fight for this profitable country - strategically very important in connection with the Caspian Sea, war harbors and oil and gas pipelines - the US lost the possibility to reconfigure it's empire. The chance is gone to use more brainwashed cannon-fodder as so called UN or 'NATO peace troops', kiling to defend US interests, or to bleed Ukraine like the other colonies within the European Union. The 'Rien ne va plus' was announced long before, but the crusading 'crazies' apparently vegetate in some other inhuman universe, an alien world where reason, compassion, decency, human behavior or logic are non-existing.
However: not Washington's PNAC mafia, nor the foreign managers of the European Union among the 'London War Lords' are amused, it is understood. This means that their propaganda press proceeds with the usual lies, smear and slander concerning all and everything connected to Russia, Russian president Putin [anno 2010 it's Medvedev] and the people in Ukraine; all between heaven and hell will be done to cover and belittle the American defeat and loss of another country.
It also means that the desperate last ditch effort by Yushenko, the CIA's former 'president of Ukraine' most probably will disappear in the global 'memory hole'.
Because beaten 'president' Yushenko tried - until the early morning hours - to get the parliamentary opposition parties to sign his PNAC master's documents, selling Ukraine and its people.
A 'Pact with the Devil' apparently, stating and confirming that Ukraine will follow the US PNAC policy too; with NATO's killing scenario and totalitarian London made EU rules, including low wage slave labor and inhuman tax laws.
"Unfortunately, the pact has not been signed," U.S. stooge Yushchenko had to admit.
* One has to keep in mind that ALL so called 'objective observers' watching an election somewhere on the globe, ALWAYS are paid by their own governments. Which in almost all cases cooperate with the US and will defend US interests. They are never 'independent' - NEVER! It's all part of the (failed) US 'empire building' - OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Election Observation Mission - www.osce.org/odihr - Presidential Election - Ukraine 2004
* The CIA World (Fact?) Handbook describes what was wanted, and where (part of) the loot is. - Url.: https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/up.html
* The Guardian - UK - ''US campaign behind the turmoil in Ukraine'' - Url.: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/nov/26/ukraine.usa
* Already on 24.06.2009 Clifford Levy of the propaganda-sewer 'The New York Times' had to give in a little, but mr Levy wasn't writing about the huge IMF 'loans' which Ukraine would never be able to repay. That's the usual IMF system: inhumane and for profit only. Their own - not the people's profit.: "Ukraine’s Political Paralysis Gives Black Eyes to Orange Revolution Heroes." - Print version to avoid NYT's registration - Url.: http://unian.net/eng/print/322736
* The by the CIA paid PORA group in Ukraine now wants the newly elected parliament to disband and new (CIA fixed) elections to be held. - Url.: http://www.kyivpost.com/nation/24890/
* CIA-Kathy Yushchenko was Ukraine's 'Valerie Plame' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6rdcs
* The Holocaust in Ukraine - shortly before World War II and with up to ten million victims, is never spoken nor read about in the global PNAC media. In Ukraine everybody knows it as the Holodomor, and knows who did it. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/q99qb
* "Saakashvili’s “democracy” in Georgia" - by Wayne Madsen - Online Journal - August 28, 2008 - Url.: http://www.infowars.com/saakashvili’s-democracy-in-georgia/
* Ukrayinska Pravda - Url.: http://www2.pravda.com.ua/en/list_noimg/tape_news.htm
* FPF & UKRAINE - URL.: http://tinyurl.com/nts9k
* The lost US/Israeli fight for Yukos & Putin - Url.: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22Henk+Ruyssenaars%22+%2BYukos&aq=f&oq=%22Henk+Ruyssenaars%22&aqi=&aq=f&oq=&aqi=
* USurping is? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y9j4bgd
* Another planned victim of the criminal cartel's armed errand boys of the CIA/NED: BBC - 'President Chavez oil talks in Russia': http://tinyurl.com/5lhud
* FUNDING VIA THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY (NSA), THE FAKE NGOS's and CIA: 'What is the National Endowment for Democracy?' - Url.: http://www.uncommonthought.com/mtblog/archives/071704-what_is_the_national.php
* FOXNEWS - using a story by AP (Assorted Propaganda) leads the CIA/NED's election fraud, stealing the victory via orchestrated demonstrations - "Ukrainian Election Disputed, Protests Begin" - Monday, November 22, 2004 - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/zrexz
* The zionist's Pentagon Papers - Look who signed this: 'A Clean Break: Strategy for Securing the Realm' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/zksqh
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Tags: Ukraine, treaty, Russia, Yanukovic, CIA, NED, parliament, blowback, color revolution, Hungary
Henk Ruyssenaars - Journalist
April 27th 2010 - In the Ukrainian Parliament at was a protest over a Russian treaty: "allowing Russia to retain its naval base at Sevastopol," as the demonstrators said. The parliament speaker, Volodymr Lytvyn, was forced to take cover under an umbrella, as eggs and other things were thrown.
Clouds of smoke filled the chamber and deputies fought each other in the aisles ahead of a critical vote to ratify an agreement allowing Russia’s Black Sea Fleet to remain in Ukraine until the middle of the century.
The Speaker, Volodymr Lytvyn, was forced to hide under two black umbrellas held up by aides as opposition deputies hurled eggs at him in a bid to disrupt the proceedings. Alarms went off when two smoke bombs were thrown, but deputies continued to debate the treaty even as the chamber filled with fumes.
Despite the protests, 236 deputies in the 450-seat Rada voted to ratify the treaty, allowing Russia to retain its naval base at Sevastopol in Crimea for up to 30 years after its current lease expires in 2017. The deal was signed by Ukraine’s pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych during a visit by his Kremlin counterpart Dmitri Medvedev to Kharkiv last week." - [end excerpt] - Times Online - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2vyh7x6
John Giles wrote among others about this: "Ordinary Ukrainians are reeling from the impact of rising gas prices, not least because the policies of the previous administration have allowed the Ukrainian currency to halve in value, effectively doubling prices of gas and other imports priced in dollars.
The agreement is hated by the nationalist extremists as it shows that the Russians are better friends to ordinary Ukrainians than the USA, who only stirred up trouble by funding the now discredited Orange Revolution." - [end quote]*
And, like in most countries, Greece, Iceland or now in Hungary again, reality is always different from what the mainstream media globally tries to make people believe. The fact is that the criminal cartel's armed errand boys from the CIA and the NED, plus their fake NGO's and so-called color revolutions, found themselves confronted with another blowback. People really are fed up with the scheming of this clique: they people are through with all the dying and suffering.
In August 2006 I did a story - with quite interesting links below - on the CIA/NED orchestrated so called 'Orange revolution,' the faked election in Ukraine. And today it showed again that a majority of the people in Ukraine doesn't want the raw US/UK cartel's global capitalism and inhuman rule shoved down their throats.
Also: the common sense and human Ukrainians do not want to kill and be killed like cannon-fodder as so-called NATO-peacekeepers, being part of the global geopolitical 'game' resulting in power and profit for the criminal cartel only. They too do not want to suffer this pest of an usury-system. And thus voted against it. No more CIA/NED 'Orange Revolution' for them apparently.
For those who don't know yet how for instance the NED works in other countries they are trying to usurp for the criminal cartel; it's what author William Blum calls a 'Trojan Horse': "The National Endowment for Democracy" - excerpted from the book 'Rogue State - A Guide to the World's Only Superpower.' - Url.: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Blum/TrojanHorse_RS.html
The Chinese information agency Xinhua pointed out, that the pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovich lead shrank in the Ukrainian presidential run-off, but anyhow saw the victory of pro-Moscow Yanukovich coming. Unless the criminal cartel pulls some last trick out of the CIA/NED hat. Below the Xinhua story is what I wrote earlier about how the election in 2006 went, and it's more or less the same now: an ongoing blowback for the CIA/NED 'spooks' again.
KIEV, Feb. 8 (Xinhua) - Ukrainian opposition leader Viktor Yanukovich's lead in Sunday's presidential run-off has shrunken to 2.82 percentage points, with 86.66 percent of the ballots counted, according to results published by the Ukraine Central Election Committee (CEC) Monday morning.
Yanukovich, a 59-year-old former prime minister, won 48.58 percent of the vote, while incumbent Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko was supported by 45.76 percent of the voters. Earlier in the day, Yanukovich enjoyed a lead of over 4 percentage points.
Yanukovich, favored by exit polls as the winner of the election, appeared ready to take victory. He said on TV Sunday night that Tymoshenko could start to prepare for her resignation from the post of prime minister. "I think that Yulia Vladimirovna (Tymoshenko) should be preparing for resignation. She understands this well. In any case I think that such an offer will be made to her," he said.
If elected, Yanukovich will become the country's fourth president since the former Soviet Union republic won independence in 1991. Tymoshenko's camp, however, has refused to concede defeat based on the exit poll results. The CEC Deputy Chairman Andriy Mahera told a briefing on Sunday that the commission has deemed the Feb. 7 presidential election valid. A probability of a tie is 0.01 percent, he added.
The CEC has not received information on serious irregularities during the second round of the Ukrainian presidential election, he said." - [and end] - Url.: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/world/2010-02/08/c_13167949.htm
This is what we have to watch, because this is where problems can erupt, depending on how big the difference in votes has become: the pro-west, in Poland situated 'Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights':
"International observers to hold press conference in Kyiv on Monday.
KYIV, 5 February 2010 - The International Election Observation Mission for the presidential election in Ukraine will present its preliminary post-election statement at a news conference on Monday, 8 February, in Kyiv. The mission is a joint undertaking of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR), the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA), the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), the European Parliament (EP) and the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA).
The preliminary statement will be delivered by Joao Soares, OSCE PA President and Special Co-ordinator of the OSCE short-term observers, followed by Matyas Eoersi, Head of the PACE delegation, Assen Agov, Head of the NATO PA delegation, Pawel Kowal, Head of the EP delegation, and Heidi Tagliavini, Head of the OSCE/ODIHR long-term election observation mission.
The International Election Observation Mission comprises a total of 650 observers from 45 countries, including more than 500 long-term and short-term observers deployed by the OSCE/ODIHR, as well as 69 parliamentarians and staff from the OSCE PA, 37 from the PACE, 16 from the NATO PA, and 13 from the EP." - [and end] - Url.: http://www.osce.org/odihr/item_1_42656.html
Mind you: all of the above organizations, OSCE, NATO PA, or the European Parliament-members: they are all paid by the same firm, the same global cartel.
"The American Conservative" saw the CIA/NED-made 'color revolutions' - and what happened in Ukraine - like this: "The fake “revolution” must be associated with newness, trendiness, youth and the hip youngsters who are making it happen (we saw this especially in the stage-managed Ukrainian mob tactics during the winter), so that an insignificant political demonstration in a country that does not ban, though it does restrict, freedom of assembly is taken as some kind of bold, Arab hippie march against the forces of the old and corrupt powers that be.
“Woodstock” is even invoked by Mr. Osnos, if you can believe the silliness of it, and the stage-managed, planned tent city that invaded the heart of Kiev in December has a meager, smaller imitation forming up in the center of Beirut." - [end quote] - Url.: http://www.amconmag.com/larison/2005/03/03/another-fill-in-the-blank-revolution/
That's how it looks now, and this is how it looked in 2006: the CIA/NED funded and faked everything, but in this beginning blowback lost in Ukraine too:
"The 'Project for a New American Century' is sinking so fast, that only the blood besmirched US flag is still visible above the growing waves of intense contempt. Within six years the US 'management' and the criminal cartel's war machine has been unveiled: the blood of it's victims has totally washed away the façade.
FPF - Europe - August 3, 2006 - To make a long story short: the 'US Empire' lost early this morning an earlier usurped and strategically very important rich country the size of France, with fifty million inhabitants, to the Russian Empire which still is convinced that Ukraine is an important part of it. On the front pages of the global 'news' c.q. propaganda papers today, the for 'the crazies' in Washington bad news is 'adjusted', or, as the PNAC paper the International Herald Tribune phrased it: an enemy of the US has been nominated in Ukraine.*
Power and profit is back in Moscow's Kremlin, and the US 'project managers' lost this one too. Including the influence over the strategically very important 'Russian' part of the Caspian sea.
One should not forget this however, when last July Russia and the US met: "In the continuation of the task to heal the bonds which had been disrupted by the Bush administration, Obama has recently visited Russia to add them to his list of compliant helpers. Within his time there he emphasised the similarities in their interests carefully highlighting only issues which they both agree upon. Such as not only reducing their nuclear arsenal but also of other countries amassing nuclear weapons of their own, such as North Korea and in the Middle East, stating: "we should be united in opposing North Korea's efforts to become a nuclear power, and preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon."
As with many other European countries Obama also called for Russia to have more involvement in its war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. In the name of fighting extremism Obama stated: "Instead, we want to work with international partners to help Afghans and Pakistanis advance their own security and prosperity. That is why I'm pleased that Russia has agreed to allow the United States to supply our coalition forces through your territory."" - [end quote] - Url.: http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/comment/6950-us-russia-summit-dividing-the-spoils
Source: Khilafah.com - Url.: http://www.khilafah.com/index.php/about-us
Internationally the signs are seen. As clearly as the US/Israeli bombs raining on Lebanon - that it's not only in Afghanistan, Iraq,* Lebanon and many other countries the US/UK/Israeli war machine is under attack and losing. Russia - as one of the global opposition forces and resistance - drew a line in the sand after the faked 'election' in Ukraine in 2004 for Washington's CIA man Victor Yushenko. The fact that his wife, Kathy, is American, works for the PNAC and has worked for Reagan and the CIA etc. was - and is - hardly ever mentioned. - Google Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y8lsuls
Have a look at this story and look at the video too: "US planted moles inside foreign governments" - Source: World Future - Url.: http://wfol.tv/editorial/662-us-planted-moles-inside-foreign-governments-.html
By the US National Security Agency (NSA), the CIA, fake NGO's etc. mostly via the US Embassy, USAID etc. funded 'movements' in Ukraine, are the 'PORA People's Party', Yulia Tymoshenko's Bloc, 'Our Ukraine' and probably the 'Ukrainian People's Party'. - The CIA paid PORA group, now wants the newly elected parliament to disband and new (fixed) elections to be held in Ukraine. They still don't understand what can happen to them: in both the US and Russia there are Gulags. With the same malignant 'masters' than as now. And Holocaust in Ukraine is called Holodomor.*
The US management's inhumane 'Might makes Right' drive for global hegemony is - like the other's - 'only' a fight for power and profit. Around the world already for centuries being fought with armed forces under any fake flag, religion, name or logo, and all connected to secret services and psychological- and 'false flag'-operation units. Including all the war-advocating media megaphones, which are used and abused for propaganda in most countries of the world.
China - which by canceling US loans can declare the US still more bankrupt today - leaves this until further notice - or geopolitical need - to the present management of the 'Russian Empire' under former secret service 'KGB' top man Vladimir Putin, as autocratic President. Who - even more than most people in the world - also is totally fed up with the threat of the American/Israeli PNAC idea, and some years ago decided to stop the predators which are trying to steal part of Russia's loot.*
When the CIA for the umpteenth time managed to fund and stage a so called 'popular revolution' - this one in Ukraine - most international observers were wondering: can the US 'spooks' pull this one off too? Well... no, it didn't work here either, even if hundreds of millions of US tax dollars were squandered about which the taxpayers are never informed: it's all 'secret'.
The US defeat was early this morning confirmed by the 'front man' - president Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine, whom the US put on the throne. But alas, and as expected, the 'CIA man' lost to a majority fighting his PNAC rule, and he is now forced to accept 'enemy' Yanukovich as Prime minister. And this PM is his pro-Russian opponent, who was robbed of his election victory by the CIA's fake 'Orange Revolution'. He is a Moscow-backed 'Politruk' and Kommissar, who is looking for revenge. This is 'only' another Russian geopolitical step, one of many taking advantage of the fact that the United States is going down on it's knees.
In Ukraine, since last March 26 parliamentary elections where Yushenko's party only got 14 percent of the votes - and the CIA and collaborating 'spooks' really tried everything - more than four months of political stalemate and 'cloak and dagger' followed, in which the 'crazies' in Washington - via every possible channel - tried to stop Russia from taking back Ukraine.
''Being forced to accept Yanukovich as prime minister - he was openly supported by Russia during the scandal-tainted 2004 elections - would undermine Yushchenko's efforts to guide Ukraine closer toward political and economic ties with Europe, rather than Russia.'' the PNAC's Herald Tribune writes today.*
What they in between the lines are admitting, is that in the political fight for this profitable country - strategically very important in connection with the Caspian Sea, war harbors and oil and gas pipelines - the US lost the possibility to reconfigure it's empire. The chance is gone to use more brainwashed cannon-fodder as so called UN or 'NATO peace troops', kiling to defend US interests, or to bleed Ukraine like the other colonies within the European Union. The 'Rien ne va plus' was announced long before, but the crusading 'crazies' apparently vegetate in some other inhuman universe, an alien world where reason, compassion, decency, human behavior or logic are non-existing.
However: not Washington's PNAC mafia, nor the foreign managers of the European Union among the 'London War Lords' are amused, it is understood. This means that their propaganda press proceeds with the usual lies, smear and slander concerning all and everything connected to Russia, Russian president Putin [anno 2010 it's Medvedev] and the people in Ukraine; all between heaven and hell will be done to cover and belittle the American defeat and loss of another country.
It also means that the desperate last ditch effort by Yushenko, the CIA's former 'president of Ukraine' most probably will disappear in the global 'memory hole'.
Because beaten 'president' Yushenko tried - until the early morning hours - to get the parliamentary opposition parties to sign his PNAC master's documents, selling Ukraine and its people.
A 'Pact with the Devil' apparently, stating and confirming that Ukraine will follow the US PNAC policy too; with NATO's killing scenario and totalitarian London made EU rules, including low wage slave labor and inhuman tax laws.
"Unfortunately, the pact has not been signed," U.S. stooge Yushchenko had to admit.
* One has to keep in mind that ALL so called 'objective observers' watching an election somewhere on the globe, ALWAYS are paid by their own governments. Which in almost all cases cooperate with the US and will defend US interests. They are never 'independent' - NEVER! It's all part of the (failed) US 'empire building' - OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Election Observation Mission - www.osce.org/odihr - Presidential Election - Ukraine 2004
* The CIA World (Fact?) Handbook describes what was wanted, and where (part of) the loot is. - Url.: https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/up.html
* The Guardian - UK - ''US campaign behind the turmoil in Ukraine'' - Url.: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2004/nov/26/ukraine.usa
* Already on 24.06.2009 Clifford Levy of the propaganda-sewer 'The New York Times' had to give in a little, but mr Levy wasn't writing about the huge IMF 'loans' which Ukraine would never be able to repay. That's the usual IMF system: inhumane and for profit only. Their own - not the people's profit.: "Ukraine’s Political Paralysis Gives Black Eyes to Orange Revolution Heroes." - Print version to avoid NYT's registration - Url.: http://unian.net/eng/print/322736
* The by the CIA paid PORA group in Ukraine now wants the newly elected parliament to disband and new (CIA fixed) elections to be held. - Url.: http://www.kyivpost.com/nation/24890/
* CIA-Kathy Yushchenko was Ukraine's 'Valerie Plame' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6rdcs
* The Holocaust in Ukraine - shortly before World War II and with up to ten million victims, is never spoken nor read about in the global PNAC media. In Ukraine everybody knows it as the Holodomor, and knows who did it. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/q99qb
* "Saakashvili’s “democracy” in Georgia" - by Wayne Madsen - Online Journal - August 28, 2008 - Url.: http://www.infowars.com/saakashvili’s-democracy-in-georgia/
* Ukrayinska Pravda - Url.: http://www2.pravda.com.ua/en/list_noimg/tape_news.htm
* FPF & UKRAINE - URL.: http://tinyurl.com/nts9k
* The lost US/Israeli fight for Yukos & Putin - Url.: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=%22Henk+Ruyssenaars%22+%2BYukos&aq=f&oq=%22Henk+Ruyssenaars%22&aqi=&aq=f&oq=&aqi=
* USurping is? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y9j4bgd
* Another planned victim of the criminal cartel's armed errand boys of the CIA/NED: BBC - 'President Chavez oil talks in Russia': http://tinyurl.com/5lhud
* FUNDING VIA THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY (NSA), THE FAKE NGOS's and CIA: 'What is the National Endowment for Democracy?' - Url.: http://www.uncommonthought.com/mtblog/archives/071704-what_is_the_national.php
* FOXNEWS - using a story by AP (Assorted Propaganda) leads the CIA/NED's election fraud, stealing the victory via orchestrated demonstrations - "Ukrainian Election Disputed, Protests Begin" - Monday, November 22, 2004 - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/zrexz
* The zionist's Pentagon Papers - Look who signed this: 'A Clean Break: Strategy for Securing the Realm' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/zksqh
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Tags: Ukraine, treaty, Russia, Yanukovic, CIA, NED, parliament, blowback, color revolution, Hungary
color revolution,
The BBC writes that IMF financial aid is hailed, but in reality IMF 'loans' are like an old-fashioned garrote, the torture and killing instrument preferred by the Inquisition in Spain. It was a wet strip of cow hide tied around some poor victim's throat, slowly drying up in the hot sun, and strangling...
April 27th 2010 - Hungary, like many other countries, will not escape the IMF garrotte. The CIA's 'Trojan Horse' - the National Endowment for Democracy -* also created the Fidesz movement in Hungary for this. And of course, as the CIA financed 'Voice of America' published: "Fidesz defeated the ruling Socialists by winning a super majority of seats. The main Hungarian center-right party - the Fidesz Hungarian Civic Alliance - has declared victory in the country's parliamentary elections."*
To counterbalance the overwhelming propaganda a bit, the VOA writes: "But elsewhere at the Budapest market, an elderly woman selling milk products from a nearby town, believes that fighting rampant poverty should be the government's main concern. The woman, who identifies herself only as Erzsebet, starts to cry when asked by VOA what she expects from the next prime minister. She explains that she is among the many Hungarians who 20 years ago only received small compensation for agricultural lands that were nationalized by the communists. "Now many people just work for a plate of soup," she says." - [end quote]*
The average Hungarian doesn't know for instance that also president László Sólyom was trained and brainwashed by Rockefeller's special US program for Heads of State, the 'International Visitors Leadership Program. And that's why he did what he was told to do.*
By the way: there must be quite some people left with a functioning memory, who recall the CIA's failed coup in Hungary in 1956. The U.S. armed gofers from the crimnal cartel's CIA* used especially Radio Free Europe (RFE) to incite some kind of revolution, among others by broadcasting Khruschev’s 'Secret Speech' in which he denounced Stalin. It also promised that American aid would help the Hungarians.
This help never showed up, but not knowing what awaited them, the Hungarian people in good faith launched a doomed armed revolt, which immediately led to a major Soviet invasion. The result of the CIA's action? According to 'official' figures, at least 7,000 Soviets and 30,000 Hungarians were killed. How many were wounded is not known.
And personally I remember listening to the radio as the trailing voice of the hungarian broadcaster ended with the question to the americans and their CIA/RFE: "Where are you? You promised!' Than he was forced of the air and disappeared. But the idea of an independent Hungary will always be alive, as also Jan Palach showed. He doused himself in petrol and set himself on fire on 16 January 1969. - Url.: http://www.radio.cz/en/article/112440
But, anyhow, it was prime minister Gyurcsany who for his managers insisted the IMF 'bail-out' was necessary. One wonders who profits?
Viktor Orban, who's supposed to be the new prime minster: "told the crowd that his center right Fidesz made history as the first Hungarian political party to capture a two-thirds majority in the 386-seat parliament since Hungary's first post-communist elections in 1990. But he added that his government will face difficult tasks because Hungary is still in the midst of a deep economic recession. Nonetheless, Mr. Orban vowed that Fidesz will rebuild the economy and make Hungary strong again." - [end quote]*
Future PM Orban and the IMF usurers know that this is the usual lie; that Hungary too will be further strangled by the International Murderers Fund, as it's known in many countries which have become the victim of the IMF. The so-called IMF loans - where they first make the debts with some local IMF collaborators - can never be repaid and saddle the tax payer with enormous debts and rampant poverty. That's how the IMF theft works. Everywhere and always.
But, as Stefan Bos in Budapest for the CIA's VOA writes - and as usual contrary to the truth: "Hungarians Demand Better Life After Elections: Hungarians have made the center-right party Fidesz the favorite as they try to recover from the deepest recession in years." Big deal, with so much CIA/NED 'help'. But the NED of course sees the scam different, and referred already earlier to their Fidesz party as being a success.*
Propaganda broadcaster BBC stated that Hungary will get a 'rescue package' shoved down their throats: "but the economic crisis is hurting ordinary people." the BBC's Nick Thorpe reported from Budapest.* And than the further strangling by the IMF with vile local collaborators starts again.
'Presseurop' had not a word on possible CIA/NED connections, but anyhow accused the 'international media' of misleading readers:
"In the days that followed, Hungarian columnists reacted angrily to commentary pieces focusing on "racist Hungary," which neglected to mention the fact that the first round of elections were won by the centre-right FIDESZ party with 53% of the vote. Jobbik, which scored 16.7%, was actually placed third after the socialist party. Some of the harshest criticism was directed at the press in Austria, which is the former imperial power in the region.
The senior editor of the website belonging to the weekly HVG accused the Die Presse special correspondent, Wolfgang Böhm, of deliberately misleading his readers. Specifically, Richard Hirschler was angered by the assertion "that there is no political force in Hungary to oppose the radicalism of the right," because "there have been a number of demonstrations against the Hungarian Guard [an extreme-right militia now abolished], which have met with the same success as the campaign against Haider in Austria."
With regard to Böhm's advice to FIDESZ leader and future prime minister Viktor Orbán "to avoid appeals to national pride, but encourage private enterprise," Hirschler reminds his Austrian colleague "that private enterprise has been stymied by the scourge of corruption and high taxes — a situation which can only be addressed through good governance and a strong state. Thanks for your concern, but perhaps you should do your homework before handing out advice."
"Hungarian liberal left no longer exists"
In the weekly Heti Válasz, columnist Ferenc Horkay Hörcher launches a broadside at Paul Lendvai, who is considered to be a leading specialist on Hungarian politics. To judge from his article in the daily Kurier "the Austrian spin doctor is apparently unaware that 11 April marked the end of an era," remarks Horkay Hörcher.
The Hungarian journalist goes on to accuse "the liberal left-wing media guru who adopts a purportedly disinterested Austrian perspective" of basing his analysis on the opinions of Hungarian politicians who have vanished from view in Hungary, and "casting doubt on the assessments of liberal left and centrist intellectuals who dare voice an opinion that is not aligned with his own.
These fickle 'defectors' actually believe that a two thirds majority (Which Fidesz got on 25 April - HR) makes for a credible future government." - [end excerpt]*
And the average Hungarian? In the future in Hungary - as in many other slowly by the IMF garrote strangled countries, like Iceland or Greece lately - many people will work for a plate of soup. Or even less. They'll be poor, go bankrupt, or commit suicide.
That's the way the International Murderers Fund IMF wants it for the criminal cartel and it's BIS managers.*
Human beings never count: it's all done for the criminal cartel's power and profit.
Time for the Hungarians to revolt again.
Henk Ruyssenaars
* Hungary - IMF - BBC - Url.: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7692943.stm
* HUNGARY - ECA Alumni who are Chiefs of State/Heads of Government (66) - (updated November 26, 2008) - The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State: László Sólyom - Current Position: President - Trained in Rockefeller's special program for Heads of State, the 'International Visitors Leadership Program. - 'Url.: http://exchanges.state.gov/index/election08/alumni.html#europe
* "The National Endowment for Democracy" - Excerpted from the book 'Rogue State - A Guide to the World's Only Superpower.' - Url.: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Blum/TrojanHorse_RS.html
* "Hungarians Demand Better Life After Elections" - Voice of America - CIA - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/35yrmv7
* VOA - CIA's NED - Search - Url.: http://www1.voanews.com/english/search/?c=n
* NED: Carl Gershman - President of the CIA's 'National Endowment for Democracy' - The Relationship of Political Parties and Civil Society - Url.: http://www.ned.org/about/board/meet-our-president/archived-remarks-and-presentations/031704
* Hungary & "The National Endowment for Democracy" (NED) - Search Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2ujfxge
* IMF & The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) - Videos - Google - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/33qnewr
* How those countries are usurped, 'World Bank' (BIS*) insider John Perkins explained. The war profiteering banksters send the cartel's killers. Quote: 'Jackals' are C.I.A. sanctioned people that come in and try to foment a coup or revolution. If it doesn't work, they perform assassinations, or try to." They steal billions for the BIS, the World Bank, IMF, USAID, UNDP etc. If one doesn't know yet how deadly they are, one should absolutely see one of the first John Perkins videos. With transcript. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4kget http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article8171.htm
* Presseurop.eu - Url.: http://www.presseurop.eu/en/content/article/237661-just-isn-t-hungary
* Google search: Web results for HR + BIS, Rothschild and Rockefeller - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y2kt8zy
* Russian info-agency Ria/Novosti - 'Kyrgyz scenario may repeat in other states.' - Medvedev - Url.: http://en.rian.ru/russia/20100416/158603097.html
* "BLOWBACK: SOROS AND THE CIA CRASH IN KYRGYZSTAN." - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/35077.html
* "BLOWBACK CONTINUES: US STOPS KYRGYZSTAN FLIGHTS TO AFGHANISTAN." - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/35669.html
* Google search: Web results for HR + BIS, Rothschild and Rockefeller - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y2kt8zy
* HR & Google Web search - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yevvgup
* HR blog - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/
Editor Henk Ruyssenaars
Tags: bbc, cia, garrote, hungary, imf, jan palach, loans, ned, revolt, voa
April 27th 2010 - Hungary, like many other countries, will not escape the IMF garrotte. The CIA's 'Trojan Horse' - the National Endowment for Democracy -* also created the Fidesz movement in Hungary for this. And of course, as the CIA financed 'Voice of America' published: "Fidesz defeated the ruling Socialists by winning a super majority of seats. The main Hungarian center-right party - the Fidesz Hungarian Civic Alliance - has declared victory in the country's parliamentary elections."*
To counterbalance the overwhelming propaganda a bit, the VOA writes: "But elsewhere at the Budapest market, an elderly woman selling milk products from a nearby town, believes that fighting rampant poverty should be the government's main concern. The woman, who identifies herself only as Erzsebet, starts to cry when asked by VOA what she expects from the next prime minister. She explains that she is among the many Hungarians who 20 years ago only received small compensation for agricultural lands that were nationalized by the communists. "Now many people just work for a plate of soup," she says." - [end quote]*
The average Hungarian doesn't know for instance that also president László Sólyom was trained and brainwashed by Rockefeller's special US program for Heads of State, the 'International Visitors Leadership Program. And that's why he did what he was told to do.*
By the way: there must be quite some people left with a functioning memory, who recall the CIA's failed coup in Hungary in 1956. The U.S. armed gofers from the crimnal cartel's CIA* used especially Radio Free Europe (RFE) to incite some kind of revolution, among others by broadcasting Khruschev’s 'Secret Speech' in which he denounced Stalin. It also promised that American aid would help the Hungarians.
This help never showed up, but not knowing what awaited them, the Hungarian people in good faith launched a doomed armed revolt, which immediately led to a major Soviet invasion. The result of the CIA's action? According to 'official' figures, at least 7,000 Soviets and 30,000 Hungarians were killed. How many were wounded is not known.
And personally I remember listening to the radio as the trailing voice of the hungarian broadcaster ended with the question to the americans and their CIA/RFE: "Where are you? You promised!' Than he was forced of the air and disappeared. But the idea of an independent Hungary will always be alive, as also Jan Palach showed. He doused himself in petrol and set himself on fire on 16 January 1969. - Url.: http://www.radio.cz/en/article/112440
But, anyhow, it was prime minister Gyurcsany who for his managers insisted the IMF 'bail-out' was necessary. One wonders who profits?
Viktor Orban, who's supposed to be the new prime minster: "told the crowd that his center right Fidesz made history as the first Hungarian political party to capture a two-thirds majority in the 386-seat parliament since Hungary's first post-communist elections in 1990. But he added that his government will face difficult tasks because Hungary is still in the midst of a deep economic recession. Nonetheless, Mr. Orban vowed that Fidesz will rebuild the economy and make Hungary strong again." - [end quote]*
Future PM Orban and the IMF usurers know that this is the usual lie; that Hungary too will be further strangled by the International Murderers Fund, as it's known in many countries which have become the victim of the IMF. The so-called IMF loans - where they first make the debts with some local IMF collaborators - can never be repaid and saddle the tax payer with enormous debts and rampant poverty. That's how the IMF theft works. Everywhere and always.
But, as Stefan Bos in Budapest for the CIA's VOA writes - and as usual contrary to the truth: "Hungarians Demand Better Life After Elections: Hungarians have made the center-right party Fidesz the favorite as they try to recover from the deepest recession in years." Big deal, with so much CIA/NED 'help'. But the NED of course sees the scam different, and referred already earlier to their Fidesz party as being a success.*
Propaganda broadcaster BBC stated that Hungary will get a 'rescue package' shoved down their throats: "but the economic crisis is hurting ordinary people." the BBC's Nick Thorpe reported from Budapest.* And than the further strangling by the IMF with vile local collaborators starts again.
'Presseurop' had not a word on possible CIA/NED connections, but anyhow accused the 'international media' of misleading readers:
"In the days that followed, Hungarian columnists reacted angrily to commentary pieces focusing on "racist Hungary," which neglected to mention the fact that the first round of elections were won by the centre-right FIDESZ party with 53% of the vote. Jobbik, which scored 16.7%, was actually placed third after the socialist party. Some of the harshest criticism was directed at the press in Austria, which is the former imperial power in the region.
The senior editor of the website belonging to the weekly HVG accused the Die Presse special correspondent, Wolfgang Böhm, of deliberately misleading his readers. Specifically, Richard Hirschler was angered by the assertion "that there is no political force in Hungary to oppose the radicalism of the right," because "there have been a number of demonstrations against the Hungarian Guard [an extreme-right militia now abolished], which have met with the same success as the campaign against Haider in Austria."
With regard to Böhm's advice to FIDESZ leader and future prime minister Viktor Orbán "to avoid appeals to national pride, but encourage private enterprise," Hirschler reminds his Austrian colleague "that private enterprise has been stymied by the scourge of corruption and high taxes — a situation which can only be addressed through good governance and a strong state. Thanks for your concern, but perhaps you should do your homework before handing out advice."
"Hungarian liberal left no longer exists"
In the weekly Heti Válasz, columnist Ferenc Horkay Hörcher launches a broadside at Paul Lendvai, who is considered to be a leading specialist on Hungarian politics. To judge from his article in the daily Kurier "the Austrian spin doctor is apparently unaware that 11 April marked the end of an era," remarks Horkay Hörcher.
The Hungarian journalist goes on to accuse "the liberal left-wing media guru who adopts a purportedly disinterested Austrian perspective" of basing his analysis on the opinions of Hungarian politicians who have vanished from view in Hungary, and "casting doubt on the assessments of liberal left and centrist intellectuals who dare voice an opinion that is not aligned with his own.
These fickle 'defectors' actually believe that a two thirds majority (Which Fidesz got on 25 April - HR) makes for a credible future government." - [end excerpt]*
And the average Hungarian? In the future in Hungary - as in many other slowly by the IMF garrote strangled countries, like Iceland or Greece lately - many people will work for a plate of soup. Or even less. They'll be poor, go bankrupt, or commit suicide.
That's the way the International Murderers Fund IMF wants it for the criminal cartel and it's BIS managers.*
Human beings never count: it's all done for the criminal cartel's power and profit.
Time for the Hungarians to revolt again.
Henk Ruyssenaars
* Hungary - IMF - BBC - Url.: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/7692943.stm
* HUNGARY - ECA Alumni who are Chiefs of State/Heads of Government (66) - (updated November 26, 2008) - The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State: László Sólyom - Current Position: President - Trained in Rockefeller's special program for Heads of State, the 'International Visitors Leadership Program. - 'Url.: http://exchanges.state.gov/index/election08/alumni.html#europe
* "The National Endowment for Democracy" - Excerpted from the book 'Rogue State - A Guide to the World's Only Superpower.' - Url.: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Blum/TrojanHorse_RS.html
* "Hungarians Demand Better Life After Elections" - Voice of America - CIA - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/35yrmv7
* VOA - CIA's NED - Search - Url.: http://www1.voanews.com/english/search/?c=n
* NED: Carl Gershman - President of the CIA's 'National Endowment for Democracy' - The Relationship of Political Parties and Civil Society - Url.: http://www.ned.org/about/board/meet-our-president/archived-remarks-and-presentations/031704
* Hungary & "The National Endowment for Democracy" (NED) - Search Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2ujfxge
* IMF & The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) - Videos - Google - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/33qnewr
* How those countries are usurped, 'World Bank' (BIS*) insider John Perkins explained. The war profiteering banksters send the cartel's killers. Quote: 'Jackals' are C.I.A. sanctioned people that come in and try to foment a coup or revolution. If it doesn't work, they perform assassinations, or try to." They steal billions for the BIS, the World Bank, IMF, USAID, UNDP etc. If one doesn't know yet how deadly they are, one should absolutely see one of the first John Perkins videos. With transcript. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4kget http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article8171.htm
* Presseurop.eu - Url.: http://www.presseurop.eu/en/content/article/237661-just-isn-t-hungary
* Google search: Web results for HR + BIS, Rothschild and Rockefeller - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y2kt8zy
* Russian info-agency Ria/Novosti - 'Kyrgyz scenario may repeat in other states.' - Medvedev - Url.: http://en.rian.ru/russia/20100416/158603097.html
* "BLOWBACK: SOROS AND THE CIA CRASH IN KYRGYZSTAN." - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/35077.html
* "BLOWBACK CONTINUES: US STOPS KYRGYZSTAN FLIGHTS TO AFGHANISTAN." - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/35669.html
* Google search: Web results for HR + BIS, Rothschild and Rockefeller - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y2kt8zy
* HR & Google Web search - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yevvgup
* HR blog - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/
Editor Henk Ruyssenaars
Tags: bbc, cia, garrote, hungary, imf, jan palach, loans, ned, revolt, voa
Thursday, April 22, 2010
"As usual with this type of thing, there is plenty of speculation about what the military will do with the X-37B. Christian Science Monitor believes the X-37B rollout may signal the start of war in space, quoting arms control advocates who say it's clearly the beginning of the "weaponisation of space."
Henk Ruyssenaars
April 22nd 2010 - For writer Todd Halvarson of Florida Today, what's happening on Cape Canaveral apparently is an enigma: "Next-generation spaceship, X-37B, set for first launch. Now nestled in the protective nosecone of a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket, the Air Force X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle is scheduled to blast off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Launch Complex 41. The planned liftoff time is 7:52 p.m. and the launch window will extend through 8:01 p.m."*
And the 'Christian Science Monitor' published concerning the Weaponization of Space this: "But whether the X-37 space plane is merely showing off nearly two decades of research and development or is actually a precursor to militarizing the final frontier, is far from clear since the vehicle’s payload is classified. An Air Force official won’t even say when it will return to California or where it will land. But it can “loiter” over the globe for more than nine months.
Arms control advocates say it is pretty clearly the beginning of a “weaponization of space” – precursor to a precision global strike capability that would allow the US to hover for months at a time over anywhere it chose with little anyone could do about it." - [end excerpt]*
To better understand all this, one might want to have a look at what they say is - officially - possible now, with the Top 10 Space Weapons. - Url.: http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/top10_space_weapons.html
At IPS, the U.S. Institute for Policy Studies, they wrote about the militarization of space too, and it wasn't a pretty picture. The so-called 'Rumsfeld Space Commission' they wrote: "is perhaps most well known for suggesting that unless the United States took threats of space attack seriously, it could not avoid a "Space Pearl Harbor."*
Hardly any of those writers - like most people on earth - know, that when they are watching the sun, the moon* or the universe for instance, they are looking at what the United States claims is its property. Because, after signing away more human rights and laws than ever in history, former US 'emperor' George Bush signed another unbelievable law. On October 18, 2006, 'front man' George Bush for his bosses by law officially was claiming space. The whole universe for the U.S. and its ruling criminal cartel.*
This science-fiction claim - violating all treaties concerning space, like the 'Outer Space Treaty of 1967 - was, as Bush said, "to be enforced by a new military service, the U.S. Space Forces." And again US 'gunboat diplomacy' is to order other nations to support the inhuman US policy, or...
And so the moon was bombed.* It will take some time to know what else they have been up to, and what those criminals have done to space this far. But that the universe is used and abused for more power and profit for the criminal cartel is quite clear.
This move again fits the malignant global picture, and represents another disturbing step towards total world subjugation by the US' cartel managers. A mentally sick cabal, only motivated by imperialism and global US military expansionism. Dominance of as big a chunk of the world and its population, by fear and through genocides by the cartel's war machine. And they just go on with their arms race in space, as I wrote at that time. And the secret cargo the X-37B has aboard, may be what was earlier described, in August 17, 2005.
The source for this 'Mene Tekel' article, is 'Power and Interest News Report' (PINR), which - according to my experience - is an unwashed mouthpiece for the nefarious Pentagon and malignant Washington criminal cartel.*
That actually makes the article a 'must read', because it - again - clearly indicates why 'they' and theur sold and bribed Dr. Strangeloves must be stopped at any price, before they kill us all. The serial killings and war crimes by this group, the absolutely inhuman infanticides and global slaughter, resulting in spreading genocides during the past decades should by now have convinced even the most ignorant. Nobody needs a Space Pearl Harbor. - HR & infanticides etc. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2dkr4ff
All major media are owned by - and therefore support - the mass murderers.* Who also nearly have killed all honest reporting the world over. The people working for those war criminals share the overwhelming shame and blame. They are guilty by association, and fomenting the neocon's present wave of global deception and terror.
Giuseppe Anzera wrote this on August 17 - 2005: A series of Pentagon initiatives aimed at space militarization and at the creation of new types of armament - capable of precisely striking small targets in every corner of the world and to neutralize most of today's anti-aircraft defenses - will likely result in a new power battlefield in the near future.
While the implementation of space weapons is likely to increase the capability gap between Washington and other powers at first, a broader vision reveals dangers involved in the move that could affect U.S. interests, for it will likely trigger off determined reactions by its competitors. Competitor states could successfully deploy a small number of low cost orbital weapons, thus forcing the U.S. to design an extremely expensive space defense system.
At the moment, a space weaponization policy may generate more troubles than advantages for Washington.
The Pentagon's plans to militarize space have definitely emerged. In mid-May 2005, the U.S. Air Force formally asked President George W. Bush to issue a presidential directive that allows Washington to deploy defensive and offensive weapons into orbit. Formally, the new directive is necessary to replace a precedent decree (PDD-NSC-49 - National Space Policy) issued by the Clinton administration which forbids the indiscriminate militarization of space. While the decree has not yet been issued, speculations over the Pentagon's move already hit the news.
After the 2002 unilateral U.S. withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, worries were raised about Washington's possible start of such a program, for it could transform space into a new battlefield. The U.S. Air Force request, coupled with the April 2005 launch of the XSS-11 orbital micro-satellite, increased the concerns of observers and world powers. XSS-11 is in fact specifically designed to disturb other states' military/reconnaissance or communication satellites.
A discontinuance of U.S. traditional policy about the restricted (e.g. peaceful) use of space could engender a new arms race - which appears economically and technologically challenging and way beyond many states' reach.
On the technological level, the Pentagon's planning is in the advanced stage: some projects - aimed at space weaponization - have already been in place for some time. Among the (partially known) Pentagon's new plans, the two most interesting projects are the "Global Strike" program and the "Rods from God" program. Global Strike involves the employment of military space planes capable of carrying about 500 kg (1100 lbs) of high-precision weapons (with a circular error probability less than 3 meters) with the primary use of striking enemy military bases and command and control facilities in any point of the world.
The main strength of military space planes is the ability to reach any spot on the globe within 45 minutes. This is a short period of time that could provide U.S. forces with a formidable quick reaction capability, as opposed to the enemy's subsequent inability to organize any effective defense. Such a weapon's primary target would be the enemy's strategic forces and - according to U.S. Air Force sources widely quoted in the press - the Pentagon is inclined to give priority to this project. One of the main reasons, these sources say, is that the Pentagon itself - after spending over US$100 billion - has finally admitted its failure to create an infallible earth-based anti-missile system to protect the American soil from ballistic strikes.
The U.S. Air Force often underscores the space plane's wide operational spectrum. In fact, its utilization encompasses that of a strategic weapon as well as that of its defensive uses of neutralizing nuclear missiles; it would have the ability to target and eliminate militant and terrorist leaders. The space plane could also be employed to suppress long-range air defenses, thanks to its high mobility, hyper-fast deployment and its immunity from the defenses of its opponents. Other uses could be envisaged in the Integrated Air Defense System, as well as surveillance tasks. Moreover, space planes could be easily deployed to support the U.S. Army's rapid reaction force and units of Marines during power projection operations and redeployment phases.
"Rods from God" is the evolution of a 1980s program. Basically, it consists of orbiting platforms stocked with metal tungsten rods around 6.1 meters long (20 feet) and 30 cm (one foot) in diameter that could be satellite-guided to targets anywhere on the earth within minutes, for the rods would move at over 11,000 km/hr (6,835 mph).
This weapon exploits kinetic energy to cause an explosion the same magnitude of that of an earth-penetrating nuclear weapon, but with no radioactive fall-out. The system would function due to two satellites, one of which would work as a communications platform, while the other would contain an arsenal of tungsten rods. Each of the satellites would be seven meters long (23 feet) and its diameter would be approximately 30 cm (one foot).
However, serious problems would arise if the Pentagon begins the operational phase - especially from a financial perspective. Some studies maintain that Rods from God could be fully operational in ten years. The targets of the rods would be much more restricted than those of Global Strike. Their main targets remains ballistic missiles stockpiled in hardened sites, or orbital devices and satellite systems deployed by other powers - according to the counter-space operation doctrine. Rods from God can, however, be employed to strike targets in desert areas - be they hardened sites or concentrated hostile forces.
Its devastating striking power does not allow such a weapon to be used for other missions, if unsustainable collateral damage is to be avoided.
Other projects - which often look like a revisited version of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative's (S.D.I.) programs - could also be undertaken, such as space mirrors satellites redirecting laser beams from earth against any orbit or surface target and satellites that send out radio waves with a high range in power and breadth.
The White House will face several problems if it wants to pursue the ambitious project of space militarization consisting of both offensive and defensive weapons.
The first point is the political issue. International reactions to U.S. plans have already appeared: Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov recently evoked an immediate reaction from Moscow, and serious consequences were threatened should an orbital weapon deployment be performed by Washington. Such a reaction could consist of a modified version of the SS-18 intercontinental ballistic missile, capable of putting into orbit a remarkable quantity of space vehicles - which could even carry military nukes, thus making the U.S. planned intercepting effort much more difficult.
It is easy to imagine that space weaponization - once in place - could be employed as well by U.S. rivals at any occasion, as these latter will develop mutual strategic ties just like China and Russia are doing in Central Asia.
The second problem is economic. Orbital weapons - as the Strategic Defense Initiative showed in the 1980s - are extremely expensive. It has been estimated that a space defense system against weak ballistic missile strikes could cost between US$220 billion and US$1 trillion. A laser-based system to be used against ballistic missiles would cost about US$100 million for each target.
For instance, the Future Imagery Architecture - a project aimed at the implementation of new spy satellites which are vital to identify targets for space weapons - has already reached a cost of US$25 billion. It is a legitimate question, therefore, of whether Washington really needs to finance such projects in today's geostrategic context. Moreover, would these tools be cost-effective in relation of their real operational capability? The first question raises doubts and the second one remains, at the moment, without answer. Henceforth, such initiatives resemble more and more Reagan's S.D.I.
The implications of space militarization are enormous, and its consequences can't be predicted. It is certain that - in the short term - U.S. financial and technological superiority would increase the already prominent gap in military power between Washington and the rest of the world. In addition, some of the new weapons could give the White House new effective tools to fight against symmetrical (states) and asymmetrical (terror networks) threats. However, in the long run, a military colonization of outer space could very well be started by other powers - which would hardly tolerate Washington's quasi-private use of space.
Moreover, the orbital deployment of offensive weapons - even though unequivocally non-nuclear - can be perilous for various reasons. First of all, the U.S. is currently obligated not to deploy atomic or W.M.D. space weapons, as it signed the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. Even if Rods of God is not a nuclear weapon, its impact power is near the magnitude of a nuke. Hence, it is not certain that the international community will consider it a conventional weapon, and a violation of the treaty could, therefore, be claimed. As a consequence, an indiscriminate race to space weaponization could begin - involving the orbital deployment of W.M.D. and nuclear weapons. This latter scenario could result in a problem for the United States, a problem that its decision-makers in the 1960s strived to avoid at any cost.
Second, political consequences of a quasi-nuclear weapon should not be overlooked. If Rods of God will be used and other powers will perceive it as the equivalent of a nuclear strike, many states could change their perception of W.M.D. and nuclear weapons standards. A stark decrease in the traditional refrain from using nuclear bombs could then occur, thus changing the current strategy behind nuclear weapons: that of deterrence tools.
The road to space weaponization is hazardous. The current U.S. administration appears confident that it can handle the issue successfully. As usual, when a new category of weapons sees the light, it is not clear whether newcomers will suffer from perpetual disadvantage.
If other powers succeed in implementing low-cost orbital instruments that could endanger Washington's sophisticated space weapons, the U.S. could rapidly find itself in need of financing hyper-expensive programs designed to protect the country - a situation which could make the Pentagon regret having opened the space front to begin with."
[end article] - Url.: http://globalsecuritynews.com/showArticle3.cfm?article_id=11818
In Iran, commentators seem to be convinved that not only something is rotten in the State of Denmark, but also in space, as Iranian PressTV writes: "US to launch secret 'space warplane' - Monday 19 Apr 2010 - The United States Air Force has announced that it will launch a secret space plane that has sparked speculation about the militarization of space.
The Pentagon has set April 21 as the date for the launch of the robotic space plane known as the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV), which is a reusable unmanned plane capable of long outer space missions at low orbits.
Since the nature of the project is shrouded in mystery, defense analysts allege that the US military is building the first generation of US 'space Predator drones' that will build up the United States' space armada, the Christian Science Monitor wrote in a recent article.
Military experts argue that the US Department of Defense would not have saved NASA's costly X-37B project, which had been scrapped, if it did not have a military application.
They say the US wants to maintain a leading role in space via the development of the new 'space weapon' at a time when other countries like China are expanding their space programs."*
And people looking at this, are totally right of course. May I suggest that you study the links too. And make up your own mind?
You'll at least know more than ever, when the Space Pearl Harbor hits.
Henk Ruyssenaars
* Christian Science Monitor - "Air Force to launch X-37 space plane: Precursor to war in orbit?" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y4fa7o2
* Rumsfeld Space Commission - 'Space Pearl Harbor' - Url.: http://www.rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/Rumsfeld_Space_Commission
* Defense Magazine - "U.S. Air Force to Test X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle" - Url.: http://defense-update.com/features/2010/april/x37b_21042010.html
* BUSH SIGNS AGAIN: 'US' NOW ALSO MEANS 'USURPING SPACE' - Url.: http://www.apfn.net/Messageboard/10-20-06/discussion.cgi.35.html
* The so called 'Free Press' is Big Money. And we all understand that having 96% of the propaganda media, one controls the political landscape, as well as space-info. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dafucd
* Florida Today - April 22, 2010 - "Next-generation spaceship, X-37B, set for first launch." - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2euxobf
* Kill-switch: Pulling the electronical plug on former 'allies' - Many programs which are used in computer systems in weapons, ships, planes, tanks, satellites etc. lately all get a build-in 'emergency brake'. Via GPS satellites in space, the command can be transmitted to anywhere on earth, to stop. And the computer systems just go 'dead'. - Url.: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2007/10/367206.shtml
* US MILITARIZES SPACE: GLOBAL STRIKE & MORE 'RODS FROM GOD' - Url.: http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/08-19-05/discussion.cgi.70.html
* PressTV - Iran - US to launch secret 'space warplane' - US violates Outer Space Treaty 1967 - Url.: http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=123813§ionid=3510203
* Google search: Web Results for HR + "criminal cartel"- Url.: http://tinyurl.com/24kvjz2
* Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 3,500 for "NASA loses original videotape of first moon landing" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2crjr27
* NASA Moon Bombing Is Cause For Worry - By Ted Twietmeyer - Url.: http://www.rense.com/general86/moonbomb.htm
* MOON ROCK AT MUSEUM IS A LUMP OF WOOD - The moon rock was said to be from the Apollo landing - August 28,2009 - MOON landings have always been questioned by conspiracy theorists. - Now an exhibit at the Rijksmuseum in Holland is adding fuel to the doubters’ argument." - More via Daily Express (UK) Google search at Url.: http://tinyurl.com/28a5lhy
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
* HR - Blog LiveJournal - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Henk Ruyssenaars
April 22nd 2010 - For writer Todd Halvarson of Florida Today, what's happening on Cape Canaveral apparently is an enigma: "Next-generation spaceship, X-37B, set for first launch. Now nestled in the protective nosecone of a United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket, the Air Force X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle is scheduled to blast off from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station's Launch Complex 41. The planned liftoff time is 7:52 p.m. and the launch window will extend through 8:01 p.m."*
And the 'Christian Science Monitor' published concerning the Weaponization of Space this: "But whether the X-37 space plane is merely showing off nearly two decades of research and development or is actually a precursor to militarizing the final frontier, is far from clear since the vehicle’s payload is classified. An Air Force official won’t even say when it will return to California or where it will land. But it can “loiter” over the globe for more than nine months.
Arms control advocates say it is pretty clearly the beginning of a “weaponization of space” – precursor to a precision global strike capability that would allow the US to hover for months at a time over anywhere it chose with little anyone could do about it." - [end excerpt]*
To better understand all this, one might want to have a look at what they say is - officially - possible now, with the Top 10 Space Weapons. - Url.: http://www.space.com/businesstechnology/top10_space_weapons.html
At IPS, the U.S. Institute for Policy Studies, they wrote about the militarization of space too, and it wasn't a pretty picture. The so-called 'Rumsfeld Space Commission' they wrote: "is perhaps most well known for suggesting that unless the United States took threats of space attack seriously, it could not avoid a "Space Pearl Harbor."*
Hardly any of those writers - like most people on earth - know, that when they are watching the sun, the moon* or the universe for instance, they are looking at what the United States claims is its property. Because, after signing away more human rights and laws than ever in history, former US 'emperor' George Bush signed another unbelievable law. On October 18, 2006, 'front man' George Bush for his bosses by law officially was claiming space. The whole universe for the U.S. and its ruling criminal cartel.*
This science-fiction claim - violating all treaties concerning space, like the 'Outer Space Treaty of 1967 - was, as Bush said, "to be enforced by a new military service, the U.S. Space Forces." And again US 'gunboat diplomacy' is to order other nations to support the inhuman US policy, or...
And so the moon was bombed.* It will take some time to know what else they have been up to, and what those criminals have done to space this far. But that the universe is used and abused for more power and profit for the criminal cartel is quite clear.
This move again fits the malignant global picture, and represents another disturbing step towards total world subjugation by the US' cartel managers. A mentally sick cabal, only motivated by imperialism and global US military expansionism. Dominance of as big a chunk of the world and its population, by fear and through genocides by the cartel's war machine. And they just go on with their arms race in space, as I wrote at that time. And the secret cargo the X-37B has aboard, may be what was earlier described, in August 17, 2005.
The source for this 'Mene Tekel' article, is 'Power and Interest News Report' (PINR), which - according to my experience - is an unwashed mouthpiece for the nefarious Pentagon and malignant Washington criminal cartel.*
That actually makes the article a 'must read', because it - again - clearly indicates why 'they' and theur sold and bribed Dr. Strangeloves must be stopped at any price, before they kill us all. The serial killings and war crimes by this group, the absolutely inhuman infanticides and global slaughter, resulting in spreading genocides during the past decades should by now have convinced even the most ignorant. Nobody needs a Space Pearl Harbor. - HR & infanticides etc. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2dkr4ff
All major media are owned by - and therefore support - the mass murderers.* Who also nearly have killed all honest reporting the world over. The people working for those war criminals share the overwhelming shame and blame. They are guilty by association, and fomenting the neocon's present wave of global deception and terror.
Giuseppe Anzera wrote this on August 17 - 2005: A series of Pentagon initiatives aimed at space militarization and at the creation of new types of armament - capable of precisely striking small targets in every corner of the world and to neutralize most of today's anti-aircraft defenses - will likely result in a new power battlefield in the near future.
While the implementation of space weapons is likely to increase the capability gap between Washington and other powers at first, a broader vision reveals dangers involved in the move that could affect U.S. interests, for it will likely trigger off determined reactions by its competitors. Competitor states could successfully deploy a small number of low cost orbital weapons, thus forcing the U.S. to design an extremely expensive space defense system.
At the moment, a space weaponization policy may generate more troubles than advantages for Washington.
The Pentagon's plans to militarize space have definitely emerged. In mid-May 2005, the U.S. Air Force formally asked President George W. Bush to issue a presidential directive that allows Washington to deploy defensive and offensive weapons into orbit. Formally, the new directive is necessary to replace a precedent decree (PDD-NSC-49 - National Space Policy) issued by the Clinton administration which forbids the indiscriminate militarization of space. While the decree has not yet been issued, speculations over the Pentagon's move already hit the news.
After the 2002 unilateral U.S. withdrawal from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, worries were raised about Washington's possible start of such a program, for it could transform space into a new battlefield. The U.S. Air Force request, coupled with the April 2005 launch of the XSS-11 orbital micro-satellite, increased the concerns of observers and world powers. XSS-11 is in fact specifically designed to disturb other states' military/reconnaissance or communication satellites.
A discontinuance of U.S. traditional policy about the restricted (e.g. peaceful) use of space could engender a new arms race - which appears economically and technologically challenging and way beyond many states' reach.
On the technological level, the Pentagon's planning is in the advanced stage: some projects - aimed at space weaponization - have already been in place for some time. Among the (partially known) Pentagon's new plans, the two most interesting projects are the "Global Strike" program and the "Rods from God" program. Global Strike involves the employment of military space planes capable of carrying about 500 kg (1100 lbs) of high-precision weapons (with a circular error probability less than 3 meters) with the primary use of striking enemy military bases and command and control facilities in any point of the world.
The main strength of military space planes is the ability to reach any spot on the globe within 45 minutes. This is a short period of time that could provide U.S. forces with a formidable quick reaction capability, as opposed to the enemy's subsequent inability to organize any effective defense. Such a weapon's primary target would be the enemy's strategic forces and - according to U.S. Air Force sources widely quoted in the press - the Pentagon is inclined to give priority to this project. One of the main reasons, these sources say, is that the Pentagon itself - after spending over US$100 billion - has finally admitted its failure to create an infallible earth-based anti-missile system to protect the American soil from ballistic strikes.
The U.S. Air Force often underscores the space plane's wide operational spectrum. In fact, its utilization encompasses that of a strategic weapon as well as that of its defensive uses of neutralizing nuclear missiles; it would have the ability to target and eliminate militant and terrorist leaders. The space plane could also be employed to suppress long-range air defenses, thanks to its high mobility, hyper-fast deployment and its immunity from the defenses of its opponents. Other uses could be envisaged in the Integrated Air Defense System, as well as surveillance tasks. Moreover, space planes could be easily deployed to support the U.S. Army's rapid reaction force and units of Marines during power projection operations and redeployment phases.
"Rods from God" is the evolution of a 1980s program. Basically, it consists of orbiting platforms stocked with metal tungsten rods around 6.1 meters long (20 feet) and 30 cm (one foot) in diameter that could be satellite-guided to targets anywhere on the earth within minutes, for the rods would move at over 11,000 km/hr (6,835 mph).
This weapon exploits kinetic energy to cause an explosion the same magnitude of that of an earth-penetrating nuclear weapon, but with no radioactive fall-out. The system would function due to two satellites, one of which would work as a communications platform, while the other would contain an arsenal of tungsten rods. Each of the satellites would be seven meters long (23 feet) and its diameter would be approximately 30 cm (one foot).
However, serious problems would arise if the Pentagon begins the operational phase - especially from a financial perspective. Some studies maintain that Rods from God could be fully operational in ten years. The targets of the rods would be much more restricted than those of Global Strike. Their main targets remains ballistic missiles stockpiled in hardened sites, or orbital devices and satellite systems deployed by other powers - according to the counter-space operation doctrine. Rods from God can, however, be employed to strike targets in desert areas - be they hardened sites or concentrated hostile forces.
Its devastating striking power does not allow such a weapon to be used for other missions, if unsustainable collateral damage is to be avoided.
Other projects - which often look like a revisited version of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative's (S.D.I.) programs - could also be undertaken, such as space mirrors satellites redirecting laser beams from earth against any orbit or surface target and satellites that send out radio waves with a high range in power and breadth.
The White House will face several problems if it wants to pursue the ambitious project of space militarization consisting of both offensive and defensive weapons.
The first point is the political issue. International reactions to U.S. plans have already appeared: Russian Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov recently evoked an immediate reaction from Moscow, and serious consequences were threatened should an orbital weapon deployment be performed by Washington. Such a reaction could consist of a modified version of the SS-18 intercontinental ballistic missile, capable of putting into orbit a remarkable quantity of space vehicles - which could even carry military nukes, thus making the U.S. planned intercepting effort much more difficult.
It is easy to imagine that space weaponization - once in place - could be employed as well by U.S. rivals at any occasion, as these latter will develop mutual strategic ties just like China and Russia are doing in Central Asia.
The second problem is economic. Orbital weapons - as the Strategic Defense Initiative showed in the 1980s - are extremely expensive. It has been estimated that a space defense system against weak ballistic missile strikes could cost between US$220 billion and US$1 trillion. A laser-based system to be used against ballistic missiles would cost about US$100 million for each target.
For instance, the Future Imagery Architecture - a project aimed at the implementation of new spy satellites which are vital to identify targets for space weapons - has already reached a cost of US$25 billion. It is a legitimate question, therefore, of whether Washington really needs to finance such projects in today's geostrategic context. Moreover, would these tools be cost-effective in relation of their real operational capability? The first question raises doubts and the second one remains, at the moment, without answer. Henceforth, such initiatives resemble more and more Reagan's S.D.I.
The implications of space militarization are enormous, and its consequences can't be predicted. It is certain that - in the short term - U.S. financial and technological superiority would increase the already prominent gap in military power between Washington and the rest of the world. In addition, some of the new weapons could give the White House new effective tools to fight against symmetrical (states) and asymmetrical (terror networks) threats. However, in the long run, a military colonization of outer space could very well be started by other powers - which would hardly tolerate Washington's quasi-private use of space.
Moreover, the orbital deployment of offensive weapons - even though unequivocally non-nuclear - can be perilous for various reasons. First of all, the U.S. is currently obligated not to deploy atomic or W.M.D. space weapons, as it signed the 1967 Outer Space Treaty. Even if Rods of God is not a nuclear weapon, its impact power is near the magnitude of a nuke. Hence, it is not certain that the international community will consider it a conventional weapon, and a violation of the treaty could, therefore, be claimed. As a consequence, an indiscriminate race to space weaponization could begin - involving the orbital deployment of W.M.D. and nuclear weapons. This latter scenario could result in a problem for the United States, a problem that its decision-makers in the 1960s strived to avoid at any cost.
Second, political consequences of a quasi-nuclear weapon should not be overlooked. If Rods of God will be used and other powers will perceive it as the equivalent of a nuclear strike, many states could change their perception of W.M.D. and nuclear weapons standards. A stark decrease in the traditional refrain from using nuclear bombs could then occur, thus changing the current strategy behind nuclear weapons: that of deterrence tools.
The road to space weaponization is hazardous. The current U.S. administration appears confident that it can handle the issue successfully. As usual, when a new category of weapons sees the light, it is not clear whether newcomers will suffer from perpetual disadvantage.
If other powers succeed in implementing low-cost orbital instruments that could endanger Washington's sophisticated space weapons, the U.S. could rapidly find itself in need of financing hyper-expensive programs designed to protect the country - a situation which could make the Pentagon regret having opened the space front to begin with."
[end article] - Url.: http://globalsecuritynews.com/showArticle3.cfm?article_id=11818
In Iran, commentators seem to be convinved that not only something is rotten in the State of Denmark, but also in space, as Iranian PressTV writes: "US to launch secret 'space warplane' - Monday 19 Apr 2010 - The United States Air Force has announced that it will launch a secret space plane that has sparked speculation about the militarization of space.
The Pentagon has set April 21 as the date for the launch of the robotic space plane known as the X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV), which is a reusable unmanned plane capable of long outer space missions at low orbits.
Since the nature of the project is shrouded in mystery, defense analysts allege that the US military is building the first generation of US 'space Predator drones' that will build up the United States' space armada, the Christian Science Monitor wrote in a recent article.
Military experts argue that the US Department of Defense would not have saved NASA's costly X-37B project, which had been scrapped, if it did not have a military application.
They say the US wants to maintain a leading role in space via the development of the new 'space weapon' at a time when other countries like China are expanding their space programs."*
And people looking at this, are totally right of course. May I suggest that you study the links too. And make up your own mind?
You'll at least know more than ever, when the Space Pearl Harbor hits.
Henk Ruyssenaars
* Christian Science Monitor - "Air Force to launch X-37 space plane: Precursor to war in orbit?" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y4fa7o2
* Rumsfeld Space Commission - 'Space Pearl Harbor' - Url.: http://www.rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/Rumsfeld_Space_Commission
* Defense Magazine - "U.S. Air Force to Test X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle" - Url.: http://defense-update.com/features/2010/april/x37b_21042010.html
* BUSH SIGNS AGAIN: 'US' NOW ALSO MEANS 'USURPING SPACE' - Url.: http://www.apfn.net/Messageboard/10-20-06/discussion.cgi.35.html
* The so called 'Free Press' is Big Money. And we all understand that having 96% of the propaganda media, one controls the political landscape, as well as space-info. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dafucd
* Florida Today - April 22, 2010 - "Next-generation spaceship, X-37B, set for first launch." - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2euxobf
* Kill-switch: Pulling the electronical plug on former 'allies' - Many programs which are used in computer systems in weapons, ships, planes, tanks, satellites etc. lately all get a build-in 'emergency brake'. Via GPS satellites in space, the command can be transmitted to anywhere on earth, to stop. And the computer systems just go 'dead'. - Url.: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2007/10/367206.shtml
* US MILITARIZES SPACE: GLOBAL STRIKE & MORE 'RODS FROM GOD' - Url.: http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/08-19-05/discussion.cgi.70.html
* PressTV - Iran - US to launch secret 'space warplane' - US violates Outer Space Treaty 1967 - Url.: http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=123813§ionid=3510203
* Google search: Web Results for HR + "criminal cartel"- Url.: http://tinyurl.com/24kvjz2
* Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 3,500 for "NASA loses original videotape of first moon landing" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2crjr27
* NASA Moon Bombing Is Cause For Worry - By Ted Twietmeyer - Url.: http://www.rense.com/general86/moonbomb.htm
* MOON ROCK AT MUSEUM IS A LUMP OF WOOD - The moon rock was said to be from the Apollo landing - August 28,2009 - MOON landings have always been questioned by conspiracy theorists. - Now an exhibit at the Rijksmuseum in Holland is adding fuel to the doubters’ argument." - More via Daily Express (UK) Google search at Url.: http://tinyurl.com/28a5lhy
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
* HR - Blog LiveJournal - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Cape Canaveral,
space weapons,
U.S. Air Force,
U.S. claims space,
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
The so-called 'royal' dutch family has no decency. They know their 'royalty' is a fake fairy-tale, but profit from it. Like Jorge Zorreguieta they are: ¡Sin vergüenza! And the taxpayer always gets the bill.
Henk Ruyssenaars
April 20th 2010 - The BBC, a.k.a 'Broadcasting Brown's Crap,' has a story today that'll make more people, especially in Argentina, rather nervous. Those are the criminal killers, the torturers and their collaborators which - with or without uniform - are still not convicted.
The BBC in a short notice today had the following about one of these heinous criminals, ex-general Bignone: "BBC - 20 April 2010 - Argentina's former military ruler Reynaldo Bignone has been sentenced to 25 years for human rights abuses committed almost three decades ago.
Gen. Bignone, 82, ordered abductions and torture while second in command of the country's largest torture centre between 1978 and 1979. The trial comes after amnesty laws, which had shielded perpetrators from charges, were overturned in 2005 by the country's Supreme Court." - [end quote]*
One criminal in Argentina, who certainly is getting into deeper and deeper trouble, is Jorge Zorreguieta, the father of the possible future 'queen' of The Netherlands, Maxima.* Courts in Argentina decided they will investigate not only the killings and torture, but the rapes of political prisoners too. Many of those happened during 'president' Videla's 1976-1983 military 'dirty war' regime, when Jorge Zorreguieta was a minister. He knew about the atrocities, sometimes took part in them, but officially always - of course - denied it.
And against better knowledge Jorge Zorreguieta keeps lying, to save his criminal skin: "In 2001, Jorge Zorreguieta, a civilian who was a former Minister of Agriculture in the Videla regime, became the focus of attention when his daughter Máxima became engaged to the Prince of Orange. The significance of his potential connection to the Dutch Royal Family, and his possible presence at a royal wedding was hotly debated for several months.
Zorreguieta claimed that, as a civilian, he was unaware of the Dirty War while he was a cabinet minister.
Professor Baud, who on request of the Dutch government did an inquiry in the involvement of Zorreguieta, concluded that would it have been unlikely for a person in such a powerful position in the government to be unaware of the Dirty War.
Under Nestor Kirchner's term as president, the Argentine Congress revoked a pair of longstanding amnesty laws that had protected hundreds of officers, regardless of rank, from prosecution for the kidnapping, torture and killing of guerrillas and critics of the military regime. Throughout her presidency, [the also democratically chosen president] Cristina Kirchner, has vigorously maintained her prosecution of the military officers responsible for the disappearances." - [end excerpt] - Source: Wikipedia*
Now the military documents will show that there were at least 30.000 victims of the criminals. Maybe more. There is too much evidence of what those evildoers also have on their - if they have one - guilty conscience. According to witnesses testimony and reports, women prisoners were "interrogated" raped, tortured and killed, while babies born in those secret jails, were stolen by military officers. They often threw the parents alive out of helicopters, and you better believe it: from a 100 meters up, the water is as hard as concrete.
The fact that in Argentina people are still trying to get 'justicia' - and the decision to declassify the military documents concerning this - is 'very underreported' internationally. Like in 2007, when - for the first time - a prosecutor in Argentina asked courts to investigate possible rapes of political prisoners during the 1976-1983 military regime. Reuters reported from the capital Buenos Aires, that Federal prosecutor Federico Delgado petitioned Judge Daniel Rafecas, one of several judges investigating crimes against humanity during the dictatorship, to investigate former military and police officials. The opening of case documents surely helped him, and will in the future too.
Years ago, with democratically elected president of Argentine, Nestor Kirchner - the husband of the also democratically elected present president now, Christina Kirchner - courts started to try hundreds of military officers and policemen suspected of kidnapping and murdering government opponents after legal immunity shielding them was scrapped in 2005. According to human rights organizations and the families, at least 30,000 people were killed or disappeared and are presumed dead during Argentina's so-called dirty war. The victims included opponents of the regime, but also people who were not politically active. They were tortured, raped and/or killed anyhow.
And that's where a huge problem lies for the future 'queen' of The Netherlands, Argentinean Máxima Zorreguieta and her father, Jorge Zorreguieta. Because, as said, during the 'Dirty War' he was a Minister of Agriculture, and as such also a war criminal in the Videla junta.*
His daughter Máxima married the so called 'crown prince' Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands, an empty-headed beer-guzzler nicknamed 'Prince Pils' - and is coached and getting children* to prolong the fake and tax paid 'monarchy'. Which in SHELL's fiefdom The Netherlands is still alive through permanent brainwashing of the 16 million inhabitants.
It is hairraising what people can be made to believe: as if it was in medieval times. The 'House of Orange' - by many called 'Clockwork Orange' - absolutely is, and always has been, a total anachronism. Brainwashed by the despicable propaganda-media, those parasitizing persons or 'things' - who live on tax millions - seem to belong to a different period of time. But many of the deluded 16 million people in Holland don't know any better. Those who do research however are informed about the criminality of this mafia too.
It's a completely faked (but with Euro millions tax paid) weird fairy tale, straight from Disneyland, with a very rich elderly lady from SHELL, where she's said to be the biggest share-holder, whom some call 'queen' as the 'Evil Witch' ruling The Netherlands and the servile clowns in the so called 'government' for the managers of the criminal global cartel of which she is an important part.
Beatrix of Orange also is - among other malevolent things which are very negative for humanity - the Bilderberg-Hydra, and dangerous as such. She represents the Videlas and Pinochets of Holland.*
Then there's also some 'royal' brood - which is advertised by writing them up, and that way they're supposed to be something 'special'. They should be called 'princess' or 'prince' the falsifying propaganda media say.
But reality hits again: the only thing 'royal' about them is the lavish royalty for their palaces, life-style etc. they extort from the Dutch tax payers. It is unbelievable in 2010, but - because of all the propaganda lies - this so-called 'monarchy' in reality is a criminal and 'cultural Chernobyl' for the people in The Netherlands, and often the rest of the world. It is a very costly aberration for the uninformed tax payers. Their wealth 'officially' is around 150 million euros in 2010, but since the by them ordered around so-called 'government' collaborates, it's probably in the billions. The 'official' figures have very little in common with the facts.
Looking at it in reality: Máxima Zorreguieta was fostered by a 'maximum' war criminal father, who at that time was an influential minister in the genocidal Videla junta. Under the auspices of this dictatorial pro-US regime, they murdered at least 30.000 human beings. Máxima knew in those horrible years - and knows now - about all the atrocities and war crimes. But, like 99% of the spineless propaganda media, she keeps silent as much as she can.
The creatures that have done and do this, are all like the murderous multinationals and their media-minions : they have no shame and lack all human decency. Zorreguieta's boss Videla and others were arrested for this. Zorreguieta himself not yet, but his parliamentarian immunity was lifted in 2006, and juridically he can be prosecuted.
That Zorreguieta is not in jail yet, wonders many. Already in December 2001, Jorge Zorreguieta acknowledged the disappearances during the Videla regime in Argentina. That could be concluded from a book of Latin America-correspondent Jan Thielen: 'Zorreguieta. A biographical Sketch'. The Dutch info and propaganda-paper NRC-Handelsblad, published some extracts of the book.
Thielen had spoken with Jorge Zorreguieta regularly over the past 1,5 years. In the book itself, Jorge Zorreguieta is quoted as saying concerning the killings, rapes, kidnappings and other atrocities:
"I am not crazy. If I now would admit I knew about it, I would make myself an accomplice."
The book further tells that the Prince of Orange, Willem Alexander, understands the past of his future father-in-law.* Well, it's inhuman but in this case understandable: he is just too stupid to be true.
It's quite a problem on the other hand for the crooks managing SHELL's fiefdom Holland - and criminals like Jorge Zorreguieta - that earlier governments of The Netherlands were a bit more civilized, and also ratified the International Law against Torture. (in Dutch: Folterwet) And those who want to in Holland, do perfectly well know that Jorge Zorreguieta is guilty of those 'Dirty War' crimes, including the killings and torture. But, like in many countries now, also the dutch collaborating computer-coolies in the media, make permanently a perfect ass of themselves, by all the time spewing the monarchy propaganda.
In Zorreguieta's case it's often: "that a grandfather should be allowed to see his baby." But, in reality again, and according to the law, this 'grandfather' should be arrested the very second he puts his criminal feet on Dutch soil. However - as is permanently shown - in SHELL's domain - like in the rest of the criminal cartel's European Union - there are enough collaborators who don't care about laws etc. There is only one book of law, written by themselves, and that's used to control the main part of the population.
But Argentine 'assistant-president' Nestor Kirchner - who was jailed and maltreated by the Videla-junta himself - has pushed a human rights agenda, and persuaded, when he was president, Congress already in 2003 to annul two laws from the 1980s that pardoned human rights abusers. In 2005 the Supreme Court in Argentina declared those same two 'amnesty laws' unconstitutional.
Since then, courts have reopened a lot of cases, and brought former maltreating military and police officers to trial. According to the Center of Legal and Social Studies, an Argentine human rights organization, hundreds are in jail while they are investigated in the reopened cases, and a lot of people have been convicted.
Waiting still, are many of the victims and their parents in Argentina, who want to see criminals like Jorge Zorreguieta behind bars too. Because, and everybody with decency knows this: that is where they all belong. All those psychopathic creatures who were and still are responsible for the killing, torturing or raping of their beloved.
There are millions of people who hope that the time has come that the evildoers are judged and sentenced. Life in prison would do. Personally I'm against capital punishment, but I do understand those that want to make an exception.
Declassifying the military documents is again a step in the Human Rights direction.
Killer and torturer Bignone got 25 years in jail:
Now the rest of the killers too!
Jorge Zorreguieta must be next.
Blog: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/
* BBC - Former Argentina dictator jailed. - Url.: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/americas/8633823.stm
* Reynaldo Benito Bignone - Last Military President of the Military Junta - Url.: http://www.desaparecidos.org/arg/tort/junta/bignone/eng.html
* Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 244 for Ruyssenaars +"Jorge Zorreguieta" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y62tl8s
* Wikipedia: "The Dirty War (Spanish: Guerra Sucia) refers to the state-sponsored violence in Argentina against several thousand left-wing militants, including left-wing revolutionaries, trade unionists, all-out leftist guerrillas and sympathizers, carried out primarily by Jorge Rafael Videla's military dictatorship starting on 24 March 1976." - With Jorge Zorreguieta. - Url.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_War
* GALLERY of Argentinian Torturers and Killers - Url.: http://www.desaparecidos.org/arg/tort/eng.html
* Beatrix c.s. visits Argentina - Sin vergüenza ! - Without shame ! - Url.: tinyurl.com/gbzat
* In Dutch: Rapport Prof. Baud, waarin geconcludeerd wordt dat het "ondenkbaar is dat hij niets van de praktijk van de repressie en de mensenrechtensituatie heeft geweten." - Url.: http://www.noticias.nl/search/article.php?id=408
* Jorge Zorreguieta has spoken with the prince about the history of Argentina. - Url.: www.nettyroyal.nl/newsdec01.html
* In Dutch: "Jorge Zorreguieta weer in opspraak in Argentinië" - Url.: http://www.depers.nl/buitenland/186088/Jorge-Zorreguieta-weer-in-opspraak.html
* In Dutch: Demonstratie tegen Jorge Zorreguieta - Url.: http://users.livejournal.com/_dream_machine/92073.html
* Biography of Maxima Zorreguieta - Url.: www.nettyroyal.nl/maxima.html
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url. : liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Henk Ruyssenaars
April 20th 2010 - The BBC, a.k.a 'Broadcasting Brown's Crap,' has a story today that'll make more people, especially in Argentina, rather nervous. Those are the criminal killers, the torturers and their collaborators which - with or without uniform - are still not convicted.
The BBC in a short notice today had the following about one of these heinous criminals, ex-general Bignone: "BBC - 20 April 2010 - Argentina's former military ruler Reynaldo Bignone has been sentenced to 25 years for human rights abuses committed almost three decades ago.
Gen. Bignone, 82, ordered abductions and torture while second in command of the country's largest torture centre between 1978 and 1979. The trial comes after amnesty laws, which had shielded perpetrators from charges, were overturned in 2005 by the country's Supreme Court." - [end quote]*
One criminal in Argentina, who certainly is getting into deeper and deeper trouble, is Jorge Zorreguieta, the father of the possible future 'queen' of The Netherlands, Maxima.* Courts in Argentina decided they will investigate not only the killings and torture, but the rapes of political prisoners too. Many of those happened during 'president' Videla's 1976-1983 military 'dirty war' regime, when Jorge Zorreguieta was a minister. He knew about the atrocities, sometimes took part in them, but officially always - of course - denied it.
And against better knowledge Jorge Zorreguieta keeps lying, to save his criminal skin: "In 2001, Jorge Zorreguieta, a civilian who was a former Minister of Agriculture in the Videla regime, became the focus of attention when his daughter Máxima became engaged to the Prince of Orange. The significance of his potential connection to the Dutch Royal Family, and his possible presence at a royal wedding was hotly debated for several months.
Zorreguieta claimed that, as a civilian, he was unaware of the Dirty War while he was a cabinet minister.
Professor Baud, who on request of the Dutch government did an inquiry in the involvement of Zorreguieta, concluded that would it have been unlikely for a person in such a powerful position in the government to be unaware of the Dirty War.
Under Nestor Kirchner's term as president, the Argentine Congress revoked a pair of longstanding amnesty laws that had protected hundreds of officers, regardless of rank, from prosecution for the kidnapping, torture and killing of guerrillas and critics of the military regime. Throughout her presidency, [the also democratically chosen president] Cristina Kirchner, has vigorously maintained her prosecution of the military officers responsible for the disappearances." - [end excerpt] - Source: Wikipedia*
Now the military documents will show that there were at least 30.000 victims of the criminals. Maybe more. There is too much evidence of what those evildoers also have on their - if they have one - guilty conscience. According to witnesses testimony and reports, women prisoners were "interrogated" raped, tortured and killed, while babies born in those secret jails, were stolen by military officers. They often threw the parents alive out of helicopters, and you better believe it: from a 100 meters up, the water is as hard as concrete.
The fact that in Argentina people are still trying to get 'justicia' - and the decision to declassify the military documents concerning this - is 'very underreported' internationally. Like in 2007, when - for the first time - a prosecutor in Argentina asked courts to investigate possible rapes of political prisoners during the 1976-1983 military regime. Reuters reported from the capital Buenos Aires, that Federal prosecutor Federico Delgado petitioned Judge Daniel Rafecas, one of several judges investigating crimes against humanity during the dictatorship, to investigate former military and police officials. The opening of case documents surely helped him, and will in the future too.
Years ago, with democratically elected president of Argentine, Nestor Kirchner - the husband of the also democratically elected present president now, Christina Kirchner - courts started to try hundreds of military officers and policemen suspected of kidnapping and murdering government opponents after legal immunity shielding them was scrapped in 2005. According to human rights organizations and the families, at least 30,000 people were killed or disappeared and are presumed dead during Argentina's so-called dirty war. The victims included opponents of the regime, but also people who were not politically active. They were tortured, raped and/or killed anyhow.
And that's where a huge problem lies for the future 'queen' of The Netherlands, Argentinean Máxima Zorreguieta and her father, Jorge Zorreguieta. Because, as said, during the 'Dirty War' he was a Minister of Agriculture, and as such also a war criminal in the Videla junta.*
His daughter Máxima married the so called 'crown prince' Willem-Alexander of The Netherlands, an empty-headed beer-guzzler nicknamed 'Prince Pils' - and is coached and getting children* to prolong the fake and tax paid 'monarchy'. Which in SHELL's fiefdom The Netherlands is still alive through permanent brainwashing of the 16 million inhabitants.
It is hairraising what people can be made to believe: as if it was in medieval times. The 'House of Orange' - by many called 'Clockwork Orange' - absolutely is, and always has been, a total anachronism. Brainwashed by the despicable propaganda-media, those parasitizing persons or 'things' - who live on tax millions - seem to belong to a different period of time. But many of the deluded 16 million people in Holland don't know any better. Those who do research however are informed about the criminality of this mafia too.
It's a completely faked (but with Euro millions tax paid) weird fairy tale, straight from Disneyland, with a very rich elderly lady from SHELL, where she's said to be the biggest share-holder, whom some call 'queen' as the 'Evil Witch' ruling The Netherlands and the servile clowns in the so called 'government' for the managers of the criminal global cartel of which she is an important part.
Beatrix of Orange also is - among other malevolent things which are very negative for humanity - the Bilderberg-Hydra, and dangerous as such. She represents the Videlas and Pinochets of Holland.*
Then there's also some 'royal' brood - which is advertised by writing them up, and that way they're supposed to be something 'special'. They should be called 'princess' or 'prince' the falsifying propaganda media say.
But reality hits again: the only thing 'royal' about them is the lavish royalty for their palaces, life-style etc. they extort from the Dutch tax payers. It is unbelievable in 2010, but - because of all the propaganda lies - this so-called 'monarchy' in reality is a criminal and 'cultural Chernobyl' for the people in The Netherlands, and often the rest of the world. It is a very costly aberration for the uninformed tax payers. Their wealth 'officially' is around 150 million euros in 2010, but since the by them ordered around so-called 'government' collaborates, it's probably in the billions. The 'official' figures have very little in common with the facts.
Looking at it in reality: Máxima Zorreguieta was fostered by a 'maximum' war criminal father, who at that time was an influential minister in the genocidal Videla junta. Under the auspices of this dictatorial pro-US regime, they murdered at least 30.000 human beings. Máxima knew in those horrible years - and knows now - about all the atrocities and war crimes. But, like 99% of the spineless propaganda media, she keeps silent as much as she can.
The creatures that have done and do this, are all like the murderous multinationals and their media-minions : they have no shame and lack all human decency. Zorreguieta's boss Videla and others were arrested for this. Zorreguieta himself not yet, but his parliamentarian immunity was lifted in 2006, and juridically he can be prosecuted.
That Zorreguieta is not in jail yet, wonders many. Already in December 2001, Jorge Zorreguieta acknowledged the disappearances during the Videla regime in Argentina. That could be concluded from a book of Latin America-correspondent Jan Thielen: 'Zorreguieta. A biographical Sketch'. The Dutch info and propaganda-paper NRC-Handelsblad, published some extracts of the book.
Thielen had spoken with Jorge Zorreguieta regularly over the past 1,5 years. In the book itself, Jorge Zorreguieta is quoted as saying concerning the killings, rapes, kidnappings and other atrocities:
"I am not crazy. If I now would admit I knew about it, I would make myself an accomplice."
The book further tells that the Prince of Orange, Willem Alexander, understands the past of his future father-in-law.* Well, it's inhuman but in this case understandable: he is just too stupid to be true.
It's quite a problem on the other hand for the crooks managing SHELL's fiefdom Holland - and criminals like Jorge Zorreguieta - that earlier governments of The Netherlands were a bit more civilized, and also ratified the International Law against Torture. (in Dutch: Folterwet) And those who want to in Holland, do perfectly well know that Jorge Zorreguieta is guilty of those 'Dirty War' crimes, including the killings and torture. But, like in many countries now, also the dutch collaborating computer-coolies in the media, make permanently a perfect ass of themselves, by all the time spewing the monarchy propaganda.
In Zorreguieta's case it's often: "that a grandfather should be allowed to see his baby." But, in reality again, and according to the law, this 'grandfather' should be arrested the very second he puts his criminal feet on Dutch soil. However - as is permanently shown - in SHELL's domain - like in the rest of the criminal cartel's European Union - there are enough collaborators who don't care about laws etc. There is only one book of law, written by themselves, and that's used to control the main part of the population.
But Argentine 'assistant-president' Nestor Kirchner - who was jailed and maltreated by the Videla-junta himself - has pushed a human rights agenda, and persuaded, when he was president, Congress already in 2003 to annul two laws from the 1980s that pardoned human rights abusers. In 2005 the Supreme Court in Argentina declared those same two 'amnesty laws' unconstitutional.
Since then, courts have reopened a lot of cases, and brought former maltreating military and police officers to trial. According to the Center of Legal and Social Studies, an Argentine human rights organization, hundreds are in jail while they are investigated in the reopened cases, and a lot of people have been convicted.
Waiting still, are many of the victims and their parents in Argentina, who want to see criminals like Jorge Zorreguieta behind bars too. Because, and everybody with decency knows this: that is where they all belong. All those psychopathic creatures who were and still are responsible for the killing, torturing or raping of their beloved.
There are millions of people who hope that the time has come that the evildoers are judged and sentenced. Life in prison would do. Personally I'm against capital punishment, but I do understand those that want to make an exception.
Declassifying the military documents is again a step in the Human Rights direction.
Killer and torturer Bignone got 25 years in jail:
Now the rest of the killers too!
Jorge Zorreguieta must be next.
Blog: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/
* BBC - Former Argentina dictator jailed. - Url.: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/americas/8633823.stm
* Reynaldo Benito Bignone - Last Military President of the Military Junta - Url.: http://www.desaparecidos.org/arg/tort/junta/bignone/eng.html
* Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 244 for Ruyssenaars +"Jorge Zorreguieta" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y62tl8s
* Wikipedia: "The Dirty War (Spanish: Guerra Sucia) refers to the state-sponsored violence in Argentina against several thousand left-wing militants, including left-wing revolutionaries, trade unionists, all-out leftist guerrillas and sympathizers, carried out primarily by Jorge Rafael Videla's military dictatorship starting on 24 March 1976." - With Jorge Zorreguieta. - Url.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dirty_War
* GALLERY of Argentinian Torturers and Killers - Url.: http://www.desaparecidos.org/arg/tort/eng.html
* Beatrix c.s. visits Argentina - Sin vergüenza ! - Without shame ! - Url.: tinyurl.com/gbzat
* In Dutch: Rapport Prof. Baud, waarin geconcludeerd wordt dat het "ondenkbaar is dat hij niets van de praktijk van de repressie en de mensenrechtensituatie heeft geweten." - Url.: http://www.noticias.nl/search/article.php?id=408
* Jorge Zorreguieta has spoken with the prince about the history of Argentina. - Url.: www.nettyroyal.nl/newsdec01.html
* In Dutch: "Jorge Zorreguieta weer in opspraak in Argentinië" - Url.: http://www.depers.nl/buitenland/186088/Jorge-Zorreguieta-weer-in-opspraak.html
* In Dutch: Demonstratie tegen Jorge Zorreguieta - Url.: http://users.livejournal.com/_dream_machine/92073.html
* Biography of Maxima Zorreguieta - Url.: www.nettyroyal.nl/maxima.html
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url. : liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
Editor : Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Dirty War,
Jorge Zorreguieta,
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
As Will Hutton on 18 April 2010 in the british Observer wrote, concerning the global monetary crisis: "Now we know the truth. The financial meltdown wasn't a mistake – it was a con."*
Henk Ruyssenaars
April 20th 2010 - Money is power. It's as simple as that. One can buy everything: emperors, kings, armies, countries, people, goods etc. Everything seems to have its price. With very few exceptions. And those who have the money just want to make more and more. For them the word 'enough,' or 'suffering,' or dying' doesn't exist. It apparently never did.
And the rest of the world's peoples which are abused for this global con - still enriching the rich - is kept in the dark as much as is possible. "You keep them stupid, and I'll keep them poor." That's the criminals slogan. And, since the mad moneymakers own ninety-six percent of the media, this is easy.*
How it's done since ages, the Observer described like this: "Hiding behind the complexities of our financial system, banks and other institutions are being accused of fraud and deception, with Goldman Sachs just the latest in the spotlight. This has become the most pressing election issue of all
The global financial crisis, it is now clear, was caused not just by the bankers' colossal mismanagement. No, it was due also to the new financial complexity offering up the opportunity for widespread, systemic fraud. Friday's announcement that the world's most famous investment bank, Goldman Sachs, is to face civil charges for fraud brought by the American regulator is but the latest of a series of investigations that have been launched, arrests made and charges made against financial institutions around the world. Big Finance in the 21st century turns out to have been Big Fraud.
Yet Britain, centre of the world financial system, has not yet levelled charges against any bank; all that we've seen is the allegation of a high-level insider dealing ring which, embarrassingly, involves a banker advising the government. We have to live with the fiction that our banks and bankers are whiter than white, and any attempt to investigate them and their institutions will lead to a mass exodus to the mountains of Switzerland. [See the BIS* - HR] The politicians of the Labour and Tory party alike are Bambis amid the wolves." - [end quote]*
And for those who don't know yet what those swindling CDOs are, here's a very easy way to understand it: Marketplace Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch gives a bubbly explanation of the intricacies of "collateralized debt obligations" - those financial instruments that got us into this financial mess. - Url.: http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2008/10/03/whiteboard_crisis_explainer_uncorking_cdos/
But, as said, none of these humanoids seems to care one way or another what kind of suffering and death they have been spreading all along. "I'm doing 'God's work," Lloyd Blankfein, the chairman and CEO of the criminal Goldman Sachs bank explained. One wonders what kind of 'god' he refers to? Mammon maybe?*
The New York Times wrote about it that: "Senior Executives at Goldman Had a Role in Mortgage Unit and the news site Mathaba, via USA Biz, like many also wrote that: "Goldman`s brass had a hand in mortgages," which was posted on the 20th of April 2010: "Bank profited on rise, fall of the housing market."
Quote: "According to interviews with eight former Goldman employees, senior bank executives played a pivotal role in overseeing the mortgage unit just as the housing market began to go south. These people spoke on the condition that they not be named so as not to jeopardize business relationships or to anger executives at Goldman, viewed as the most powerful bank on Wall Street.
According to these people, executives up to and including Lloyd C. Blankfein, the chairman and chief executive, took an active role in overseeing the mortgage unit. It was Goldman’s top leadership, these people say, that ended the dispute on the mortgage desk by siding with those who, like Tourre and Egol, believed home prices would decline.
Lucas van Praag, a Goldman spokesman, said senior executives were not involved in approving the Abacus deals. He said the executives had sought to balance Goldman’s positive bets on the mortgage market, rather than take an overall negative view. Tourre declined to comment, as did Egol. Mortgage specialists were, in a sense, the mad scientists of the subprime era. They devised investments by bundling together bonds backed by home loans, which enabled mortgage lenders to make even more loans.
But former Goldman employees said those traders benefited from the short positions that were given to them. And their trading was tightly overseen by senior executives." - [end excerpt] - The original article is at MathabaNet/ - Url.: http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=623308
Of course it doesn't look likely to happen to 'Lucky Luke' van Praag, but have you ever thought about how it would be when you're foreclosed, and on the street? Living at first maybe with some family or friends, but also - if you still own one - in your car, on a parking lot etc. With an eventual wife, kids and the family pets? And no money coming in? How do you sleep and feed them? How does one shower? Dress? Go to the toilet? At present the homeless are a lot more than three and a half million in the US alone. And, no address means no vote either... It looks like it's all planned and rigged.
But, I'm afraid that most people in many other countries outside of the USA don't get it, when EVERY DAY - in April 2010 - twenty to twenty-five thousand people have to leave their home, and nobody reacts? The biggest heist in the history of mankind is being perpetrated, the criminal banking cartel is also stealing the houses and billions upon billions of tax money, all over the world too! This is money taken from hard working people to reward banking criminals for their misdeeds. One wonders why they are still freely walking around, they who do this? Or why they are not in jail yet?
Why are not many more US americans - of those tens of thousands and more homeless a day - getting too: "mad as hell, and not taking it anymore"? Where is the rage, their anger?
And when are the victims coming to grips with this orchestrated 'misfortune' they suffer, while the criminals get all the bailout $billions for their con? And the foreclosed people just stand there, hungry, and at night in the cold, with their possible family, the pet, and empty hands? Not even anymore having a window to shout from...
Everything is stolen from them, and they don't react? Many - like me - really don't get it. And look again at the story Newsmax had:
"Foreclosure Rates Surge, Biggest Jump in 5 Years"
Published on April 15, 2010, and saying that: "A record number of U.S. homes were lost to foreclosure in the first three months of this year, a sign banks are starting to wade through the backlog of troubled home loans at a faster pace, according to a new report.
RealtyTrac Inc. said Thursday that the number of U.S. homes taken over by banks jumped 35 percent in the first quarter from a year ago. In addition, households facing foreclosure grew 16 percent in the same period and 7 percent from the last three months of 2009.
More homes were taken over by banks and scheduled for a foreclosure sale than in any quarter going back to at least January 2005, when RealtyTrac began reporting the data, the firm said. "We're right now on pace to see more than 1 million bank repossessions this year," said Rick Sharga, a RealtyTrac senior vice president.
Foreclosures began to ease last year as banks came under pressure from the Obama administration to modify home loans for troubled borrowers. In addition, some states enacted foreclosure moratoriums in hopes of giving homeowners behind in payments time to catch up. And in many cases, banks have had trouble coping with how to handle the glut of problem loans.
These factors have helped slow the pace of foreclosures, but now that trend appears to be reversing. "We're finally seeing the banks start to process the inventory that has been in foreclosure, but delayed in processing," Sharga said. "We expect the pace to accelerate as the year goes on."
In all, more than 900,000 households, or one in every 138 homes, received a foreclosure-related notice, RealtyTrac said. The firm based in Irvine, Calif., tracks notices for defaults, scheduled home auctions and home repossessions. Homeowners continue to fall behind on payments because they've lost their job or seen their mortgage payment rise due to an interest-rate reset. Many are unable to refinance because they now owe more on their loan than their home is worth." - [end excerpt] - You can read the rest here, at Newsmax - Url.: http://www.newsmax.com/US/US-Foreclosure-Rates/2010/04/15/id/355761
Got it? It said that there will be more than 1 million bank repossessions this year. More people out in the streets, more empty houses which are bought for a nickel on the dollar. A dollar fabricated out of thin air. This sure is a world-con! With an enormous suffering.
Quote: "July 7, 2009 (Bloomberg) - “The bank has raised the possibility that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways,” Facciponti said, according to a recording of the hearing made public yesterday. “The copy in Germany is still out there, and we at this time do not know who else has access to it.” - [end quote] - Source: Bloomberg - Url.: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=axYw_ykTBokE
It's better to listen to Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) who came to the same conclusion as many experts outside the senate: Big banks use campaign and other money to unduly influence Congress. Here’s what he told Chicago radio station WJJG: "And the banks - hard to believe in a time when we're facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created - are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place." - [end quote] - Source: 2009 Newsmax - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yfehavw
A majority of humanity must be seen as victims of Rothschilds central banks usury system. They decide what the so called 'money' in your wallet is worth. Nobody else! - "An Unbridled Monster: the global monetary system" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/kk86q7
Moody's Investors Service, S & P and Fitch: ALL belong to the criminal financial cartel. Moody's is especially bad: they sold their 'ratings' for cash. In the U.S. news service McClatchy even had a very informative article about this global swindle: "How Moody's sold its ratings - and sold out investors." - Url.: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/227/story/77244.html
Quote: "Wall Street paid as much as $1 million for some ratings, and ratings agency profits soared. This new revenue stream swamped earnings from ordinary ratings.
In 2001, Moody's had revenues of $800.7 million; in 2005, they were up to $1.73 billion; and in 2006, $2.037 billion. The exploding profits were fees from packaging . . . and for granting the top-class AAA ratings, which were supposed to mean they were as safe as U.S. government securities," said Lawrence McDonald in his recent book, "A Colossal Failure of Common Sense." - McDonald's Web site. - Url.: http://www.lawrencegmcdonald.com/
Standard & Poor's - run by Deven Sharma, who is called 'president' - is owned by the McGraw Hill company, residing snugly in the New Yorker Rockefeller Center building. The connection is clear, isn't it? - Source: Wikipedia - Url.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McGraw-Hill
And of course also Fitch credit 'rating' agency followed the swindle money, and for instance downgraded Greece or Iceland's economy, just like the international usury banks wanted them to. So much for those 'rating agencies' which also are owned by the banksters from the criminal cartel.
But one keeps wondering about how so few have been able to do so much damage to so many. All over the world! Their criminal minds are apparently all the time at work, globally enslaving people and profiting from them. And all those who profit - including the vile collaborators - shut up about it.
It's called the Salami-tactic: every day a small slice, and at last 'they' have the whole sausage!
They do this every time through indoctrination and deception. And it's always the same: human beings never count! Never! Like in this case where people end up in the streets: they don't care for a nano-second whether it's a hundred or a hundred thousand foreclosures. As long as the earn on it.
For the criminal cartel only power and profit counts.
The case is clear, isn't it?
It's either them or humanity.
Blog - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/
* Will Hutton in 'The Observer' (UK) - Url.: http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/apr/18/goldman-sachs-regulators-civil-charges
* It's not only the screen and radio & TV mind poisoning and brainwashing from Hollywood: the so called 'Free Press' is Big Money. And we all understand that having 96% of the war propaganda media, one controls the political landscape as well. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dafucd
* Where were the media when the subprime disaster unfolded? - Url.: http://rinf.com/alt-news/media-news/where-was-media-when-sub-prime-disaster-unfolded/2854/
* "I'm doing 'God's work'. Meet Mr Goldman Sachs" - Lloyd Blankfein - Source: 'The Sunday Times' (UK) - Url.: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article6907681.ece
* Reuters: "Goldman CDO case could be tip of iceberg." - Url.: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE63G21Z20100417
* US: Losing house and everything: why no real reaction? - Url.: disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?id=234999;article=2788
* New York Times - Senior Executives at Goldman Had a Role in Mortgage Unit - NYT Url.: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/19/business/19goldman.html?hp
* How the German national-socialistic party and Hitler were financed by international cartel's bankers was suppressed knowledge, but eloquently described by Anthony C. Sutton in his book: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. - Url.: http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/wall_street/index.html
* The BIS bank - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y6xmed [16]
* BIS, the Board - Url.: http://www.bis.org/about/board.htm [17] * The banksters, and their collaborators worldwide, are mostly psychopaths. - Url.: http://www.serendipity.li/bush/beyond_insanity.htm
* Trading with the Enemy - The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949" - By Charles Higham, Delacorte Press 1983. - Google Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ydkzlvh
* 'Holland as a 'Tax haven' - Url.: http://argusoog.punt.nl/?r=1&id=380607
* Rothschild: "He who has the gold has the power!" So the Rothschilds also decide the price of the gold. - Url.: http://goldinfo.net/londongoldfix.html
* The Lords of Hunger and Depopulation - Web Results 1 - 10 of about 25,300 for Kissinger +depopulation. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yh8begy
* US: The humanoids want a totalitarian State = A very good story: Ellen Brown about the BIS - Url.:http://tinyurl.com/ygjd2qn
* Obama/ Soetoro - Or whatever his name is: Hey! Look! The CIA 'emperor' has no clothes! - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/o55tpv
* "PEOPLE DO NOT FORGET: They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/9cyeq
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3z3r6
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Tags: Financial meltdown, Con, Goldman Sachs, Blankfein, secret code, gold, Observer, war, CIA, senator Durbin
Henk Ruyssenaars
April 20th 2010 - Money is power. It's as simple as that. One can buy everything: emperors, kings, armies, countries, people, goods etc. Everything seems to have its price. With very few exceptions. And those who have the money just want to make more and more. For them the word 'enough,' or 'suffering,' or dying' doesn't exist. It apparently never did.
And the rest of the world's peoples which are abused for this global con - still enriching the rich - is kept in the dark as much as is possible. "You keep them stupid, and I'll keep them poor." That's the criminals slogan. And, since the mad moneymakers own ninety-six percent of the media, this is easy.*
How it's done since ages, the Observer described like this: "Hiding behind the complexities of our financial system, banks and other institutions are being accused of fraud and deception, with Goldman Sachs just the latest in the spotlight. This has become the most pressing election issue of all
The global financial crisis, it is now clear, was caused not just by the bankers' colossal mismanagement. No, it was due also to the new financial complexity offering up the opportunity for widespread, systemic fraud. Friday's announcement that the world's most famous investment bank, Goldman Sachs, is to face civil charges for fraud brought by the American regulator is but the latest of a series of investigations that have been launched, arrests made and charges made against financial institutions around the world. Big Finance in the 21st century turns out to have been Big Fraud.
Yet Britain, centre of the world financial system, has not yet levelled charges against any bank; all that we've seen is the allegation of a high-level insider dealing ring which, embarrassingly, involves a banker advising the government. We have to live with the fiction that our banks and bankers are whiter than white, and any attempt to investigate them and their institutions will lead to a mass exodus to the mountains of Switzerland. [See the BIS* - HR] The politicians of the Labour and Tory party alike are Bambis amid the wolves." - [end quote]*
And for those who don't know yet what those swindling CDOs are, here's a very easy way to understand it: Marketplace Senior Editor Paddy Hirsch gives a bubbly explanation of the intricacies of "collateralized debt obligations" - those financial instruments that got us into this financial mess. - Url.: http://marketplace.publicradio.org/display/web/2008/10/03/whiteboard_crisis_explainer_uncorking_cdos/
But, as said, none of these humanoids seems to care one way or another what kind of suffering and death they have been spreading all along. "I'm doing 'God's work," Lloyd Blankfein, the chairman and CEO of the criminal Goldman Sachs bank explained. One wonders what kind of 'god' he refers to? Mammon maybe?*
The New York Times wrote about it that: "Senior Executives at Goldman Had a Role in Mortgage Unit and the news site Mathaba, via USA Biz, like many also wrote that: "Goldman`s brass had a hand in mortgages," which was posted on the 20th of April 2010: "Bank profited on rise, fall of the housing market."
Quote: "According to interviews with eight former Goldman employees, senior bank executives played a pivotal role in overseeing the mortgage unit just as the housing market began to go south. These people spoke on the condition that they not be named so as not to jeopardize business relationships or to anger executives at Goldman, viewed as the most powerful bank on Wall Street.
According to these people, executives up to and including Lloyd C. Blankfein, the chairman and chief executive, took an active role in overseeing the mortgage unit. It was Goldman’s top leadership, these people say, that ended the dispute on the mortgage desk by siding with those who, like Tourre and Egol, believed home prices would decline.
Lucas van Praag, a Goldman spokesman, said senior executives were not involved in approving the Abacus deals. He said the executives had sought to balance Goldman’s positive bets on the mortgage market, rather than take an overall negative view. Tourre declined to comment, as did Egol. Mortgage specialists were, in a sense, the mad scientists of the subprime era. They devised investments by bundling together bonds backed by home loans, which enabled mortgage lenders to make even more loans.
But former Goldman employees said those traders benefited from the short positions that were given to them. And their trading was tightly overseen by senior executives." - [end excerpt] - The original article is at MathabaNet/ - Url.: http://www.mathaba.net/news/?x=623308
Of course it doesn't look likely to happen to 'Lucky Luke' van Praag, but have you ever thought about how it would be when you're foreclosed, and on the street? Living at first maybe with some family or friends, but also - if you still own one - in your car, on a parking lot etc. With an eventual wife, kids and the family pets? And no money coming in? How do you sleep and feed them? How does one shower? Dress? Go to the toilet? At present the homeless are a lot more than three and a half million in the US alone. And, no address means no vote either... It looks like it's all planned and rigged.
But, I'm afraid that most people in many other countries outside of the USA don't get it, when EVERY DAY - in April 2010 - twenty to twenty-five thousand people have to leave their home, and nobody reacts? The biggest heist in the history of mankind is being perpetrated, the criminal banking cartel is also stealing the houses and billions upon billions of tax money, all over the world too! This is money taken from hard working people to reward banking criminals for their misdeeds. One wonders why they are still freely walking around, they who do this? Or why they are not in jail yet?
Why are not many more US americans - of those tens of thousands and more homeless a day - getting too: "mad as hell, and not taking it anymore"? Where is the rage, their anger?
And when are the victims coming to grips with this orchestrated 'misfortune' they suffer, while the criminals get all the bailout $billions for their con? And the foreclosed people just stand there, hungry, and at night in the cold, with their possible family, the pet, and empty hands? Not even anymore having a window to shout from...
Everything is stolen from them, and they don't react? Many - like me - really don't get it. And look again at the story Newsmax had:
"Foreclosure Rates Surge, Biggest Jump in 5 Years"
Published on April 15, 2010, and saying that: "A record number of U.S. homes were lost to foreclosure in the first three months of this year, a sign banks are starting to wade through the backlog of troubled home loans at a faster pace, according to a new report.
RealtyTrac Inc. said Thursday that the number of U.S. homes taken over by banks jumped 35 percent in the first quarter from a year ago. In addition, households facing foreclosure grew 16 percent in the same period and 7 percent from the last three months of 2009.
More homes were taken over by banks and scheduled for a foreclosure sale than in any quarter going back to at least January 2005, when RealtyTrac began reporting the data, the firm said. "We're right now on pace to see more than 1 million bank repossessions this year," said Rick Sharga, a RealtyTrac senior vice president.
Foreclosures began to ease last year as banks came under pressure from the Obama administration to modify home loans for troubled borrowers. In addition, some states enacted foreclosure moratoriums in hopes of giving homeowners behind in payments time to catch up. And in many cases, banks have had trouble coping with how to handle the glut of problem loans.
These factors have helped slow the pace of foreclosures, but now that trend appears to be reversing. "We're finally seeing the banks start to process the inventory that has been in foreclosure, but delayed in processing," Sharga said. "We expect the pace to accelerate as the year goes on."
In all, more than 900,000 households, or one in every 138 homes, received a foreclosure-related notice, RealtyTrac said. The firm based in Irvine, Calif., tracks notices for defaults, scheduled home auctions and home repossessions. Homeowners continue to fall behind on payments because they've lost their job or seen their mortgage payment rise due to an interest-rate reset. Many are unable to refinance because they now owe more on their loan than their home is worth." - [end excerpt] - You can read the rest here, at Newsmax - Url.: http://www.newsmax.com/US/US-Foreclosure-Rates/2010/04/15/id/355761
Got it? It said that there will be more than 1 million bank repossessions this year. More people out in the streets, more empty houses which are bought for a nickel on the dollar. A dollar fabricated out of thin air. This sure is a world-con! With an enormous suffering.
Quote: "July 7, 2009 (Bloomberg) - “The bank has raised the possibility that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways,” Facciponti said, according to a recording of the hearing made public yesterday. “The copy in Germany is still out there, and we at this time do not know who else has access to it.” - [end quote] - Source: Bloomberg - Url.: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=axYw_ykTBokE
It's better to listen to Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) who came to the same conclusion as many experts outside the senate: Big banks use campaign and other money to unduly influence Congress. Here’s what he told Chicago radio station WJJG: "And the banks - hard to believe in a time when we're facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created - are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place." - [end quote] - Source: 2009 Newsmax - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yfehavw
A majority of humanity must be seen as victims of Rothschilds central banks usury system. They decide what the so called 'money' in your wallet is worth. Nobody else! - "An Unbridled Monster: the global monetary system" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/kk86q7
Moody's Investors Service, S & P and Fitch: ALL belong to the criminal financial cartel. Moody's is especially bad: they sold their 'ratings' for cash. In the U.S. news service McClatchy even had a very informative article about this global swindle: "How Moody's sold its ratings - and sold out investors." - Url.: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/227/story/77244.html
Quote: "Wall Street paid as much as $1 million for some ratings, and ratings agency profits soared. This new revenue stream swamped earnings from ordinary ratings.
In 2001, Moody's had revenues of $800.7 million; in 2005, they were up to $1.73 billion; and in 2006, $2.037 billion. The exploding profits were fees from packaging . . . and for granting the top-class AAA ratings, which were supposed to mean they were as safe as U.S. government securities," said Lawrence McDonald in his recent book, "A Colossal Failure of Common Sense." - McDonald's Web site. - Url.: http://www.lawrencegmcdonald.com/
Standard & Poor's - run by Deven Sharma, who is called 'president' - is owned by the McGraw Hill company, residing snugly in the New Yorker Rockefeller Center building. The connection is clear, isn't it? - Source: Wikipedia - Url.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McGraw-Hill
And of course also Fitch credit 'rating' agency followed the swindle money, and for instance downgraded Greece or Iceland's economy, just like the international usury banks wanted them to. So much for those 'rating agencies' which also are owned by the banksters from the criminal cartel.
But one keeps wondering about how so few have been able to do so much damage to so many. All over the world! Their criminal minds are apparently all the time at work, globally enslaving people and profiting from them. And all those who profit - including the vile collaborators - shut up about it.
It's called the Salami-tactic: every day a small slice, and at last 'they' have the whole sausage!
They do this every time through indoctrination and deception. And it's always the same: human beings never count! Never! Like in this case where people end up in the streets: they don't care for a nano-second whether it's a hundred or a hundred thousand foreclosures. As long as the earn on it.
For the criminal cartel only power and profit counts.
The case is clear, isn't it?
It's either them or humanity.
Blog - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/
* Will Hutton in 'The Observer' (UK) - Url.: http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2010/apr/18/goldman-sachs-regulators-civil-charges
* It's not only the screen and radio & TV mind poisoning and brainwashing from Hollywood: the so called 'Free Press' is Big Money. And we all understand that having 96% of the war propaganda media, one controls the political landscape as well. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dafucd
* Where were the media when the subprime disaster unfolded? - Url.: http://rinf.com/alt-news/media-news/where-was-media-when-sub-prime-disaster-unfolded/2854/
* "I'm doing 'God's work'. Meet Mr Goldman Sachs" - Lloyd Blankfein - Source: 'The Sunday Times' (UK) - Url.: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article6907681.ece
* Reuters: "Goldman CDO case could be tip of iceberg." - Url.: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE63G21Z20100417
* US: Losing house and everything: why no real reaction? - Url.: disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?id=234999;article=2788
* New York Times - Senior Executives at Goldman Had a Role in Mortgage Unit - NYT Url.: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/19/business/19goldman.html?hp
* How the German national-socialistic party and Hitler were financed by international cartel's bankers was suppressed knowledge, but eloquently described by Anthony C. Sutton in his book: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. - Url.: http://reformed-theology.org/html/books/wall_street/index.html
* The BIS bank - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y6xmed [16]
* BIS, the Board - Url.: http://www.bis.org/about/board.htm [17] * The banksters, and their collaborators worldwide, are mostly psychopaths. - Url.: http://www.serendipity.li/bush/beyond_insanity.htm
* Trading with the Enemy - The Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949" - By Charles Higham, Delacorte Press 1983. - Google Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ydkzlvh
* 'Holland as a 'Tax haven' - Url.: http://argusoog.punt.nl/?r=1&id=380607
* Rothschild: "He who has the gold has the power!" So the Rothschilds also decide the price of the gold. - Url.: http://goldinfo.net/londongoldfix.html
* The Lords of Hunger and Depopulation - Web Results 1 - 10 of about 25,300 for Kissinger +depopulation. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yh8begy
* US: The humanoids want a totalitarian State = A very good story: Ellen Brown about the BIS - Url.:http://tinyurl.com/ygjd2qn
* Obama/ Soetoro - Or whatever his name is: Hey! Look! The CIA 'emperor' has no clothes! - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/o55tpv
* "PEOPLE DO NOT FORGET: They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/9cyeq
FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://tinyurl.com/3z3r6
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Tags: Financial meltdown, Con, Goldman Sachs, Blankfein, secret code, gold, Observer, war, CIA, senator Durbin
Financial meltdown,
Goldman Sachs,
secret code,
senator Durbin,
Friday, April 16, 2010
Russian president Medvedev warned for more blowbacks in other countries to come, and, according to the new government in Kyrgyzstan, Kurmanbek Bakiyev, the former CIA/NED backed 'president' faxed his resignation and fled the total blowback in his country. The fact that Bakiyev in 2004 was trained in Rockefeller's special program for Heads of State etc. - the 'International Visitors Leadership Program' - didn't help anymore.*
"I'm from the U.S. Governement, and I'm here to help you..."
April 16th 2010 - About how he came to power and his dirty connections the mass media won't report. As usual. But in Kyrgyzstan, former and U.S. supported torturing and stealing president Bakiyev, his corrupt family and co-criminals, now run for their life. It's an overwhelming blowback again for the criminal cartel's CIA and its fellow-travelers. Like the National Endowment for Democracy,* the NED, or the partly by the CIA's Asia Foundation* funded "Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation."*
And, by the way: for those who don't know yet how for instance the so-called 'National Endowment for Democracy' works in other countries they are trying to usurp for the criminal cartel's power and profit; it's what author William Blum calls a Trojan Horse. But a murderous one. And the CIA and its managers try to use it everywhere as such. Also in Kyrgyzstan of course.*
How those countries are usurped, 'World Bank' (BIS*) insider John Perkins explained. The war profiteering banksters send the cartel's killers. Quote: 'Jackals' are C.I.A. sanctioned people that come in and try to foment a coup or revolution. If it doesn't work, they perform assassinations, or try to." They steal billions for the BIS, the World Bank, IMF, USAID, UNDP etc. If one doesn't know yet how deadly they are, one should absolutely see one of the first John Perkins videos. With transcript. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4kget
The Russian info-agency Ria/Novosti quoted Russian president Medvedev, who warned the U.S. managers for more blowbacks to come: "Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday he did not rule out the repetition of the Kyrgyz scenario in other former Soviet republics if their leaders conduct policies similar to the ousted Kyrgyz president.
"In relation to the possibility of similar scenarios in ex-Soviet states or other countries - everything is possible in this world, if people are not happy with the authorities, if the authorities do not make efforts to support their people," Medvedev said at a news conference after a BRIC [Cooperation of Brazil, Russia, India and China - HR] summit in Brazil.
"This scenario could repeat anywhere when the authorities lose their link with people." he said." - Brasilia - April 16 2010 - RIA Novosti.*
In Kyrgyzstan, concerning the new government, the US administrators said - according to Politico* - that the US managers are not 'taking a side.' But an article in The New York Times, one of the worst war propaganda papers ever for the cartel, the case was clear. CIA-president Bakieyev and his corrupt clan of criminals were dumped, and the NYT on April 14, 2010 wrote that the "U.S. Signals Support for New Kyrgyz Leaders."*
The U.S. representative for the criminal cartel, Robert Blake - who franchises for the crooks as 'the assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asian affairs' - met with the country’s interim government and the new Kyrgyz leader, Roza Otunbayeva. He said he came to “express support for the steps the provisional government has taken to restore democracy,” and to offer American aid. “We look forward to helping,” Blake said after meeting with Ms. Otunbayeva.
He said excactly what millions the world over dread and have learned to fear: "I'm from the U.S. Governement, and I'm here to help you..."
Knowing that the U.S. banking cartel strangles countries for instance by loans they can never repay, and kills millions of human beings. As they've always done. And all for their megalomaniac power and profit, via the criminal World Bank, the 'International Murder Fund' IMF, and the crimnal cartel of Rothschild's usury empire, the Bank for International Settlements, the BIS, in Basel, Switzerland.*
'Gofer' Blake was trying to control the damage done to the CIA/NED and the by them paid organisations. And at the same time he tried to keep the U.S. air force's Manas air base in Kyrgyzstan* - which is very important to the managers for their $trillion war business - in the paws of the criminal cartel.
That's why they use the CIA's NED too, and this is what the NED says it paid for, infiltrated and does: "To encourage human rights and democracy education in middle schools and high schools in southern Kyrgyzstan. To inform the citizens of Kyrgyzstan of their legal and constitutional rights.
Workshops will focus on the major industries in Kyrgyzstan, role of business associations and chambers of commerce, rule of law, and banking sector. To improve the legal environment in Kyrgyzstan for journalists and media outlets." And so on, and so on... - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y5r6ppm
They covered it all, but are now silent. Because through this blowback and in reality, the cartel lost a big chunk again in its usury empire. Apart from that: the Russians seem to be moving in with a second air base in the country. The lease for the US Manas air base ends by the way next July 2010, but a lot is possible.
And as always, the IMF austerity plans, making most people suffer and pay, and with the usual usury price hikes, pension and salary cuts: that did it to the people. Like in other countries where the IMF steals what's not to hot or heavy to handle.
This criminal cartel of financiers and warmongers is really too bad for words. It really is the worst plague ever to hit mankind, and it's globally hoped that they are fought teeth and nails. Everywhere and permanently.
These usurers with their long-term planning and vile collaborators have woven a web of debt.
They've have build a Matrix for the victimized people in general, and they keep shoveling the wealth in their direction.
But - like in Kyrgyzstan - human beings must react against this. Because as is shown again, they'll kill us for a dime.
Conclusion: it's either them or us.
Henk Ruyssenaars
* New York Times - "U.S. Signals Support for New Kyrgyz Leaders." - Url.: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/15/world/asia/15kyrgyz.html
* "The National Endowment for Democracy" - Excerpted from the book 'Rogue State - A Guide to the World's Only Superpower.' - Url.: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Blum/TrojanHorse_RS.html
* Source: Wikipedia - "In 1967, the U.S. media revealed that the CIA was covertly funding a number of organizations, including The Asia Foundation." - The official view of the CIA's 'Asia Foundation' - Url.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Asia_Foundation
* Google search: Web results for HR + and the criminal cartel of financiers. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y4apxsb
* The 'National Endowment for Democracy' (NED) - and all the money they gave to different pro-US organisations - Ur.: http://www.ned.org/where-we-work/eurasia/kyrgyzstan
* Swiss 'cooperation' in Kyrgyzstan - Url.: http://www.swiss-cooperation.admin.ch/centralasia/en/Home/Activities_in_Kyrgyzstan
* Official site: "Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)" - Url.: http://www.deza.ch
* Russian info-agency Ria/Novosti - 'Kyrgyz scenario may repeat in other states.' - Medvedev - Url.: http://en.rian.ru/russia/20100416/158603097.html
* Google search: Web results for HR + BIS, Rothschild and Rockefeller - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y2kt8zy
* "BLOWBACK: SOROS AND THE CIA CRASH IN KYRGYZSTAN." - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/35077.html
* "BLOWBACK CONTINUES: US STOPS KYRGYZSTAN FLIGHTS TO AFGHANISTAN." - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/35669.html
* Kyrgyzstan US Administration: Not 'taking a side' - Politico - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y49zm3m
* Picture from the Manas US Air base in Kyrgystan, with US Air force plane. - Url.: http://www.flickr.com/search/show/?q=060225-f-6706g-001&z=m
* Prominent 'alumni' of Nelson Rockefeller's American institute's 'International Visitors Leadership Program.' - PDF Url.: http://exchanges.state.gov/alumni/prominent-alumni.html
* Nelson Rockefeller - Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Rockefeller
* U.S. Department of State - Alumni who are Chiefs of State/Heads of Government. - Url.: http://exchanges.state.gov/index/election08/alumni.html
* The Netherlands - Jan Peter Balkenende - [April 2010 démissionair] Prime Minister - 'International Visitors Leadership Program.' - 1985 - PDF - Url.: http://www.heetmail.nl/pdf/alumni.pdf
* France: Nicolas Sarkozy - President - 'International Visitors Leadership Program' - 1985 - PDF - Url.: http://www.heetmail.nl/pdf/alumni.pdf
* Kyrgyzstan - Kurmanbek Bakiyev - President - 'International Visitors Leadership Program.' 2004 - PDF - Url.: http://www.heetmail.nl/pdf/alumni.pdf
* Kyrgyzstan - Latest Google search: Web Results for Kyrgyzstan.- Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y732j96
* THE US PNAC WARS & NATO’S SECRET ARMIES LINKED TO TERRORISM? - (NATO, the Pentagon, NSA, MI6, the CIA, Mossad, BND, and all other European and global 'intelligence services' are negatively linked to inhuman terror, coups d’état, 'rendition', the PNAC Gulags and torture - HR) - by Daniele Ganser - Url.: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/GAN412A.html
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
* HR & Google Web search - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yevvgup
* HR blog - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Tags: bakiyev, medvedev, cia, NED, Blum, fake, kyrgyzstan, manas, medvedev, International Visitors Leadership Program, brasilia, SDC
"I'm from the U.S. Governement, and I'm here to help you..."
April 16th 2010 - About how he came to power and his dirty connections the mass media won't report. As usual. But in Kyrgyzstan, former and U.S. supported torturing and stealing president Bakiyev, his corrupt family and co-criminals, now run for their life. It's an overwhelming blowback again for the criminal cartel's CIA and its fellow-travelers. Like the National Endowment for Democracy,* the NED, or the partly by the CIA's Asia Foundation* funded "Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation."*
And, by the way: for those who don't know yet how for instance the so-called 'National Endowment for Democracy' works in other countries they are trying to usurp for the criminal cartel's power and profit; it's what author William Blum calls a Trojan Horse. But a murderous one. And the CIA and its managers try to use it everywhere as such. Also in Kyrgyzstan of course.*
How those countries are usurped, 'World Bank' (BIS*) insider John Perkins explained. The war profiteering banksters send the cartel's killers. Quote: 'Jackals' are C.I.A. sanctioned people that come in and try to foment a coup or revolution. If it doesn't work, they perform assassinations, or try to." They steal billions for the BIS, the World Bank, IMF, USAID, UNDP etc. If one doesn't know yet how deadly they are, one should absolutely see one of the first John Perkins videos. With transcript. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/4kget
The Russian info-agency Ria/Novosti quoted Russian president Medvedev, who warned the U.S. managers for more blowbacks to come: "Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said on Friday he did not rule out the repetition of the Kyrgyz scenario in other former Soviet republics if their leaders conduct policies similar to the ousted Kyrgyz president.
"In relation to the possibility of similar scenarios in ex-Soviet states or other countries - everything is possible in this world, if people are not happy with the authorities, if the authorities do not make efforts to support their people," Medvedev said at a news conference after a BRIC [Cooperation of Brazil, Russia, India and China - HR] summit in Brazil.
"This scenario could repeat anywhere when the authorities lose their link with people." he said." - Brasilia - April 16 2010 - RIA Novosti.*
In Kyrgyzstan, concerning the new government, the US administrators said - according to Politico* - that the US managers are not 'taking a side.' But an article in The New York Times, one of the worst war propaganda papers ever for the cartel, the case was clear. CIA-president Bakieyev and his corrupt clan of criminals were dumped, and the NYT on April 14, 2010 wrote that the "U.S. Signals Support for New Kyrgyz Leaders."*
The U.S. representative for the criminal cartel, Robert Blake - who franchises for the crooks as 'the assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asian affairs' - met with the country’s interim government and the new Kyrgyz leader, Roza Otunbayeva. He said he came to “express support for the steps the provisional government has taken to restore democracy,” and to offer American aid. “We look forward to helping,” Blake said after meeting with Ms. Otunbayeva.
He said excactly what millions the world over dread and have learned to fear: "I'm from the U.S. Governement, and I'm here to help you..."
Knowing that the U.S. banking cartel strangles countries for instance by loans they can never repay, and kills millions of human beings. As they've always done. And all for their megalomaniac power and profit, via the criminal World Bank, the 'International Murder Fund' IMF, and the crimnal cartel of Rothschild's usury empire, the Bank for International Settlements, the BIS, in Basel, Switzerland.*
'Gofer' Blake was trying to control the damage done to the CIA/NED and the by them paid organisations. And at the same time he tried to keep the U.S. air force's Manas air base in Kyrgyzstan* - which is very important to the managers for their $trillion war business - in the paws of the criminal cartel.
That's why they use the CIA's NED too, and this is what the NED says it paid for, infiltrated and does: "To encourage human rights and democracy education in middle schools and high schools in southern Kyrgyzstan. To inform the citizens of Kyrgyzstan of their legal and constitutional rights.
Workshops will focus on the major industries in Kyrgyzstan, role of business associations and chambers of commerce, rule of law, and banking sector. To improve the legal environment in Kyrgyzstan for journalists and media outlets." And so on, and so on... - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y5r6ppm
They covered it all, but are now silent. Because through this blowback and in reality, the cartel lost a big chunk again in its usury empire. Apart from that: the Russians seem to be moving in with a second air base in the country. The lease for the US Manas air base ends by the way next July 2010, but a lot is possible.
And as always, the IMF austerity plans, making most people suffer and pay, and with the usual usury price hikes, pension and salary cuts: that did it to the people. Like in other countries where the IMF steals what's not to hot or heavy to handle.
This criminal cartel of financiers and warmongers is really too bad for words. It really is the worst plague ever to hit mankind, and it's globally hoped that they are fought teeth and nails. Everywhere and permanently.
These usurers with their long-term planning and vile collaborators have woven a web of debt.
They've have build a Matrix for the victimized people in general, and they keep shoveling the wealth in their direction.
But - like in Kyrgyzstan - human beings must react against this. Because as is shown again, they'll kill us for a dime.
Conclusion: it's either them or us.
Henk Ruyssenaars
* New York Times - "U.S. Signals Support for New Kyrgyz Leaders." - Url.: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/15/world/asia/15kyrgyz.html
* "The National Endowment for Democracy" - Excerpted from the book 'Rogue State - A Guide to the World's Only Superpower.' - Url.: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Blum/TrojanHorse_RS.html
* Source: Wikipedia - "In 1967, the U.S. media revealed that the CIA was covertly funding a number of organizations, including The Asia Foundation." - The official view of the CIA's 'Asia Foundation' - Url.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Asia_Foundation
* Google search: Web results for HR + and the criminal cartel of financiers. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y4apxsb
* The 'National Endowment for Democracy' (NED) - and all the money they gave to different pro-US organisations - Ur.: http://www.ned.org/where-we-work/eurasia/kyrgyzstan
* Swiss 'cooperation' in Kyrgyzstan - Url.: http://www.swiss-cooperation.admin.ch/centralasia/en/Home/Activities_in_Kyrgyzstan
* Official site: "Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)" - Url.: http://www.deza.ch
* Russian info-agency Ria/Novosti - 'Kyrgyz scenario may repeat in other states.' - Medvedev - Url.: http://en.rian.ru/russia/20100416/158603097.html
* Google search: Web results for HR + BIS, Rothschild and Rockefeller - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y2kt8zy
* "BLOWBACK: SOROS AND THE CIA CRASH IN KYRGYZSTAN." - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/35077.html
* "BLOWBACK CONTINUES: US STOPS KYRGYZSTAN FLIGHTS TO AFGHANISTAN." - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/35669.html
* Kyrgyzstan US Administration: Not 'taking a side' - Politico - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y49zm3m
* Picture from the Manas US Air base in Kyrgystan, with US Air force plane. - Url.: http://www.flickr.com/search/show/?q=060225-f-6706g-001&z=m
* Prominent 'alumni' of Nelson Rockefeller's American institute's 'International Visitors Leadership Program.' - PDF Url.: http://exchanges.state.gov/alumni/prominent-alumni.html
* Nelson Rockefeller - Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Rockefeller
* U.S. Department of State - Alumni who are Chiefs of State/Heads of Government. - Url.: http://exchanges.state.gov/index/election08/alumni.html
* The Netherlands - Jan Peter Balkenende - [April 2010 démissionair] Prime Minister - 'International Visitors Leadership Program.' - 1985 - PDF - Url.: http://www.heetmail.nl/pdf/alumni.pdf
* France: Nicolas Sarkozy - President - 'International Visitors Leadership Program' - 1985 - PDF - Url.: http://www.heetmail.nl/pdf/alumni.pdf
* Kyrgyzstan - Kurmanbek Bakiyev - President - 'International Visitors Leadership Program.' 2004 - PDF - Url.: http://www.heetmail.nl/pdf/alumni.pdf
* Kyrgyzstan - Latest Google search: Web Results for Kyrgyzstan.- Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y732j96
* THE US PNAC WARS & NATO’S SECRET ARMIES LINKED TO TERRORISM? - (NATO, the Pentagon, NSA, MI6, the CIA, Mossad, BND, and all other European and global 'intelligence services' are negatively linked to inhuman terror, coups d’état, 'rendition', the PNAC Gulags and torture - HR) - by Daniele Ganser - Url.: http://globalresearch.ca/articles/GAN412A.html
* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html
* HR & Google Web search - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yevvgup
* HR blog - Url.: http://forpressfound.livejournal.com/
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Tags: bakiyev, medvedev, cia, NED, Blum, fake, kyrgyzstan, manas, medvedev, International Visitors Leadership Program, brasilia, SDC
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