Sunday, July 25, 2010

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Friday, June 11, 2010


ENGLISH: The story below is about the fact that the 'groups' servant for six years, the man made President of Germany, Horst Köhler, for once said what the global truth is all about: military might is only used - by those who profit and their criminal collaborators - to further and safeguard the economical interests.* Human beings never count. NEVER!

Most of the links are in English, by the way.

In een radio-interview van 22 mei 2010 stelde de duitse bondspresident Horst Köhler dat militaire macht altijd en alleen maar gebruikt wordt om de economische belangen van de groep te garanderen.*

Henk Ruyssenaars - Buitenland correspondent

11 Juni 2010 - De negen dagen later afgetreden duitse president Horst Köhler zei in zijn arrogantie gewoonweg waar het wereldwijd op neerkomt: globaal worden militairen ingezet om de economische belangen van de werkelijke machthebbers veilig te stellen. Huidskleur, politiek, religie, ras en dergelijke wordt altijd en overal als excuus gebruikt.

Tijdens mijn onafhankelijke werkzaamheden gedurende 45 jaren als buitenlands correspondent voor alle 'groten der aarde' - inclusief de BBC, CBS, NOS, BRT/VRT etc. - toen die nog aan échte journalistiek deden - heb ik gezien dat Köhler volledig gelijk had. Wat de laatse decennia vooral via de oorlogspropaganda wordt veil geboden zijn alleen maar voorwendsels om die militaire macht in te zetten. Niets anders.

En de oorlogshetzers doen hieraan mee, via hun hersenspoelers, de z.g. 'politici' die aan 't woord worden gelaten via de TV door de - in Nederland en België - al even misselijkmakende Pauwen, Wittewasmannen, de Trips etc. in de zich totaal verkocht hebbende en nu helemaal vercommercialiseerde propaganda-media. Ze zijn allemaal medeschuldig! Allemaal!

De opportunistische Köhler diende deze moordende Moloch gedurende 6 jaren, als stroman en 'duitse president,' samen met 'strovrouw' Angela Merkel* plus de rest van de al even schuldige z.g 'politici' en hun collaborateurs aan de dodelijke militaire macht geholpen door de propagandisten in de meespelende media.

Zij zoeken uit en serveren wat de goegemeente moet denken. Geconcentreerd op vreten, vrijen, zuipen, voetbal, pornographie en de mythologische monarchie-mafia. Resultaat: hoe méér televisie men kijkt of kranten men leest, hoe dommer men wordt. Stél je voor dat iemand zou gaan denken dat dit huidige woekersysteem over miljoenen lijken gaat? En dat iedereen in leidende functie dit blijkbaar accepteert?

Dat is toch onwettelijk, en dus zijn dit allemaal oorlogsmisdaden. En die moordenaars lopen nog steeds vrij rond en maken goed sier van het van ons afgeperste illegale belastinggeld? Hoe zit dat dan? Er zijn blijkbaar - zoals Köhler ook zei - twee soorten mensen: de slaven die onwetend worden gehouden en belastingen betalen tot ze doodgaan, en de woekeraars en hun moordende medeplichtigen die van die belastingen van de slaven leven. En nooit iets over dit woekersysteem zeggen.

Iedereen die onderstaande 'links' bekijkt en begrijpt, weet waarom Köhler dit zei, en waarom hij moest vertrekken. De onmenselijke groep die wereldwijd profijt en macht trekt uit deze illegale militaire acties, kan niemand gebruiken die de waarheid zegt. Al is het maar uit domme arrogantie. Dus moest Köhler verdwijnen, en neemt 'n andere stroman z'n plaats in. Zoals gebruikelijk.

De mensheid wordt wereldwijd belazerd, bedrogen en bestolen.

En al de medeschuldigen die aan deze massamoorden voor winst en macht meedoen, zoals bijvoorbeeld Bilderberger Beatrix en haar 'adviseurs zoals stroman Nout Wellink, die jarenlang president was van Rothschild's "Bank for International Settlements, de BIS, in Basel, Zwitserland. Of de SHELL 'killers & drillers' met in de 'top' mensachtigen zoals eerder Jeroen van de Veer. Het zijn massamoordenaars. Mensen, waar ook ter wereld, tellen nooit mee. NOOIT!

Dat is de manier waarop deze groep winst en macht vergaart: allemaal worden ze er zélf beter van en de rest kan verrekken. Letterlijk en figuurlijk. En bij de miljoenen.


Bondspresident Horst Köhler zei waar het deze - vér van de mensheid staande - groep om gaat: militaire macht onder welk voorwendsel danook gebruiken, om de economische belangen voor de groep veilig te stellen. Niets anders is het geval, en dit gebeurt al heel lang over de hele wereld!

De grotendeels gehersenspoelde mensheid, bedoelde Köhler, en hij zei precies wat de groep ervan vond, want: "Er zijn géén betere slaven," zoals Goethe al zei: "dan slaven die denken vrij te zijn."

Miljoenen en nog eens miljoenen mensen hopen dat deze 'groep' en de hun behulpzame creaturen zoals Köhler, Obama, Bilderberger Beatrix, Nout Wellink, en andere collaborateurs wereldwijd die hiervoor verantwoordelijk zijn langzaam zullen creperen. Heel langzaam, dat hebben ze verdiend, de globale smeerlappen!

Evenals hun media-leugenaars en propagandisten die ook eeuwig in 'n soort hel moeten branden en al hier op aarde zeer pijnlijk ziek worden, wegens hun onmenselijke schuld aan deze globale massamoord. Ik hoop dat ze kapot gaan aan hun nachtmerries!

Persoonlijk hoop ik dat ze voor eeuwig mogen verrekken, deze woekerende massamoordenaars.

En hun spel voor de galerijen - waar bondspresident Köhler doorheen brak - ook.

Of zijn 3 miljoen vermoordde mensen - bijvoorbeeld in Irak alleen al - niet bewijs genoeg?

Liegende en bedriegende moordende profiteurs, dat zijn ze allemaal.

En niets anders.


Henk Ruyssenaars

Weblog - Url.:


* Much of the wealth is since centuries made by 'The City' of London, which is the Rothschild empire's State within a state. This is the lair of the predators of the monetary control. It's here where they control and manipulate food, transport, fuel and whatever prices. - Url.:


* Google: Ruyssenaars +"An unbridled monster" - Url.:

* - "Duitse president Köhler treedt af" - Tekst & video 1.08 - Url.:

* Radio-interview Deutschlandfunk met Köhler in Afghanistan - Duits - Url.:

* Nederlands plus andere talen - Ex-Bondspresident Horst Köhler - Bron: Wikipedia - Url.:öhler

* Leerzame citaten van Angela Merkel - Url.:


* The 'investigations' - New York Times - In Greece’s Crisis, Fed Studies Wall St.’s Activities - Url.:

* Greece - Rothschild's Marfin Bank: "An employee of the burnt bank speaks out on the tragic deaths in Athens." – Url.:

* Breaking News: Bomb Explodes Outside of JP Morgan (NYSE:JPM) Athens Office + related info. - Url.:

* Who's financing all the 'crisis'? - The private banks of the 'Federal Reserve' and it's usurers at Rothschild's BIS in Switzerland, they commit the absolute biggest crime against all humanity ever. - Url.:

* Isn't the saying: They who hold the gold, hold the power? - Have a look at what's called 'Rothschild's London Gold price fixing.' - Url.:

* Quotes concerning the murderous money makers - Url.:

* IMF - Any thinking, decent person, would stay away from it. Athens News: "What’s behind the name?" - Url.:

* More stealing and extorting: Wikipedia - Tax rates around the world - Url.:


* Another story of the BIS, and those murdering money men. - Harper's: "Ruling The World of Money." - November 1983 - by Edward Jay EpsteinUrl.:

* Once he found out about this global heist of humanity by the BIS-bandits, Epstein wrote a lot more about the usury system from the BIS. - Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 839 for "Edward Jay Epstein" +BIS - Url.:

* A very good story: Lawyer and economist Ellen Brown - Web of Debt - about the BIS - Url.:

* Take your pick and make up your own mind. Google search: Web Results for HR +"Bank for International Settlements" - Url.:

* List of 'Central Banks' and countries belonging and run by the BIS in Basel, Switzerland. - Probably your so called 'central bank' is there too. - Url.:

* The psychopathic BIS humanoids. - ''Beyond Insanity'' - Amos M. Gunsberg - Url.:

* G-20 - Countries and aim. - Source: Wikipedia - Url.:

* Rothschild's BIS is the 'Central Bank' to 55 country's 'central banks.' - Source: August Review - Url.:

* BIS: "An Unbridled Monster - The global monetary system." - Url.:

* Concerning 'Gold dollars': "Rothschild's Central Banks Gold War" - Url.:

* Your future money: Amero or Eurodollar in Gold? - Url.:

* "Government Sachs" and why financial criminals walk free - Url.:

* BIS Annual usury report: one world currency... - Url.:;article=2610;search_term=Ruyssenaars

* Slave, who's faking your money? - Url.:;article=2590;search_term=Ruyssenaars

* The Fed 'lost' another $9 Trillion! - Url.:;article=2471;search_term=Ruyssenaars

* US: Private Fed banks get total monetary control! - Url.:;article=2591;title=APFN%20MESSAGE%20BOARD

* The Lords of Hunger and Depopulation - Web Results for Kissinger +depopulation. - Url.:

* Obama/ Soetoro - Or whatever his name is: Hey! Look! The CIA 'emperor' has no clothes! - Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands


Friday, May 14, 2010


"According to U.N. surveys, a kilogram of wet opium at an Afghan farm sold for $85 last month, compared with $54 a year earlier. Farmer Mahmood: "The Americans sprayed something and that's why the harvest was so bad," he said. "Now I don't care what it takes to repay my loans and to provide food for my children, even if it means joining the Taliban."

All disease, death, misery and depravity are effects of it being sold on the black market.

Henk Ruyssenaars

May 14th 2010 - The propaganda broadcasting BBC chimes in, and announces that some kind of fungus has hit Afghan opium poppies. Antonio Maria Costa, the head of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) told the BBC that this year's opium production could be reduced by a quarter, compared with last year.

BBC: "He said the disease - a fungus - is thought to have infected about half of the country's poppy crop. Afghanistan produces 92% of the world's opium. Mr Costa said opium prices had gone up by around 50% in the region."*

When monopolists like these are involved, they nearly always act in the same pattern. At first they flood the market, at cheap prices, until many are hooked. Then the cartel uses their media to support the 'scarce' tactic, and the prices go up. Meaning: more profit! This looks like it again. Similar to the financiers cartel's artificial global money market disaster. Which they control too.

And, for those who don't know yet what kind of multi-billion dollar drug business this is - and who the real drug lords are - maybe it's better to have a look at what the 'Lotus Eater' is. And how many billions are made all the time by the biggest drugs dealers on earth, the criminal cartel and their gofers, the armed 'errand boys' of the CIA. - Url.:

Opium is used to make heroin, and the criminal group financing this - in a country at war - is dominating 90 to 95% of the world market. They apparently now make opium/heroin more scarce, so the price will go up. Simple, isn't it? So, the criminal cartel and its 'drug lords' keep making billions of the suffering and deaths of human beings. As usual: people NEVER count. They're just tools to get more power and profit.

And the profit of course did go up too, while Mr. Costa from the UN Office on Drugs and Crime says he doesn't know why the fungus is there. In the story I did before, concerning the Golden Triangle, the US, Banks & UK, it was the same as every year the illegal invasion of Afghanistan resulted in a record opium harvest.*

And now it's made scarce, possibly by the 'Lotus Eater' fungus, to drive up the prices? Just think logical about it: who has the 100s of $millions to do this? And how much profit offers a liter of oil compared to a kilo of heroine?


Concerning the criminal cartel financing all this, there was one who told the truth too: "It is not the ordinary people that are the problem," said Col. Miakhel Muhammad Mangal, commander of the force's Third Battalion, who found mines laid in the fields against his unit. "It is the groups behind them, the mafia." - Quote from The New York Times.*

Of course it's a suspicious matter, and also the Wall Street Journal today writes about this, with the usual 'Taliban'-spin: "Poppy Blight Hurts Farmers, but Taliban Stand to Gain." - Kandahar, May 14th 2010 - Afghanistan - Coalition commanders and Afghan officials are debating whether a mysterious blight that wiped out much of the nation's opium harvest this year will bolster or undermine the Taliban, who use the drug trade to help finance their operations.

Afghanistan's poppy harvesting season just ended and, according to initial estimates by the United Nations, poppy yields shrank this year by 30% because of an unidentified plant disease; some U.S. military commanders expect a decline of as much as 50%. Afghanistan accounts for 90% of global opium production, with the crop's local value last year estimated by the U.N. at $2.8 billion.

Most of this is grown in Taliban-heavy southern provinces of Helmand and Kandahar, where the U.S. has sent troops in recent months, aiming to reverse insurgent momentum. The Taliban derive a significant part of their income from the narcotics industry, both by taxing poppy farmers and by processing the raw opium into heroin and smuggling it through Pakistan.


On the face of it, a bad poppy harvest should be cause for celebration, and Afghan officials said they welcomed the news of the bad harvest. "This is good for the government," explains the governor of Kandahar province, Tooryalai Wesa. "The Taliban will have problems financially, and the farmers will have learned their lesson and, next year, will not plant the poppies anymore."

Some U.S. officers agreed, predicting that a bad poppy harvest will dent the Taliban's ability to pay its recruits—and will make jobs with Afghan security forces and cash-for-work projects financed by the U.S. Agency for International Development more attractive.

The coalition's chief commander in southern Afghanistan, British Maj. Gen. Nick Carter, however, cautioned against such optimism. "A lot of farmers do depend for their livelihood on poppy, and therefore they may well discover that they are in a much more impoverished place—and that may well drive people to the insurgency," he said.

Adding to the insurgency's pull is a rumor—widely believed in southern Afghanistan and denied by coalition officials—that the poppies were deliberately infected by U.S.-led forces.

One of those who believe this rumor is a farmer from the Shah Wali Kot district ofin Kandahar who goes by one name, Mahmood, who borrowed money to plant poppies earlier this year. "The Americans sprayed something and that's why the harvest was so bad," he said. "Now I don't care what it takes to repay my loans and to provide food for my children, even if it means joining the Taliban."

The bad harvest also caused a jump in opium prices, which means the Taliban are still likely to reap a windfall.

According to U.N. surveys, a kilogram of wet opium at an Afghan farm sold for $85 last month, compared with $54 a year earlier. "If the price is so high, next year the opium farmer population will increase because it's so profitable," says Jean-Luc Lemahieu, the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime representative in Kabul. "This inflates the narcotics bubble."*

According to author William Blum, in his story on "The Real Drug Lords - A brief history of CIA involvement in the Drug Trade," he already wrote about Afghanistan as a drug producer for the CIA in the early days, the 1980s to early 1990s, and it shows how much experience the criminal cartel has in Afghanistan too:

"ClA-supported Mujahedeen rebels [now, 2001, part of the "Northern Alliance"] engaged heavily in drug trafficking while fighting against the Soviet-supported government and its plans to reform the very backward Afghan society. The Agency's principal client was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, one of the leading druglords and a leading heroin refiner.

CIA-supplied trucks and mules, which had carried arms into Afghanistan, were used to transport opium to laboratories along the Afghan/Pakistan border. The output provided up to one half of the heroin used annually in the United States and three-quarters of that used in Western Europe.

U.S. officials admitted in 1990 that they had failed to investigate or take action against the drug operation because of a desire not to offend their Pakistani and Afghan allies. In 1993, an official of the DEA called Afghanistan the new Colombia of the drug world." - [end quote]- Url.:

The: "desire not to offend their Pakistani and Afghan allies," ought to be expressed in billions of dollars, and political as well as strategical advantages. The rest is the usual hypocrisy.


Journalist Nick Davies also wrote about it in The Guardian (UK): "In the case of heroin, all of the side effects which are associated with the drug – all of the disease and death and misery and depravity are the effects not of the drug itself but of the black market on which the government insists that it is sold. So, we have dirty heroin polluted with all kinds of dangerous crap; dirty needles which spread hepatitis and HIV; desperate users who can’t afford to eat or look after themselves; and a never-ending tidal wave of property crime and prostitution.

Pure heroin properly used is a benign drug. It’s worst physical side-effect is constipation. Other drugs, like cannabis and cocaine do have some bad side-effects, but always and everywhere it is true that no drug becomes safer when its production and distribution are handed over to criminals. Water would become dangerous if we banned it and were forced to drink ditchwater from blackmarket dealers. Alcohol did become far more dangerous, when it was prohibited in the United States and brewed with methylated spirits which attacks the optical nerve (which is why so many of the old blues singers were blind.)

In Holland and Switzerland, where they have been supplying their most prolific addicts with clean heroin, they have proved the virtues of legalisation. The average age of addicts in Holland has been rising for years, because they have taken away the blackmarket which sucks in new users as each user deals to his or friends to find funds for their own habit." - [end excerpt]*

And another quote, to show why it's 'forbidden' - and thus profitable - in many other countries: "Portugal provides an effective model of how decriminalisation in a more developed country can be effective. After a surge in heroin use in the 1990s the Portuguese government decriminalised possession of all narcotics for personal use. Hobbs and Mena note that following decriminalisation, “The number of newly reported cases of HIV/AIDS among drug users also decreased significantly, along with drug-related mortality, and decriminalization freed up resources that were channelled into treatment and other harm reduction programs”.*

And it's always the same question when one sees stories and situations like this one, about the prices and now again the fungus:

Who profits?

Henk Ruyssenaars

Weblog - Url.:


BBC - "Fungus hits Afghan opium poppies" - Url.:

"Poppy Blight Hurts Farmers, but Taliban Stand to Gain" - Wall Street Journal [Also owned by the cartel's spin master Rupert Murdoch] - Url.:

Google search - Afghanistan & fungus - Url.:

* "Golden Triangle US, Banks & UK: Record Opium Harvest Afghanistan" - Url.:;article=513;

* The Guardian (UK)- Nick Davies on heroin too. - "Prohibition – a most destructive habit." - Url.:

* "Report finds Afghanistan is on the verge of becoming a narcotics state." - Url.:

* "Video: US Tortures In Afghanistan Continuing - RT" - Url.:

* He too was 'suicided' because he investigated and did research: Gary Webb + CIA +drugs - Url.:

* "Is Drug Policy A Human Rights Abuser?" - Jospeh Allchin - Url.:

* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands


Tags: Afghanistan, Lotus Eater, fungus, CIA, criminal cartel, opium, heroin, spin

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


In Dutch, but most of the links - and especially the Carlyle video documentary below - is very informative - HR

De Volkskrant over het 'steunfonds' voor Griekenland, de EU, en wat ze noemen 'het wolvenroedel': "Nederland is 41,7 miljard euro belastinggeld kwijt." En dat klopt alweer! Want de veroorzakers van alle ellende laten zich hiervoor stevig betalen. Illegaal en via de belastingen natuurlijk.

Henk Ruyssenaars

11 Mei 2010 - Vooral de 'links' onder dit artikel zijn interessant, maar in ieder geval slaat De Volkskrant dit keer de spijker gedeeltelijk op z'n kop: "Nederland is 41,7 miljard euro kwijt aan leningen en garanties aan het EU-plan voor het redden van de euro. Dat is veel meer dan de 26 miljard euro aan garanties die minister De Jager zondagnacht naar buiten bracht. Ook alle andere landen staan met enorme bedragen garant." - [einde citaat]

Maar, nu zitten we dus weer als belastingen betalende bevolking met het overheersende - en bij de meeste mensen onbekende probleem - dat we al deze tientallen miljarden ook nog 's moeten LENEN - tegen rente! - van de privé-banken achter de z.g. 'nederlandse' bank van stroman Nout Wellink.* Die al die miljarden als nulletjes en eentjes op onze 'schuld' bijschrijft. Ewn door Wellink en z'n managers gemaakte 'schuld' die we dan weer als mensen met zwaar verdiend 'geld' moeten terugbetalen. Nét als alle andere miljarden die we als 'Staat der Nederlanden' - en dat zijn wij, de bevolking - van Wellink z'n privé-banken moeten LENEN tegen rente. We mogen als land geen eigen geld drukken.

De oubollig uitziende, maar in werkelijkheid plunderende Wellink, is samen met de mensachtigen die dit weten - maar niets betreffende deze informatie ooit zeggen - één van de grootste oplichters en dieven van de nederlandse belastingbetalers en de Nederlandse schatkist. Dat is de trog waar ze hun smerige snuiten in hebben. Héél diep!


DNB-Wellink wéét dit, want hij is jaren lang president van Rothschild's woekerbank, de "Bank for Internationale Settlements" in Bazel, Zwitserland, geweest.* En er zijn er heel wat die 't weten, in Nederland en op het globale toneel. Kijk maar 's hieronder, bijvoorbeeld naar die 'monarchistische' mafia-leidster en de grootste steuntrekster van Nederland, Bilderberger-Beatrix. Wat die alleen al aan de wereldwijde moorddadige praktijken van Shell overhoudt.

Van die moordende SHELL, en dus ook over de lijken van miljoenen mensen, is ze behoorlijk rijk geworden. Maar toch betalen de mensen in Nederland ook nog de kastelen van deze mafia, hun levensonderhoud en hun 'kosten'...etc. Of kijk 's naar die andere criminele oorlogsmisdadigers, zoals Balkenende, Bos, Zalm, de Hoop Scheffer, de Jager etc. etc.. Enfin: teveel moordende zwendelaars en dieven om op te noemen, zou je bijna denken.

Allemaal onwettig dus, maar allemaal behoorlijk winstgevend. En daar gaat het deze bloedzuigers om. Die criminelen met hun misdadige meelopers in de ook aan de oorlogshetzers toebehorende media, zullen danig bestraft moeten worden. Zodra recht weer geldt. Niet hun 'recht' dat zo krom is als 't maar zijn kan.

Mensen moeten goed begrijpen dat de z.g. staatsschuld, de enorm hoge belastingen, de inflatie en de verdere miljarden die via de ramen in Den Haag en de banken er uit vliegen, allemaal terecht komen in de zakken van de criminelen en hun bankiers die de hele crisis op touw hebben gezet. We zullen dus wéér de tientallen miljarden moeten LENEN van de z.g. Nederlandse Bank, waar trouwens niets 'nederlands' aan is. Integendeel.


Kijk maar 's wat er open en bloot bij Wikipedia hierover staat: "De Nederlandse regering kan nu alleen aan geld komen door dit te lenen van particuliere banken. Samen met die volledige overdracht van DNB aan de Europese Centrale Bank (ECB) is het voor Nederland sinds 1998 totaal onmogelijk om schuldloos zijn eigen economie van geld te voorzien." - [einde citaat] - De schokkende rest is hier via Url.:

En de z.g 'Europese Centrale Bank' (ECB) van die andere oplichter, Trichet, is net zoals het Internationale Monetary Fund, IMF, en bijvoorbeeld ook de verschrikkelijke 'World Bank' van Zoellick, ondergeschikt aan de Raad van Bestuur van de Bank voor International Settlements, de BIS. Die op de eigen BIS-website zegt: 'de Centrale Bank voor alle centrale banken' te zijn. En die afromen waar het maar kan, ter meerdere eer en glorie - beter gezegd de macht en het profijt - van de BIS-bandieten.*

De miljarden zijn we dus weer kwijt. En daar heeft zelfs de normalerwijze achterbakse Volkskrant gelijk in. Démissionair z.g 'minister van financiën' de Jager, die zoals gebruikelijk - en als alle 'ingewijden' - de zaak belazerd heeft en de mensen belogen en bedrogen, wéét dat hij dit geld kwijt is aan de psychopaten die de monetaire macht in de bebloedde klauwen hebben. En de Jager en mede-criminelen weten ook dat de belastingbetaler weer 't kind van de rekening is. Dit terwijl zoals gewoonlijk de buit van deze en komende miljarden doorgesluisd wordt naar de 'centrale banken' en hun vuige machinaties. Niét naar de Grieken zelf, die ook het slachtoffer zijn geworden van de smerige manipulaties van de globale geldmarkt door de financiers.


Het waren de banken van het criminele bankkartel - in dit geval de criminele agenten van het Rothschild woekerimperium in de VS - speciaal J.P. Morgan en de andere amerikaanse Rockefeller-banken, zo schrijft de New York Times* - die nu 'onderzocht' worden wegens hun frauduleuze handelen. Dat zal wel... De Morgan-misdadigers aten overigens van twee walletjes - dat doet trouwens het criminele cartel wel meer - en de moordende Morgans hebben ook nog via hun z.g. Abancus computerprogramma tégen Griekenland en de economie gewed die ze aan het kapot maken waren. Dat ze die op de knieën zouden krijgen is gelukt, en de dieven zoeken nu uit wat de andere dieven hebben misdaan. Het is allemaal 'een spel voor de galerijen' door de monetaire gangsters.*

En het moet voor de zoveelste keer gezegd worden: mensen tellen nooit mee! NOOIT! Alleen als winstgevende objecten en wegwerp-artikelen. Zoals in Nederland ook. De winst wordt afgeroomd, ook aan illegale rooftochten en onwettige invasies besteed, en de mensen worden steeds meer bezuinigingsmaatregelen opgelegd. Hun sociale zekerheden, door de tijd heen met eigen geld opgebouwd, worden zonder meer via de collaborateurs aan de privé-banken en hun verzekeringsmaatschappijen verkocht en dan afgebroken. Want ook dat betekent méér winst voor de criminele financiers.

Overal gebeurt dat waar de woekeraars hun vette vingers in de magere pap hebben. De moordende oplichters en dieven gaan altijd hetzelfde tewerk: eerst maken ze het probleem en - na zoveel mogelijke miljarden gestolen en weggezwendeld te hebben - dan komen ze met een voor henzelf winstgevende 'oplossing' aanzetten. En vooral nog meer bezuinigingsmaatregelen voor de gewone mensen die toch al amper weten hoe ze 't hoofd boven water moeten houden. Waarvan de zelfmoordfrequentie blijft stijgen. Overal ter wereld.

Eigenlijk zou het beter zijn als eerst de VPRO uitzending van Tegenlicht over 'The Carlyle Group' werd bekeken.* Die laat namelijk heel duidelijk zien waarom de Nederlandse belastingbetaler ook zoveel kwijt is aan - wat de Volkskrant omschrijft als - een 'wolvenroedel.' En waarom Nederlands niet alleen de hoogste belastingen en - in 'n SHELL land - de hoogste brandstofprijzen ter wereld heeft.


De rekening voor alle miljarden aan z.g. 'steun' en 'noodhulp' - van de rotzooi en alle ellende die de bankiers dus zélf hebben gemmaakt - die wordt gepresenteerd aan de nederlandse en andere belastingbetalers. De Volkskrant - en in tegenstelling tot de werkelijkheid - zegt zoals alle anderen niets over de BIS-financiers van al deze globale crises achter de schermen.

Ze gaan voorbij aan de woekerpolitiek die de oorzaak is van alle ellende, maar schrijven: "De EU en de eurozone hebben de wolvenroedel van speculanten bestookt met een waterstofbom: de geldkraan is zo wijd opengezet dat eigenlijk niet duidelijk is hoeveel geld de EU en de eurozone bereid zijn te betalen om hun munt te redden. Dat heeft de speculanten maandag meteen behoorlijk afgeschrikt." - [Dit is kletskoek, want dat 'geld' gaat allemaal naar de financiers - HR]

De Volkskrant: "Voor Nederland bedraagt de totale rekening aan leningen en garanties inmiddels bijna 42 miljard euro. Van de lening aan Griekenland van 110 miljard euro die in tranches zal worden verleend, draagt Nederland via de eurozone 4,7 miljard bij en via het IMF ongeveer 1 miljard. Daarboven komt sinds zondagnacht een pakket van 720 miljard om andere zwakke eurolanden via garanties zeker te stellen dat zij op de kapitaalmarkt terecht kunnen." - [einde citaat]*

Maar de belastingbetaler heeft dus weer moeten betalen om verder bestolen te worden, en z.g. 'leningen' van het IMF zijn moordend gebleken. Overal en al heel lang.

Het moet me van 't hart: ik heb - ondanks m'n ruim veertig jaar in het buitenland als onafhankelijke journalist en correspondent - nog nooit 'n dergelijke onbeschofte en onbeschaamde groep psychopaten gezien die zoveel ellende en miljoenen doden veroorzaakt. En Nout Wellink is er één van. Hij heeft blijkbaar nog nooit van 'belangenverstrengeling' gehoord, of trekt er zich niets van aan, en dus zit hij bijvoorbeeld ook in de Trilateral Commission in de VS.*

En zoveel misselijkmakende meelopers - vooral in de propaganda-media - heb ik ook nog niet gezien. En ook met hun judashulp zijn we dus weer het geld kwijt aan die frauderende financiers.

Hoog tijd dat dit criminele Boontje om z'n loontje komt.

Henk Ruyssenaars

En de links zijn echt de moeite waard!


* De Volkskrant: "Nederland heeft 41,7 miljard in redding euro gestoken." - Url.:




* BIS, of which Nout Wellink was president and still works for: THE MOST POWERFUL BANK YOU'VE NEVER HEARD OF - Url.:


* Quote: "Not to mention that we can't ignore a simple corollary: anyone with the power to prevent a currency debacle can also cause one." And that's exactly what the BIS always does. As long as it's profitable to themselves, the criminal banking cartel, one way or another.

* 'The Carlyle Group' - Note: The first one minute forty seven seconds of this program is broadcast in Dutch, The remainder is in English. - Video 48.04 - Via Information Clearing House. - Url.:

* Nederland staat op de 5e plaats als wapenproducent. - De Volkskrant: "Nederland groeit als exporteur van wapens" - Url.:

* Former member of Congress Cynthia McKinney: 'unprecedented global power' - No accountability - Carlyle is a secret organisation with enormous financial power, like fighting a ghost." McKinney over de monetaire mafia: "Dan heb je een vorm van machts-uitoefening op wereldwijde schaal, die zijn weerga in de geschiedenis niet kent."

* HR - Google search Griekenland +Greece - Url.:

* Cynthia McKinney Videos - Google search - Url.:

* The Carlyle Group & Beatrix - Google search - Url.:

* The Carlyle Group & Nout Wellink - Google search - Url.:

* The Carlyle Group & Wouter Bos - Google search - Url.:

* The Carlyle Group & Gerrit Zalm - Url.:

* Belangenverstrengeling - Nout Wellink & Rothschild's "Bank for International Settlements" in Bazel, Zwitserland - Google search - Url.:

* Nout Wellink & Trilateral Commission - Google search - Url.:

* Monarchistische mafia's Bilderberger Beatrix - SHELL flaring - Google videos - Url.:

* Pauw & Witteman - Tekst + Video 17.12 - Commissie Davids over Irak: "Inval was niet legitiem." - 12 januari 2010 - Url.:

* Zelfde video - op 2.03 - Femke Halsema over deze illegale roofmoord in ook Irak: "Het is onwettig."

* SHELL kills not only the Ogonis in Nigeria but also poisons people in for instance Ireland - Google search - Url.:

* Dan Briody - Videos - Google search - Url.:

* Tim Shorrock - Videos - Google search - Url.:

* HR + Nout Wellink - Google search - Url.:

* HR + Wouter Bos - Google search - Url.:

* HR + JP Balkenende - Google search - Url.:

* HR + Het totalitaire z.g Verdrag van Lissabon, de illegale Grondwet van de EU waar door o.a. Frankrijk, Ierland en Nederland 'Nee' tegen werd gestemd, maar dat via de managers van de Europese Unie gewoon toch werd gerealiseerd. - Url.:

* 'The Carlyle Group' - Google search - Official sites etc. - Url.:

* HR: FAKE DEAD OSAMA BIN LADEN VOWS TO DESTROY ISRAEL? - December 2007 - Axis of Logic - Url.:

HR Weblog - Url.:

Foreign Press Foundation
Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars


Monday, May 10, 2010


A Supreme Court 'judge' supporting fraud? Quote from Wikipedia: "From 2005 through 2008, Kagan was a member of the Research Advisory Council of the Goldman Sachs Global Markets Institute and received a $10,000 stipend for her service in 2008." - And who for instance also justifies indefinite detention without a trial?* That's 'justice' Kagan style?

"Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King

May 10th 2010 - At ten o'clock this morning, and on behalf of his managers, Barack Obama - who at present is their 'front man' in the White House - in the East Room will announce that another member of the 'ruling family' has been named to the Supreme Court: Elena Kagan.* Which will mean the end of the WASPs* in that Court. But, on the other hand: when was there ever any real justice in the United States Corporation?

Apart from that: Kagan never protested either the totally illegal invasions of other countries. Killing people by the millions everywhere, and she says they are above the law of the war and defends this inhuman, horrible and ongoing slaughter? Kagan drew earlier already criticism for arguing that battlefield law,* including indefinite detention without a trial, could apply outside of traditional battlefields. Absolutely not true, but she uses 'their own laws'. To Kagan et al it doesn't matter apparently that the First Geneva Convention governing sick and wounded members of armed forces, was signed long before they were let loose on this earth, in 1864.*

But, and it is - as the New York Times writes in its eloge - the usual and compliant NYT's discourse in panegyric of this 'illustrious person': "Obama Is Said to Select Kagan as Justice." - Washington, May 9, 2010 - President Obama will nominate Solicitor General Elena Kagan as the nation’s 112th justice, choosing his own chief advocate before the Supreme Court to join it in ruling on cases critical to his view of the country’s future, Democrats close to the White House said Sunday.

After a monthlong search [This is the usual propaganda crap, and not true. It already started years ago.* - HR] Mr. Obama informed Ms. Kagan and his advisers on Sunday of his [Haha! - HR] choice to succeed the retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. He plans to announce the nomination at 10 a.m. Monday in the East Room of the White House with Ms. Kagan by his side, said the Democrats, who insisted on anonymity to discuss the decision before it was formally made public.

If the Senate confirms Ms. Kagan, who is Jewish, the Supreme Court for the first time will have no Protestant members. In that case, the court would be composed of six justices who are Catholic and three who are Jewish. It also would mean that every member of the court had studied law at Harvard or Yale." - [end excerpt]*

There is anyhow, otherwise it would be too bad, a slightly critical note in the NYT's eloge. It's about the fact that it's all pre-planned. That this path to the Supreme Court, and her placement there, by the managers of Obama and her 'advisers' has been foreseen:

"Elena Kagan has been all of these things, charting a careful and, some might say, calculated path — never revealing too much of herself, never going too far out on a political limb — that has led her to the spot she occupies today: the first female solicitor general of the United States, who won confirmation with the support of some important Republicans, and now, at 50, President Obama’s nominee for the United States Supreme Court."*


So: the family members and important collaborators like the 6 supposed to be 'Catholics' stay in, and the WASP's are out. All according to plan. One has to remember that all of this is long-term planning. Things don't happen from one second to the other. It's all prepared and planned. Many times according to the so-called Salami-tactic: Every time a small slice is taken, and after some time one's got the whole sausage.

Logical that in another very positive article about Kagan, the NYT describes her climb being: "Marked by Confidence and Canniness. - New York Times, Washington, May 10, 2010 — She was a creature of Manhattan’s liberal, intellectual Upper West Side — a smart, witty girl who was bold enough at 13 to challenge her family’s rabbi over her bat mitzvah, cocky (or perhaps prescient) enough at 17 to pose for her high school yearbook in a judge’s robe with a gavel and a quotation from Felix Frankfurter, the Supreme Court justice, underneath.

She was the razor-sharp newspaper editor and history major at Princeton who examined American socialism, and the Supreme Court clerk for a legal giant, Thurgood Marshall, who nicknamed her “Shorty.” She was the reformed teenage smoker who confessed to the occasional cigar as she fought Big Tobacco for the Clinton administration, and the literature lover who reread Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” every year.

She was the opera-loving, poker-playing, glass-ceiling-shattering first woman to be dean of Harvard Law School, where she reached out to conservatives (she once held a dinner to honor Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia) and healed bitter rifts on the faculty with gestures as simple as offering professors free lunch, just to get them talking.

Elena Kagan has been all of these things, charting a careful and, some might say, calculated path — never revealing too much of herself, never going too far out on a political limb — that has led her to the spot she occupies today: the first female solicitor general of the United States, who won confirmation with the support of some important Republicans, and now, at 50, President Obama’s nominee for the United States Supreme Court." - [end excerpt]*

So, what happens and happened in the reality of the rulers? The U.S. so-called Supreme Court, for a long time to come, will further dance to their tune.

Quote from a JTA comment: "Kagan, who was Harvard Law School dean from 2003 to 2009, hired conservative professors, saying the faculty needed ideological diversity. As a Clinton administration domestic policy adviser, she argued for greater executive powers, now a red flag for liberals because of the Bush administration's expansive understanding of how the executive branch may upend privacy rights in matters of national security. However, Kagan's arguments under Clinton were confined to the executive branch's regulatory powers, and were of a different stripe.

Still, it didn't help that William Kristol, a neoconservative icon, endorsed her on Fox News Sunday over the weekend.

The liberal-leaning Jewish groups that track nominees are unworried. Sammie Moshenberg, who directs the Washington office of the National Council of Jewish Women, counted Kagan as an "outstanding" nominee who would have "fidelity to the rule of law and constitutional values." Kagan has written expansively about the application of First Amendment free speech rights.

Marc Stern, the acting director of the American Jewish Congress, noted that as solicitor general, Kagan argued in favor of keeping a war memorial cross in place on federal land in the Mojave desert - a case where liberal Jewish groups have generally aligned with church-state separationists, who wanted the cross, which was first erected in 1934, removed.

"We have taken the position that this is not a basis for criticism," he said. "Since she’s the solicitor general, she didn't have a whole lot of choice except to defend. Therefore it would be wrong to criticize."

Kagan or Garland would bring the court's Jewish justices from two to three (out of nine) - and would completely remove Protestants from the bench, with Stevens gone. Additionally, Kagan or Wood would bring the number of women currently on the bench to three," JTA wrote in a comment.*

So all propaganda-media will concentrate in the coming days too on this number: look how 'progressive' Obama is! Three women on the bench of the Supreme Court! And with all the WASPs gone, Kagan fits the inhuman and deplorable state of affairs in the United Police States as a hand in a glove.

For anybody who liked the U.S. and especially the people, from a human point of view, with friends and enjoying the landscape, the so-called change for the worse must have come as a very rude awakening.

But, Kagan is 'one of them' - and will proceed to enhance, as she always did, greater executive powers for the US and global rulers.

By doing so however, she'll confirm that only global resistance to 'their' way of life is supreme.

Certainly not jesters of the rulers court.

Henk Ruyssenaars

Weblog - Url.:


* JTA - "Liberal Jewish groups optimistic about Stevens’ replacement." - By Ron Kampeas and Ari Bildner · April 13, 2010 - Url.:

* "A Climb Marked by Confidence and Canniness" - NYT - Url.:

* New York Times - "Obama Is Said to Select Kagan as Justice." - Url.:


* Google search - Ruyssenaars +"Goldman Sachs" - Url.:

* Elena Kagan - Wikipedia - Url.:

* Bar and Bat Mitzvah - Wikipedia - Url.:

* Laws of war - The First Geneva Convention governing sick and wounded members of armed forces, signed in 1864 - Wikipedia - Url.:

* Quote: "The Global Markets Institute at Goldman Sachs provides research and high-level advisory services to policymakers, regulators and investors around the world." - Url.:

* JTA - "Obama names Jewish woman as solicitor general." - January 6, 2009 - Url.:

* WASP - Wikipedia: "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, commonly abbreviated WASP, is a term used in the United States, usually in a reference to an apparent elite status." - Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars


Sunday, May 9, 2010


"A great industrial nation is controlled by it's system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the world - no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men." — President Woodrow Wilson*

Henk Ruyssenaars

"The best slaves are those who think they are free." - Goethe

May 9th 2010 - The so-called 'leaders' of the Eurozone countries - apart from shoving 110 billion euro in the direction of the corrupt politicians and banks in Greece - have also decided that their 'ministers of finance' should find a pretext to steal more billions of the European taxpayers. They followed the guidelines, and came up with an 'emergency fund' of 70 billion euros.

They'll call it 'stabilisation plan' and explain the theft 'because it's to avoid monetary problems.' But it's just stolen again! And none of the 495 million people in the 27 EU countries could ever vote for this. Or anything else for that matter. The bankgangsters in Brussels decide how many billions more will be stolen from the taxpayers. That's it!

Also Greece will now be slowly strangled by the IMF and its financiers, who run the whole usury-scheme since ages. The debts and bills are as always for the starving and suffering, while the profits in the billions will go to the already wealty and their vile collaborators.*

This is for instance one of many things the International Monetary Fund, IMF, stands for: "In september 1973 the democratically elected Chilean president Salvador Allende is overthrown. Under Allende, the World Bank and IMF refused to supply loans to Chile. After the putsch, loans were made available to dictator Augusto Pinochet..."

I've seen it with my own eyes, the hungry people. And many times met President Allende who was suicided by Kissinger's CIA. The armed killers working for the banking cartel. I worked as an independent correspondent in Chile during those years and I saw people die because of this. In the beginning I'd visit the poor quarters, the poblaciones, and at one time, seeing the big pot of soup in a corner, I asked: "if they were expecting friends for dinner?" I only asked it once, and the answer I still remember: "No," it was said, "this is our food for this week."

That's what they do to people, this disgusting 'International Murderers Fund' as it's called, in all countries where the IMF garrote is used. Austerity for the people and the wealth to the bank-mafia*


It's the same in Greece: "The hungry are furious. 5 million people live in the area of Athens and Piraeus, and out of them about two million are on the border of poverty," says in its leading article web portal"*

On the site of 'Athens News' there was this question concerning the IMF: "How could an organisation that is theoretically owned by its members - most United Nations members are party to it - become so unpopular and feared?

The fear is based on the historical performance of the IMF, which in the past has offered aid to a host of dictatorial regimes, including Apartheid South Africa, Pinochet’s Chile, Mengistu’s Ethiopia, and Marcos’ Philippines. This, its critics argue, shows that the organisation has little regard for human rights or the social costs of its restructuring policies.

Controlled by...

Its critics also contend that it is effectively controlled by the West. Just as the president of the World Bank (which is headquartered across the road from the IMF in Washington DC) has always been an American, the IMF is headed by a European. [ ] This consensus supports the view that “all state enterprises should be privatised” and that no barriers should exist to the involvement of foreign firms in national economies." - [end excerpt] - 'Athens News' & IMF - What's in a Name?*

The fact that everywhere in the so-called 'European Union' - which is part and parcel of the IMF, World Bank and BIS' money making murderers financial usury-system - also ATM's and banks are attacked shows that most people know who is behind their impoverishment. Who the financiers are that have absolutely no regard for human rights or the social costs of its restructuring policies. Who never cares about millions of starving and dying human beings everywhere.

That's why for instance banks are splattered with red paint, looking like blood, and a bomb exploded at the offices of JPMorgan Chase in Athens. No injuries were reported, and damage was relatively minor. The blast occurred in an upscale area of central Athens, following a warning call to a local newspaper. No group has claimed responsibility, but banks and foreign firms are frequent targets of leftists in Greece." - Athens News*

JP Morgan and some other banks 'helped' for years the corrupt collaborators in Greece to bleed the country. JP Morgan even used their 'Abacus' computer programme to bet against it's own fraud. Now JP Morgan is investigated because of their fraud. Nobody should expect anything, however. The banksters own nearly all. Globally! All concentrated in the BIS...

And the Greeks are the guilty? No way!

The banks, the IMF and World Bank do this to Greece, which I have visited since 1960. I have friends there, who á la minute can give the latest information. So I know what's true or not, based on facts from the greek and my own point of view.

Quote Financial Times (UK) concerning Greece's prime minister Mr Papandreou: "I know we’ll be judged on whether we can smash the bureaucracy and corruption that deter foreign investors and high-quality business and leave the country open to plunderers,” the prime minister said." - [end excerpt] - FT Url.:

This Papandreou, and all who used nice words but secretly siphoned of billions, must be punished. They sold for instance the greek national airline Olympic to the Rockefellers' Marfin Bank everybody can see when entering a plane, also the profits of the greek national lottery, and bought as usual as much as they could for a dime on a dollar, or less.

And don't try to sell that false song again, about 'ratings' and triple A's. Even if the EU plans to have their own 'rating agency': it will be as rotten and corrupt within the BIS mafia, as those described. It's globally one big usury-system. UC?


Moody's Investors Service, S & P and Fitch: ALL belong to the criminal financial cartel. Moody's is bad too: they all sold their 'ratings' for cash. In the U.S. news service McClatchy even had a very informative article about this global swindle: "How Moody's sold its ratings - and sold out investors." - Url.:

Quote: "Wall Street paid as much as $1 million for some ratings, and ratings agency profits soared. This new revenue stream swamped earnings from ordinary ratings.

In 2001, Moody's had revenues of $800.7 million; in 2005, they were up to $1.73 billion; and in 2006, $2.037 billion. The exploding profits were fees from packaging . . . and for granting the top-class AAA ratings, which were supposed to mean they were as safe as U.S. government securities," said Lawrence McDonald in his recent book, "A Colossal Failure of Common Sense." - McDonald's Web site. - Url.:

Standard & Poor's - run by Deven Sharma, who is called 'president' - is owned by the McGraw Hill company, residing snugly in the New Yorker Rockefeller Center building. The connection is clear, isn't it? - Source: Wikipedia - Url.:

And of course also Fitch credit 'rating' agency followed the swindle money, and for instance downgraded Iceland's economy, just like the international usury banks wanted them to. So much for those 'rating agencies' which also are owned by the banksters from the criminal cartel.

The by those BIS-criminals also funded and started so called 'European Union' is just used to shuffle more billions into the coffers of the criminal BIS banking cartel. And the treacherous 'ministers of finance' shut up, because they and their collaborators all know about the usury-system. But those moral and mental cowards and killers have sold out the populaces in most countries. To enrich themselves too. Inhuman and thus punishable as soon as law is valid again.

We're nearly all victims of this global usury-system, surrounded by the permanently stealing criminal psychopathic banksters BIS-mafia. The Shylock-usurers who have betrayed human beings for such a long time.

Like they do everywhere: again and again.

We've got to stop the usurers.

Otherwise: who's next?


Henk Ruyssenaars

Weblog - Url.:

And if you check the links, you'll know why the world over people want and deserve revenge. Revenge from the IMF, the World Bank, the rest of this usury-mafia, and especially the criminal collaborators in their propaganda media too. And, why the people will get it...


* The 'investigations' - New York Times - In Greece’s Crisis, Fed Studies Wall St.’s Activities - Url.:

* Greece - Marfin Bank: "An employee of the burnt bank speaks out on the tragic deaths in Athens." – Url.:

* Breaking News: Bomb Explodes Outside of JP Morgan (NYSE:JPM) Athens Office + related info. - Url.:

* Who's financing all the 'crisis'? - The private banks of the 'Federal Reserve' and it's usurers at Rothschild's BIS in Switzerland, they commit the absolute biggest crime against all humanity ever. - Url.:

* Isn't the saying: They who hold the gold, hold the power? - Have a look at what's called 'Rothschild's London Gold price fixing.' - Url.:

* Quotes concerning the murderous money makers - Url.:

* IMF - Any thinking, decent person, would stay away from it. Athens News: "What’s behind the name?" - Url.:

* More steling and extorting: Wikipedia - Tax rates around the world - Url.:


* Another story of the BIS, and those murdering money men. - Harper's: "Ruling The World of Money." - November 1983 - by Edward Jay EpsteinUrl.:

* Once he found out about this global heist of humanity by the BIS-bandits, Epstein wrote a lot more about it. - Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 839 for "Edward Jay Epstein" +BIS - Url.:

* A very good story: Lawyer and economist Ellen Brown - Web of Debt - about the BIS - Url.:

* Take your pick and make up your own mind. Google search: Web Results for HR +"Bank for International Settlements" - Url.:

* List of 'Central Banks' and countries belonging and run by the BIS in Basel, Switzerland. - Probably your so called 'central bank' is there too. - Url.:

* The psychopathic BIS humanoids. - ''Beyond Insanity'' - Amos M. Gunsberg - Url.:

* G-20 - Countries and aim. - Source: Wikipedia - Url.:

* Rothschild's BIS is the 'Central Bank' to 55 country's 'central banks.' - Source: August Review - Url.:

* BIS: "An Unbridled Monster - The global monetary system." - Url.:

* Concerning 'Gold dollars': "Rothschild's Central Banks Gold War" - Url.:

* Your future money: Amero or Eurodollar in Gold? - Url.:

* Much of the wealth is since centuries made by 'The City' of London, which is the Rothschild empire's State within a state. This is the lair of the predators of the monetary control. It's here where they control and manipulate food, transport, fuel and whatever prices. - Url.:

* "Government Sachs" and why financial criminals walk free - Url.:

* BIS Annual usury report: one world currency... - Url.:;article=2610;search_term=Ruyssenaars

* Slave, who's faking your money? - Url.:;article=2590;search_term=Ruyssenaars

* The Fed 'lost' another $9 Trillion! - Url.:;article=2471;search_term=Ruyssenaars

* US: Private Fed banks get total monetary control! - Url.:;article=2591;title=APFN%20MESSAGE%20BOARD

* The Lords of Hunger and Depopulation - Web Results for Kissinger +depopulation. - Url.:

* Obama/ Soetoro - Or whatever his name is: Hey! Look! The CIA 'emperor' has no clothes! - Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands

Tags: basel, bis, greece, harper's, money, rothschild, washington post, goethe, JP Morgan, usury, ECB, ATMs