Saturday, January 30, 2010


Ellen Brown + Henk Ruyssenaars - intro.

January 29th 2010 - The informative article by Ellen Brown, "JPMorgan vs. Goldman Sachs: Why the Market Was Down for 7 Days in a Row." is below, and it reminds one of a Bloomberg story last year, where the statement by Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Facciponti, concerning a 'stolen' computer program for unfair dealing, was significant for the wheeling and dealing by those criminals of Goldman Sachs too.

Quote: "July 7, 2009 (Bloomberg) - “The bank has raised the possibility that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways,” Facciponti said, according to a recording of the hearing made public yesterday. “The copy in Germany is still out there, and we at this time do not know who else has access to it.” - [end quote] - Source: Bloomberg - Url.:

It's better to listen to Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) who came to the same conclusion as many experts outside the senate: Big banks use campaign and other money to unduly influence Congress. Here’s what he told Chicago radio station WJJG: "And the banks - hard to believe in a time when we're facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created - are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place." - [end quote] - Source: 2009 Newsmax - Url.:

If we keep that in mind, and we know who in reality runs the show, it's easier to understand the excellent economist and lawyer Ellen Brown, who wrote about:

"JPMorgan vs. Goldman Sachs: Why the Market Was Down for 7 Days in a Row."

The Huffington Post - January 30, 2010 - We are witnessing an epic battle between two banking giants, JPMorgan Chase (Paul Volcker) and Goldman Sachs (Geithner/Summers/Rubin). Left strewn on the battleground could be your pension fund and 401K.

The late Libertarian economist, Murray Rothbard, wrote that U.S. politics since 1900, when William Jennings Bryan narrowly lost the presidency, has been a struggle between two competing banking giants, the Morgans and the Rockefellers. The parties would sometimes change hands, but the puppeteers pulling the strings were always one of these two big-money players. No popular third party candidate had a real chance at winning, because the bankers had the exclusive power to create the national money supply and therefore held the winning cards.

In 2000, the Rockefellers and the Morgans joined forces, when JPMorgan and Chase Manhattan merged to become JPMorgan Chase Co. Today the battling banking titans are JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs, an investment bank that gained notoriety for its speculative practices in the 1920s. In 1928, it launched the Goldman Sachs Trading Corp., a closed-end fund similar to a Ponzi scheme.

The fund failed in the stock market crash of 1929, marring the firm's reputation for years afterwards. Former Treasury Secretaries Henry Paulson, Robert Rubin, and Larry Summers all came from Goldman, and current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner rose through the ranks of government as a Summers/Rubin protégé. One commentator called the U.S. Treasury "Goldman Sachs South."

Goldman's superpower status comes from something more than just access to the money spigots of the banking system. It actually has the ability to manipulate markets. Formerly just an investment bank, in 2008 Goldman magically transformed into a bank holding company. That gave it access to the Federal Reserve's lending window; but at the same time it remained an investment bank, aggressively speculating in the markets.

The upshot was that it can now borrow massive amounts of money at virtually 0% interest, and it can use this money not only to speculate for its own account but to bend markets to its will.

But Goldman Sachs has been caught in this blatant market manipulation so often that the JPMorgan faction of the banking empire has finally had enough. The voters too have evidently had enough, as demonstrated in the recent upset in Massachusetts that threw the late Senator Ted Kennedy's Democratic seat to a Republican. That pivotal loss gave Paul Volcker, chairman of President Obama's newly formed Economic Recovery Advisory Board, an opportunity to step up to the plate with some proposals for serious banking reform.

Unlike the string of Treasury Secretaries who came to the government through the revolving door of Goldman Sachs, former Federal Reserve Chairman Volcker came up through Chase Manhattan Bank, where he was vice president before joining the Treasury.

On January 27, market commentator Bob Chapman wrote in his weekly investment newsletter The International Forecaster:

A split has occurred between the paper forces of Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase. Mr. Volcker represents Morgan interests. Both sides are Illuminists, but the Morgan side is tired of Goldman's greed and arrogance... Not that JP Morgan Chase was blameless, they did their looting and damage to the system as well, but not in the high handed arrogant way the others did.

The recall of Volcker is an attempt to reverse the damage as much as possible. That means the influence of Geithner, Summers, Rubin, et al will be put on the back shelf at least for now, as will be the Goldman influence. It will be slowly and subtly phased out... Washington needs a new face on Wall Street, not that of a criminal syndicate.

Goldman's crimes, says Chapman, were that it "got caught stealing. First in naked shorts, then front-running the market, both of which they are still doing, as the SEC looks the other way, and then selling MBS-CDOs to their best clients and simultaneously shorting them."

Volcker's proposal would rein in these abuses, either by ending the risky "proprietary trading" (trading for their own accounts) engaged in by the too-big-to-fail banks, or by forcing them to downsize by selling off those portions of their businesses engaging in it. Until recently, President Obama has declined to support Volcker's plan, but on January 21 he finally endorsed it.

The immediate reaction of the market was to drop - and drop, day after day. At least, that appeared to be the reaction of "the market." Financial analyst Max Keiser suggests a more sinister possibility. Goldman, which has the power to manipulate markets with its high-speed program trades, may be engaging in a Mexican standoff. The veiled threat is, "Back off on the banking reforms, or stand by and watch us continue to crash your markets."

The same manipulations were evident in the bank bailout forced on Congress by Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson in September 2008.

In Keiser's January 23 broadcast with co-host Stacy Herbert, he explains how Goldman's manipulations are done. Keiser is a fast talker, so this transcription is not verbatim, but it is close. He says:

High frequency trading accounts for 70% of trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Ordinarily, a buyer and a seller show up on the floor, and a specialist determines the price of a trade that would satisfy buyer and seller, and that's the market price. If there are too many sellers and not enough buyers, the specialist lowers the price.

High frequency trading as conducted by Goldman means that before the specialist buys and sells and makes that market, Goldman will electronically flood the specialist with thousands and thousands of trades to totally disrupt that process and essentially commandeer that process, for the benefit of siphoning off nickels and dimes for themselves.

Not only are they siphoning cash from the New York Stock Exchange but they are also manipulating prices. What I see as a possibility is that next week, if the bankers on Wall Street decide they don't want to be reformed in any way, they simply set the high frequency trading algorithm to sell, creating a huge negative bias for the direction of stocks.

And they'll basically crash the market, and it will be a standoff. The market was down three days in a row, which it hasn't been since last summer. It's a game of chicken, till Obama says, 'Okay, maybe we need to rethink this.'

But the President hasn't knuckled under yet. In his State of the Union address on January 27, he did not dwell long on the issue of bank reform, but he held to his position. He said:

We can't allow financial institutions, including those that take your deposits, to take risks that threaten the whole economy. The House has already passed financial reform with many of these changes. And the lobbyists are already trying to kill it. Well, we cannot let them win this fight. And if the bill that ends up on my desk does not meet the test of real reform, I will send it back.

What this "real reform" would look like was left to conjecture, but Bob Chapman fills in some blanks and suggests what might be needed for an effective overhaul:

The attempt will be to bring the financial system back to brass tacks... That would include little or no MBS and CDOs, the regulation of derivatives and hedge funds and the end of massive market manipulation, both by Treasury, Fed and Wall Street players.

Congress has to end the 'President's Working Group on Financial Markets,' or at least limit its use to real emergencies... The Glass-Steagall Act should be reintroduced into the system and lobbying and campaign contributions should end... No more politics in lending and banks should be limited to a lending ratio of 10 to 1... It is bad enough they have the leverage that they have. State banks such as North Dakota's are a better idea.

On January 28, the predictable reaction of "the market" was to fall for the seventh straight day.

The battle of the Titans was on." - [and end]

Follow Ellen Brown on Twitter:

Story Url.:

HR Comment:

A majority of humanity must be seen as victims of the Rothschild;s BIS usury system. They decide what the so called 'money' in your wallet is worth. Nobody else! - "An Unbridled Monster: the global monetary system" - Url.:

So much for the bought, bribed and bullied lawmakers...

If anybody looks around one sees the nefarious and deadly effects of this usury system: millions upon millions of dead human beings. Daily it's ten thousands who starve or die in another form because of this global usury. Personally I immensely dislike a lot of those compliant 'gatekeepers' for writing about the nefast 'side-effects' all over the world, but not mentioning Rothschild's BIS bank." - [end quote] - Do yourself a favor and read the rest of my comment. - Url.:

One keeps wondering about how so few have been able to do so much damage to so many?

Their criminal minds are apparently all the time at work, globally enslaving people and profiting from them. it's called the Salami-tactic: every day a small slice, and at last 'they' have the whole sausage!

They do this every time through indoctrination and deception...

And it's always the same: human beings never count!

For the criminal cartel only power and profit does.

It ought to be clear: it's 'them' or humanity.

Symbolized by Morgan vs. Goldman Sachs.

Food for thought?



* Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 57,100 for Ellen Brown's Web of debt. - Url.:

* How the German national-socialistic party and Hitler were financed by international cartel's bankers was suppressed knowledge, but eloquently described by Anthony C. Sutton in his book: Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. - Url.:

* The Lords of Hunger and Depopulation - Web Results 1 - 10 of about 25,300 for Kissinger +depopulation. - Url.:

* US: The humanoids want a totalitarian State = A very good story: Ellen Brown about the BIS - Url.:

* Obama/ Soetoro - Or whatever his name is: Hey! Look! The CIA 'emperor' has no clothes! - Url.:

* TIME Poll - The US/PNAC's war machine poses the greatest danger to world peace. - Url.:

North Korea 6.7 %

Iraq 6.3 %

The United States 86.9 %

Total Votes Cast before the TIME poll was stopped: 706842

* "PEOPLE DO NOT FORGET: They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter - Url.:

* Is Barack Obama a "Zionist Wolf In Sheep's Clothing"? - With many links - Url.:



FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands



30 Januari 2010 - Het Brabants Dagblad weet over 'oorlogsheld' Kroon - deze met 't ereblik van de Militaire Willemsorde behangen oorlogsmisdadiger - het volgende te melden: "Militaire ridder Marco Kroon verdachte op politiebureau.

DEN BOSCH - Zaterdag 30 januari 2010 - Marco Kroon (39), drager van de Militaire Willemsorde, is vrijdag door de politie in Den Bosch gehoord als verdachte van drugsbezit en wapenbezit. Ook zijn 34-jarige vriendin is als verdachte gehoord. Of beiden in verzekering zijn gesteld, wilde de politie vrijdag niet zeggen. Het verhoor maakt deel uit van een lang lopend onderzoek, waarbij diverse personen zijn verhoord en twee aanhoudingen werden verricht.

De verdenking van Kroon is extra gevoelig omdat hij in mei vorig jaar door koningin Beatrix werd onderscheiden met de hoogste militaire eer. Tijdens een plechtige bijeenkomst op het Binnenhof werd Kroon tot ridder in de Willemsorde benoemd. De onderscheiding was 55 jaar lang niet meer aan personen uitgereikt. Kroon ontving de onderscheiding voor de leiding bij een aantal riskante militaire operaties in Uruzgan." - [einde citaat] - Het Brabants Dagblad heeft veel links betreffende de zaak Kroon - Url.:

Het gaat hierbij om het gebruik van heroïne en cocaïne, en dat mogen zelfs oorlogsmisdadigers niet. Mensen wederrechtelijk doodschieten of folteren is OK volgens de in die kringen geldende blijkbaar 'christelijke normen en waarden' - maar het gebruik van coke dus niet. Marco Kroon is een van de vele misdadigers die met onderscheidingen zijn bedeeld, om nog meer mensen crimineel zand in de ogen te strooien.

Kroon is symbolisch voor het geldende woekersysteem, waarin de collaborerende criminelen op politiek, militair, industrieel, ambtelijk en zeer zeker mediaal gebied bevinden, en misbruik van maken. In April 2007 schreef ik het volgende erover, en jammer genoeg is het door de jaren heen - vooral door collaboratie van de propagandisten in de media - alleen maar erger geworden.

In Brussel, bij het 'alternative' nieuwsbureau van Indymedia, CeMAB, zeiden 'ze' - zonder overigens daar ooit een motief/reden voor te hebben kunnen opgeven - datgene wat ik U niet wil onthouden: "CeMAB: De volgende bijdrage heeft de status verborgen."

Maar, dit schreef ik toen en zou door niemand 'verborgen' moeten worden, en het geldt - met enkele aanvullingen en correcties - nu steeds meer:


Door het asociale bewind van de politieke personeelsleden die de buffer vormen tussen het werkende volk en de managers van Nederland - en daarvoor als 'politici' uit de staatstrog mogen graaien - is de armoede volgens het CBS met één procent per jaar gestegen tot 12% in 2007. De hiervoor verantwoordelijke profiteurs onder het personeel hebben elkaar weer met ereblik behangen i.p.v. hiervoor gerechtelijk te worden vervolgd.

Henk Ruyssenaars - Journalist/correspondent

FPF - Nederland - 12 April 2007 - Aangezien de oorlog in Irak volgens alle normen der wet illegaal is, en een grove schending van het Handvest van de Verenigde Naties, is de groep die hiervoor verantwoordelijk is in Nederland, absoluut schuldig aan oorlogsmisdaden op zeer grote schaal, en medeplichtig betreffende het doden van minstens één miljoen Irakezen.

Vóór 19 Maart 2003 en de illegale invasie van Irak, waren dat volgens berekeningen van UNICEF door de embargos en andere sancties in Irak, al anderhalf miljoen mensen die stierven. Dat is zonder meer volkerenmoord. Genocide! Daarvoor dient deze groep oorlogsmisdadigers in Nederland zeer zeker strafrechtelijk te worden vervolgd. Het zijn blijkbaar niet alleen fatsoensnormen die op regerinsgniveau in Nederland onbekend bleken en blijken te zijn.

Het grenst namelijk ook voor fatsoenlijke waarnemers aan het ongelofelijke dat de voor het asociale beleid in Nederland verantwoordelijken elkaar alweer met z.g. onderscheidingen durven te bedélen.

De groep 'politieke' personeelsleden die elkaar via de eigen media van de managers en op kosten van de belastingbetaler permanent bewierookt, heeft tijdens een onderonsje de overtreffende trap van voosheid weer eens bereikt door elkaar met onderscheidingen te behangen. Als erkenning van hun permanente verraad van de bevolking? 

Voor alle niet-gehersenspoelden staat het vast dat het eertijds in Nederland geschreven Wetboek van Strafrecht - en alle door Nederland als staat geratificeerde internationale oorlogsconventies en verdragen zoals de Folterwet - ruimschoots voorzien in juridische gronden om deze aan genocide medeschuldige figuren meteen voor 'n eerlijk oorlogstribunaal te stellen, en ter verantwoording te roepen wegens hun genocidale en andere collaboratie. 

Terugkomend op alle 'onderscheidingen' die deze mislukkelingen elkaar geven: men kan een drol weliswaar 'Lord' noemen, maar het blijft natuurlijk wel een drol, hoe je het ook noemt.

En hetzelfde geldt voor de figuur die de rot aan de financiële top verpersoonlijkt; de glibberige collaborateur en OW-er Gerrit Zalm, van de VVD. (Vereniging Van Dieven). Als langszittende 'minister van financiën' en de slager van de nederlandse economie - en waarschijnlijk wegens het laten leegbloeden van 90 procent van de economie van de bevolking voor zijn baasjes van de BIS* - werd Zalm gisteravond benoemd tot Commandeur in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau.

Dit is de wereld op z'n kop: de Zalm die het aquarium voor de vreetgrage meesters beheerde krijgt geen gevangenis maar en médaille?


Hierbij dient te worden aangetekend dat tijdens het kleptomanische bewind van deze vunze Zalm, en de al even schijnheilige en zich 'christen' noemende 'premier' J.P. Balkenende, volgens het Centrale Plan Bureau (CBS) de armoede onder de 16 1/2 miljoen Nederlanders bleef stijgen met één procent per jaar. Dit tijdens de jaren dat ook Zalm de staatstrog leegschuimde voor z'n 'vriendjes' van de BIS.*

En al die jaren liggen Zweden en Nederland in de hele wereld aan de top omdat de dociele en dom gehouden bevolkingen de hoogste belastingen ter wereld betalen. En zover als bekend ook nog 's de bijna hoogste brandstofprijzen ter wereld. Crimineel en nergens voor nodig, maar de rovers roven gewoon door. 


Hetgeen betekent dat zowel de Zweden (daar heb ik heel lang gewerkt als correspondent) als de Nederlanders bijvoorbeeld niet alleen de grootste belastingbetalers ter wereld zijn, maar dus in doorsnee ZES maanden per jaar en soms meer voor hun personeel werken! Dat is toch niet normaal? Dat is echt nergens ter wereld zo, maar hier zeggen de dieven dat alles OK is: gaat U maar rustig slapen...!

In vroeger tijden hoefde een pachter trouwens in doorsnee maar één maand per jaar bijvoorbeeld voor de leenheer te werken. En nu dus minstens zes maanden? Over slavernij gesproken! 

Volgens het CBS heeft Nederland, het nr. 6 'rijkste' land ter wereld, volgens de lijst van Forbes, momenteel twaalf procent armen. Voor wie is het dan 'rijk'? Mensen - met kinderen dikwijls - die in Nederland anno 2007 [en in 2010] volledig onnodig armoede lijden. Hetgeen volledig te wijten is aan misselijkmakende creaturen als Zalm, Balkenende en de verdere kliek van roofmoordenaars die Nederland ziet als 'n productie-eenheiden de arbeidskrachten permanent blijft afromen voor hun managers, de internationale directie van multinationals en oorlogshetzers in Londen die geld en macht blijven maken over de lijken van mensen.*

De afgelopen jaren zijn - door de achterbakse collaboratie van de zich met kermisblik behangende corrupte knechtjes van de roofmoordenaars - ook de kinderen in Nederland er alleen maar op achteruit gegaan wat hun leefomstandigheden betreft. Dat meldt 'Kinderen in Tel' als resultaat van een gezamenlijk onderzoek van kinderrechten-instanties, waaronder Unicef Nederland, Jantje Beton, Defence for Children International Nederland en het Verwey-Jonker Instituut.

André Rouvoet, die ook blijft volhouden 'christen' te zijn, en in het vernachelende groepje dat zich 'kabinet' noemt werd binnengehaald, heeft nooit openlijk geprotesteerd tegen al het illegale oorlogsgeweld of de roofmoordpartijen, en kreeg de baan en positie om de politieke partij SP - die groots had gewonnen - overal buiten de deur te houden. Rouvoet kreeg daarom een zoethoudertje aangereikt als 'minister van Jeugd en Gezin.' Dan moet hij eerst maar 's uitleggen hoe het kan dat tijdens het bewind van Zalm en Balkenende bijvoorbeeld [en nu nog steeds - HR] er meer kinderen in achterstandswijken terecht zijn gekomen, er meer schoolverzuim is, meer jeugdcriminaliteit en meer werkloosheid.

Een beschamende werkelijkheid die de positie van kinderen in Nederland de afgelopen jaren dus alleen maar heeft verslechterd, zoals het rapport 'Kinderen in Tel' meldt? Hoe kan dat?  


Wat voor 'regering' is dit, wanneer één-en-zestig procent van de werknemers in Nederland wakker ligt omdat ze niet meer weten hoe ze de steeds waanzinniger wordende rekeningen kunnen betalen omdat het de schuld is van Zalm en Balkenende. En nu, anno 2010, van de 10 jaar door SHELL getrainde Wouter Bos, die collaboreert met de uiterst kwalijke Nout Wellink van de Nederlandse centrale Bank en de andere BIS-knechten.*

Dat zijn dezelfde criminelen die de Euros ongewenst en ongewild door de strot van de mensen hebben geduwd zodat alles twee keer zo duur is geworden. Vraag maar aan Uw vrienden en kennissen. Hetgeen dus overduidelijk de schuld is van deze laffe groep van het trouwens door de belastingbetaler betaalde politieke personeel, dat als moderne slaven voor rekening van hun baasjes werkt, en niet voor rekening van ons mensen wier belang ze zouden behartigen, zoals beloofd. Dat is wat ze zouden moeten doen, maar duidelijk nalaten.


In Nederland, en in tegenstelling tot bijvoorbeeld de ons omringende landen, houdt de corrupte justitie van het OM en anderen, vast aan het opportuniteitsbeginsel. In de andere landen is er een legaliteitsprincipe, hetgeen betekent dat als iets illegaal is, er wettelijk gezien ingegrepen MOET worden. In Nederland wordt alleen ingegrepen en dus strafrechtelijk vervolgd, als dat 'opportuun' wordt geacht. Niet omdat het illegaal zou zijn...

Er bestaat dus absoluut geen 'rechtvaardigheid' of iets dat rechtspraak heet in Nederland, en zeker niet zolang als deze criminelen de gevangenis runnen. Creaturen zoals Donner of nu - in 2010 - Hirsch Ballin - zijn een criminele ramp voor 't land en wat ooit 'n soort van rechtspraak was. Want sinds 1 Jan. 2006 is het wel zo, ook in Nederland, dat - in tegenstelling tot 'het grote vrije Europa' dat iedereen werd voorgeschoteld - er niemand is die op straat kan lopen of de eigen woning kan verlaten zonder 'n geldig identiteitsbewijs te kunnen tonen. Dat is APARTHEID!

Die overigens volgens de wet verboden is, maar Nederland is nu een apartheidstaat, en daar zijn deze - zichzelf bewierokenden - ook schuldig aan. Het zijn en blijven misdadigers, waarbij Boontje snel om z'n loontje moet komen.

Dertien andere figuren die collaboreerden in de Balkenende 'kabinetten' etc. - kregen ook wat snuisterijen om op te spelden, maar ze hadden in werkelijkheid allemaal een Bijlmer- of EBI-gevangenis-streepjespak met nummer moeten krijgen.

Het zijn goed beschouwd allemaal landverraders, 't zijn Quislings zoals de glibberige Zalm, maar die door zijn medeplichtigen 'officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau' worden genoemd, of ex 'ministers' die de boel ook verraden hebben, zoals Agnes van Ardenne, Johan Remkes, Rita Verdonk, de ongelofelijke oorlogsmisdadiger Henk Kamp, Karla Peijs, Aart Jan de Geus, de man die de hele gezondheidszorg uitleverde aan de roofmoordenaars Hans Hoogervorst, Joop Wijn en stemcomputerzwendel goedprater Atzo Nicolaï.

Ze zullen allemaal hun straf niet ontlopen. 

En SHELL grootaandeelhoudster Beatrix?

Die al heel lang en op kosten van de belogen en bedrogen nederlandse belastingbetalers 'n soort Hans Christiaan Andersen - maar kwaadaardig - sprookje leeft, wordt aangesproken met 'koningin'. En de gangsterbruiden die haar zoontjes - de z.g. 'prinsen' - om zich heen verzamelen, die gangsterbruiden die volgens de propagandamedia ook nog 's 'prinses' moeten worden genoemd, die ouwe troela Bea is 'Grootmeester van de Orde' die deze blikken 'onderscheidingen' uitdeelt aan slaafse onderdanen die aan hun schuldigheid hebben voldaan. 





Bovenstaand 'ereblik' en analyse-verhaal werd ook door CeMAB in België alsvolgt beoordeeld:

The following post has status hidden - Url.: 


* Nederland: Hou jij ze dom, dan hou ik ze arm... - Url.:;article=3141;title=APFN%20MESSAGE%20BOARD

* Once and for all: BIS Article Sunday, June 28, 1998; Page H01 - The Washington Post Company. - Url.:

* US: The humanoids want a totalitarian State = A very good story: Ellen Brown about the BIS - Url.:


* Christopher Booker: "No One in the EU Can Keep Books as Badly as the EU!" - More at Url.:

* The Netherlands: tax shelter for criminals - Url.:

* Rothschild's BIS bank's usury controls the world's money supply - Killing for their own Power and Profit - Url.:

* And the BIS, as the excellent researcher and publisher Eustace Mullins wrote - and some maybe don't know yet - really is: 'A Bank for All Reasons' - Url.:

* The BIS/IMF 'audit' and Der Spiegel's article about this fraudulent audit, is at Url.:

* EU mafia slyly reintroduces the death penalty. - Mussolini & Ceaucescu-like executions? - Url.:;article=2437;

* (BIS) "Authorities estimated that foreign banks hold approximately EUR seven billion on which Dutch tax has not been paid." And which they now try to get as well. The thieves. - Source: Radio Netherlands / Expatica - Friday 26 June 2009 - Url.:

* THE EMPIRE OF "THE CITY" - An excerpt from the book by E.C. Knuth - "The City" is an international financial oligarchy and is perhaps the most arbitrary and absolute form of government in the world. - Url.:

* "The Evil Empire Revisited" - Des Griffin & Henk Ruyssenaars - Url.:

* EU & BIS explained. A lot of info about the monetary planning of the NWO's European Union is here: "The Bank for International Settlements and the Federal Reserve" - by Charles J. Siegman, who worked for the usurers. - Url.:

* The Board of the BIS: there you'll find all the criminals and war profiteers: Geithner, Greenspan, Paulson, Wolfowitz, Zoellick and Ben 'Shalom' Bernanke' etc. etc. again. Plus the BIS subservient bosses of the 55 Central Banks too this cartel runs. It's 'Crooks United' all over. - Url.:

* The International Murderers Fund, IMF, os symbolic for the corporations robbers. Mark Weissbrot had a story about this in Counterpunch. - Url.:

* Obama/ Soetoro - Or whatever his name is: Hey! Look! The CIA 'emperor' has no clothes! - Url.: 

* BEATRIX REGEERT VIA DE LEUGEN EN BILDERBERG - You can read more here at the web site of Daniel Estulin, one of the few experts on Bilderberg. What he doesn't know about the Bilderberg mafia and your future isn't worth knowing. - Url.: 


* BIS: WHERE DOES ALL THE WEALTH GO? - WHO CONTROLS GLOBAL MONETARY AFFAIRS? Who decides what the money in your pocket is worth? - The BIS! Based in Basle, Switzerland, the BIS is central bank to central banks. The BIS has greater immunity than a sovereign nation, is accountable to no one, runs global monetary affairs and is privately owned. This is a must-read report to understand the globalization process. - Url.: 


* US CITIZENS: WATCH AND WEEP! Visit this site to check out what the war has cost your town or city or state. - Url.:


North Korea 6.7 %

Iraq 6.3 %

The United States 86.9 % 

Total Votes Cast: 706842 - Url.: 






* Henk R. is a journalist who has been declared 'Persona non Grata' by five 'governments' in East and West. This far he has lived and worked abroad - never in an English speaking country - for more than 4 decades for international media, but always as an independent foreign correspondent. Of which 10 years - also covering Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more resistance against the inhuman US junta's war machine and its global terror! 


* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:


Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars 

The Netherlands 


Friday, January 29, 2010


Of course I don't agree with everything she says, but it's important enough to republish. Because any resistance to the present inhuman and global usury system is needed:
By Dr. Laurie Roth - January 29, 2010 - Was there any group not insulted and scolded by Obama at his State of the Union speech? He tore into the Supreme court, shredding their controversial and recent ruling allowing corporations to advertise up through an election. Obama went off saying this would lead to international controls and purchases of elections, which simply wasn’t true as was reflected in Judge Alito’s negative shaking of his head.

On the record though, it was a dumb decision by the Supreme court. I am more concerned about big corporations worth billions aligning with liberals and doing tons of advertising to help their agenda." [ ]

HR: Google search - Web Results 1 - 10 of about 197,000 for Obama +"big corporations" - Url.:

As usual, Obama blamed George Bush again and his policies for much of the economic and banking hardships we are enduring today. That is most fascinating since “Mr. Freeze the budget for 3 years Obama” has signed every stimulus and absurdly huge spending bill sent to him. He has also waited in impatient frenzy for the nearly trillion dollar health bill to sign. The messiah’s pen and ink are ready also for the economy leveling cap and trade bill to roll in.

It is rather magical I think, after a year of spending hundreds of billions on banks and cronies that have not helped the economy at all, that Bush has still caused all this. Wow! What power he has just by existing.

At least we know from Obama’s speech that he brought 2 million jobs into place. Of course, every economist and statistician I have talked to on air says the stats don’t exist and this statement in most part is a fabrication. The Congressional Budget office said there were only 600,000-1.6 million of potentially created jobs. It said it was impossible to determine how many of those jobs could have existed without the stimulus package.

Don’t you just love how Obama took credit for these jobs anyway, when it is statistically clear that no one really knows if those jobs would be around without the stimulus help. Go figure!

Another lie Obama smoothly threw out was about the White House and Congress doing their work openly as the people deserve.

What a bunch of bull rot!

Obama promised if you remember that the health care negotiations for health care legislation would be aired openly on C-SPAN, so the folks could see what was going on and how it affected them. WRONG. Instead, most has been done behind closed doors. Obama declared in his speech that he and his staff excluded lobbyists from policy-making jobs or seats on federal boards and commissions. However, once again this was a proven lie.

Though his first day in office he signed an executive order to bar lobbyists from his administration this reflected his usual game of words. There were waivers and recusals written into this allowing many lobbyists to serve to this day in administration positions. Where is congressman Joe Wilson when you need him to call Obama a liar some more? Oh yes, that is rude to tell the truth.

According to Fox news fact check, Obama threw out another whopper, taking credit for killing a ton of terrorists….far more than in 2008. Once again, another dig on former President Bush. Truth be told, neither Bush nor Obama have published enemy body counts. Drone attacks have increased the last 18 months but are part of a secret program.

Last I checked it seems that this President does more kiss up to terrorists than kicking their booty i.e. “don’t rush to judgment” comment right away on the Ft. Hood attack, while waiting 72 hours to even respond to the near fatal airline attack on Christmas." - [ ]

[Which was a 'false flag' operation by the Mossad again. - HR] - Url.:;article=3085;

Dr. Laurie Roth: "Then there was the kissing up to the Honduran Dictator who planned to overthrow his country and her laws and the acknowledgement that Ahmadinejad deserved to go nuclear, while giving 900 million to the serial killers, Hamas. I would say that is a real tough stance with bad guys and terrorists!!! John Wayne would be proud.

Obama said the word ‘I’ 96 times in his speech. He is almost making ‘ego’ history with self mentions in his speeches. An earlier speech had him mentioning himself 130 times. He apparently thinks it is most inspiring to say that “he doesn’t quit.”

He doesn’t quit alright and while he trudges boldly along he continues to push forward his neo Marxist, Chicago style political machine that attempts to overthrow our constitution and freedom. He won’t quit…….yes, we get it.

Well, neither do the American people quit. We also get it.

The Tea Party groups are over 10 million strong now, founded and headed by Dale Robertson who is running for Governor in Texas as an Independent. Town halls, 9/12 groups and faxes on Washington continue to grow at light speed. Check out

Elections the Democrats thought were in the bag were not i.e. Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts and I believe the mid terms are going to deliver another heard of Elephants right through the living room of liberals in this White House and congress!

I’m also proud to announce that the national Tea Party group and its founder, Dale Robertson will be coming on my national radio show every Thursday 4-5pm PAC. It will be the Tea Party hour. We might grow more hours from there. We will cover constitutional issues, interview folks in office and those running for office the Tea Party supports and cover other priority issues our country must face.

Find out more at, and and

Join us each Thursday.

I’m inspired after Obama’s speech alright…..inspired to vote him out of office as soon as possible."

Dr. Laurie Roth - News with Views - Url.:

Fwd. by HR.



HR: Of course I don't agree with everything she says, but it's important enough to republish. Because any resistance to the present inhuman and global usury system is needed:

By Dr. Laurie Roth - January 29, 2010 - Was there any group not insulted and scolded by Obama at his State of the Union speech? He tore into the Supreme court, shredding their controversial and recent ruling allowing corporations to advertise up through an election. Obama went off saying this would lead to international controls and purchases of elections, which simply wasn’t true as was reflected in Judge Alito’s negative shaking of his head.

On the record though, it was a dumb decision by the Supreme court. I am more concerned about big corporations worth billions aligning with liberals and doing tons of advertising to help their agenda." [ ]

HR: Google search - Web Results 1 - 10 of about 197,000 for Obama +"big corporations" - Url.:

As usual, Obama blamed George Bush again and his policies for much of the economic and banking hardships we are enduring today. That is most fascinating since “Mr. Freeze the budget for 3 years Obama” has signed every stimulus and absurdly huge spending bill sent to him. He has also waited in impatient frenzy for the nearly trillion dollar health bill to sign. The messiah’s pen and ink are ready also for the economy leveling cap and trade bill to roll in.

It is rather magical I think, after a year of spending hundreds of billions on banks and cronies that have not helped the economy at all, that Bush has still caused all this. Wow! What power he has just by existing.

At least we know from Obama’s speech that he brought 2 million jobs into place. Of course, every economist and statistician I have talked to on air says the stats don’t exist and this statement in most part is a fabrication. The Congressional Budget office said there were only 600,000-1.6 million of potentially created jobs. It said it was impossible to determine how many of those jobs could have existed without the stimulus package.

Don’t you just love how Obama took credit for these jobs anyway, when it is statistically clear that no one really knows if those jobs would be around without the stimulus help. Go figure!

Another lie Obama smoothly threw out was about the White House and Congress doing their work openly as the people deserve.

What a bunch of bull rot!

Obama promised if you remember that the health care negotiations for health care legislation would be aired openly on C-SPAN, so the folks could see what was going on and how it affected them. WRONG. Instead, most has been done behind closed doors. Obama declared in his speech that he and his staff excluded lobbyists from policy-making jobs or seats on federal boards and commissions. However, once again this was a proven lie.

Though his first day in office he signed an executive order to bar lobbyists from his administration this reflected his usual game of words. There were waivers and recusals written into this allowing many lobbyists to serve to this day in administration positions. Where is congressman Joe Wilson when you need him to call Obama a liar some more? Oh yes, that is rude to tell the truth.

According to Fox news fact check, Obama threw out another whopper, taking credit for killing a ton of terrorists….far more than in 2008. Once again, another dig on former President Bush. Truth be told, neither Bush nor Obama have published enemy body counts. Drone attacks have increased the last 18 months but are part of a secret program.

Last I checked it seems that this President does more kiss up to terrorists than kicking their booty i.e. “don’t rush to judgment” comment right away on the Ft. Hood attack, while waiting 72 hours to even respond to the near fatal airline attack on Christmas." - [ ]

[Which was a 'false flag' operation by the Mossad again. - HR] - Url.:;article=3085;

Dr. Laurie Roth: "Then there was the kissing up to the Honduran Dictator who planned to overthrow his country and her laws and the acknowledgement that Ahmadinejad deserved to go nuclear, while giving 900 million to the serial killers, Hamas. I would say that is a real tough stance with bad guys and terrorists!!! John Wayne would be proud.

Obama said the word ‘I’ 96 times in his speech. He is almost making ‘ego’ history with self mentions in his speeches. An earlier speech had him mentioning himself 130 times. He apparently thinks it is most inspiring to say that “he doesn’t quit.”

He doesn’t quit alright and while he trudges boldly along he continues to push forward his neo Marxist, Chicago style political machine that attempts to overthrow our constitution and freedom. He won’t quit…….yes, we get it.

Well, neither do the American people quit. We also get it.

The Tea Party groups are over 10 million strong now, founded and headed by Dale Robertson who is running for Governor in Texas as an Independent. Town halls, 9/12 groups and faxes on Washington continue to grow at light speed. Check out

Elections the Democrats thought were in the bag were not i.e. Virginia, New Jersey, and Massachusetts and I believe the mid terms are going to deliver another heard of Elephants right through the living room of liberals in this White House and congress!

I’m also proud to announce that the national Tea Party group and its founder, Dale Robertson will be coming on my national radio show every Thursday 4-5pm PAC. It will be the Tea Party hour. We might grow more hours from there. We will cover constitutional issues, interview folks in office and those running for office the Tea Party supports and cover other priority issues our country must face.

Find out more at, and and

Join us each Thursday.

I’m inspired after Obama’s speech alright…..inspired to vote him out of office as soon as possible."

Dr. Laurie Roth - News with Views - Url.:

Fwd. by HR.



Henk Ruyssenaars + Chris Marsden

January 29th - 2010 - During the London conference concerning the armed robbery of Afghanistan, not a word was said about the fact that the criminal global cartel - via the greatest drug dealer on earth, the CIA - now has more than 90% of the world market in heroin in the bloody paws.

If you read those items concerning Afghanistan - that the CIA's managers for instance have forbidden the use of the opium destroying fungus 'Lotus Eater' plus the fact that 'Big Pharma' and their collaborators make billions in profits - you'll understand more of the fake conference in London. It was just a matter of dividing the cake. Read and weep!



OPIUM WAR CRIMES IN AFGHANISTAN + 8 CIA SPOOKS DEAD - U.S. Major General Smedley Butler: "For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired to civil life did I fully realize it." - Url.:

Have you ever thought about how it's possible to do this illegal but enormous business in a war torn occupied country? Look at the big deals criminal cartel firms like SHELL, the Chinese or BP does in those occupied countries. Oil and drugs, that's where the enormous profits come from.

As their propaganda bureau Reuters published on Sunday, January 17, 2010: "Iraq: Shell and Petronas sign final Majnoon oil deal." - * One of biggest oilfields in world - * Iraq could become a top three oil producer - * Shell and Petronas to invest tens of billions - Url.:

CHINA & BP FURTHER RAPE IRAQ - Url.:;article=3045

And they all know what for instance was said already in September 2004: "The United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan has told the BBC the US-led invasion of Iraq was an illegal act that contravened the UN charter. - Iraq war illegal, says Annan." - BBC Url.:

Logically, and seeing what the war criminals do, any decent human being on earth knows that what's going on in the name of this criminal cartel, paid by the tax payers nota bene, is absolutely illegal and makes war criminals of all those who support this. Whatever their nationality.

They are all war criminals and must be punished as such as soon as humane laws are valid again. HR & war criminals - Url.:

And the millions of people? The cartel's managers and their armed and killing 'gofers' never care for one nanosecond about them. NEVER! Only profit counts for those criminals: strategically and/or financially.

You know what our problem is? We have never learned nor thought that this cartel - doing it already for such a long time to humanity - could and can be so intensely bad, so immensely rotten to the core as they are. - Url.:

Another warning and more insight was given by Chris Marsden who wrote an article on this for WSWS: "London conference on Afghanistan: Occupation will last for years to come.

World Socialist Web Site - 29 January 2010 - The London conference on Afghanistan laid down a scenario for the country’s military occupation stretching over at least 5 years and, according to Afghan President Hamid Karzai, as long as 15 years.

Gone was President Barack Obama’s claim that withdrawal of US troops would begin by 2011, replaced by a region-by-region transfer of responsibility that will take several years and will be dictated by “conditions on the ground,” as determined by the military.

There is to be a concerted effort to incorporate various Afghan warlords presently associated with the Taliban insurgency into a power-sharing government with Karzai and split off upwards of 12,000 Afghan fighters, using a slush fund of over $650 million provided by the US, Japan, Britain, Germany and others. (Only $147 million of this has been pledged.) There will be a major military offensive to “convince” the Taliban that resistance is not an option.

[HR: Remember 'Big Brother'?: "All resistance is futile!"]

WSWS: "Regarding the international trust fund, Britain’s Prime Minister Gordon Brown stated that its purpose was “to provide an economic alternative to those who have none,” other than participation in the insurgency.

Afghan President Karzai said, “To make our program a success, we hope that His Majesty King Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz of Saudi Arabia will kindly play a prominent role to guide and assist the peace process.” He pleaded with “all our neighbours, particularly Pakistan,” to “support our peace and reconciliation endeavours.”

Karzai has said that the establishment of a national council for peace, reconciliation and re-integration will be followed by a “peace jirga,” an assembly of elders, with King Abdullah playing a “prominent role.”

The main thrust of the policy is directed to various warlords, who will be offered roles in government. The cynicism involved in this plan is extraordinary, given that the war against Afghanistan was launched in 2001 on the pretext that the Taliban regime had to be overthrown because it sheltered Osama Bin Laden and had ties to Al Qaeda.

Bin Laden is now barely ever mentioned, while the US has been in direct negotiations with representatives of Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar and others—forces whom US Defence Secretary Robert Gates now describes as part of the “political fabric” of Afghanistan.

Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the US commander in Afghanistan, told the Financial Times prior to the London conference, “I think any Afghans can play a role if they focus on the future, and not the past.”

Five former senior Taliban officials have already been removed from a United Nations sanctions list to facilitate these manoeuvres.

The long-term aim is to consolidate the transformation of Afghanistan into a US-controlled protectorate, ruling through a power-sharing client regime. In the next period, however, the emphasis is on an escalation of the US-led military offensive, using the 110,000 troops that will be stationed there after Obama’s surge. Brown threatened that “for those insurgents who refuse to accept the conditions for reintegration, we have no choice but to pursue them militarily.”

Major Gen. Nick Carter, the commander of 45,000 NATO troops in Helmand province, announced that a major offensive would be launched to “assert the control” of the Afghan government in areas currently controlled by the Taliban. The operation will involve elements of the 10,000 British troops in Helmand and 13,000 newly arrived US Marines.

An unnamed London diplomat described this as “a carrot-and-stick approach.” He elaborated: “On the ground, there will be up to 40,000 more troops this year making things uncomfortable for the Taliban. The carrot is the money and a place within the power structure of Afghanistan.”

In truth, the “carrot” is being offered to the warlords, while the stick will be applied to insurgents and Afghan civilians alike.

This effort to militarily demoralise the Taliban and incorporate sections into government is conceived of as spanning at least three years, with Afghan forces only “taking responsibility for physical security within five years.” Even so, Brown repeatedly refused to give a timetable for withdrawal, insisting that this depended on meeting conditions so that “security can be taken over by the Afghans in the provinces in which we operate.”

McChrystal also told the Financial Times, “I believe that it will be more conditions-based, there will be an agreement on certain conditions driving the transitions.”

In a BBC interview broadcast before the conference started, Karzai was even less optimistic, stating, “With regard to training and equipping the Afghan security forces, 5 to 10 years would be sufficient. With regard to sustaining them… the time period extends to 10 to 15 years.” - [ ]

HR: BBC - Url.:

WSWS: "The London conference was testimony to how anxious the world’s major powers are to demonstrate their readiness to lend support to the US intervention in Afghanistan. Despite growing concerns that the occupation is becoming a quagmire, sucking in troops and costing vast sums, no one wants to openly antagonise Washington or be excluded from establishing his own influence within strategic oil- and gas-rich regions neighbouring Afghanistan.

Sixty-plus nations attended the conference, as well as representatives from NATO, the United Nations, the European Union and the World Bank." - [ ]

HR - Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 2,960 for Ruyssenaars +"World Bank" - Url.:

WSWS: "Brown boasted that more than 8,000 extra NATO troops had been committed to Afghanistan since Obama announced the US surge last year. Four more countries have joined the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF)—Armenia, Mongolia, Montenegro and South Korea, which are all non-NATO members. They have pledged nearly 800 additional troops between them, with the majority coming from South Korea. This means that there are now 47 countries involved in Afghanistan. The day before the London conference, Germany pledged an additional 500 troops.

None of this in the long-term compensates for the mounting problems facing the US in Afghanistan. Washington remains to a large degree dependent on Karzai, whose corrupt regime is massively unpopular and remains in power only thanks to Western-sanctioned electoral fraud.

The Taliban are far from demonstrably losing the military struggle, and are a long way from accepting a role as a US proxy. A Taliban statement denounced the London conference as a “waste of time” aimed at justifying foreign occupation. It declared, “The recent attacks in Kabul were, in fact, a message for the London conference that the Taliban are not ready to negotiate and do not desire to set up a regime in collaboration with those who bear the marks of slavery to the occupiers.”

As to the regional powers, Iran, which is faced with growing threats from Washington and London, did not attend the conference, which it denounced for its focus on increasing military action in Afghanistan. Pakistan did attend, but its Inter Services Intelligence agency is tied to the Taliban, and Islamabad is also faced with growing hostility from the US.

Prior to the conference, the New York Times published two classified memos from Karl Eikenberry, the United States ambassador in Kabul, that gave a devastating verdict on the situation confronting America in Afghanistan. Eikenberry, a retired army lieutenant general, served three years in Afghanistan over the course of two separate tours of duty, and was responsible during 2002-2003 for rebuilding Afghan security forces. He then served 18 months (2005-2007) as commander of US forces in Afghanistan.

Written last November as an argument against McChrystal’s proposal for a surge, Eikenberry warned that deploying large American reinforcements would cost tens of billions of dollars and deepen the Karzai government’s dependence on the US, making it “difficult, if not impossible, to bring our people home on a reasonable timetable.”

He described Karzai as “not an adequate strategic partner,” who was incapable of taking responsibility and exerting sovereignty. “He and much of his circle do not want the US to leave and are only too happy to see us invest further,” he wrote. “They assume we covet their territory for a never-ending ‘war on terror’ and for military bases to use against surrounding powers.”

Tellingly, he warned, “Pakistan will remain the single greatest source of Afghan instability so long as the border sanctuaries remain.” He added, “As we contemplate greatly expanding our presence in Afghanistan, the better answer to our difficulties could well be to further ratchet up our engagement in Pakistan,” raising the clear possibility of an extension of military hostilities.

The most dangerous factors threatening the plans of Obama, Brown, et al are the broad opposition among the Afghan people to the occupation and the massive unpopularity of the war amongst the working people of the US and Europe."

[and end] - Source: WSWS - Url.:

HR: "War," as Gen. Butler said, "is a racket."

It's indeed a criminal cartel racket.

They'll kill for power and profit!



* HR & the Islamic Community Net: The Golden Triangle, US/UK banks: record opium harvest in Afghanistan - Url.:

* Report finds Afghanistan is on the verge of becoming a narcotics state - Url.:

* Research concerning Gary Webb, one of many who was 'suicided' +CIA +drugs - Url.:

* Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 6,180 for "World Health Organisation" +Afghanistan +opium - Url.:


Tuesday, January 26, 2010


January 26th 2010 - In the story below, lawyer and chief-editor Eva Golinger - who's very well informed concerning Latin America, and especially her native Venezuela - describes clearly how the US/UK cartel's armed forces keep attacking Venezuela too. And as usual with Dutch 'help' - from the nearby colonized islands Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao, where the US has bases too. And of course also Belgian and other of the usurped NATO's criminal assistence again by the umpteenth illegal invasion of another sovereign country. All for power, profit and hegemony...

US military aggression escalates against Venezuela in 2010

"Correo del Orinoco International" - 22 Jan. 2010 - Recent violations of Venezuelan airspace by US military combat planes and drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) evidence the escalation in provocations against Venezuela and the danger US military presence in the region represents

During a live television broadcast on the evening of January 8, President Hugo Chávez revealed that at approximately 12:55pm earlier that day, a US P3 combat plane took off from the air base in neighboring Curaçao and entered Venezuelan airspace during a 15-minute period. Two Venezuelan F-16 planes intercepted the foreign military aircraft, prepared to escort it outside Venezuelan territory.

“When the F-16 planes attempted communication with the US aircraft, it immediately took off towards the north, but later it returned”, announced President Chávez. He said that at 1:37pm Venezuelan time, the combat plane returned and flew for about 19 minutes inside Venezuelan territory. “It was escorted out and pressured by our F-16s, we didn’t have to bring in the Sukhois”, added Chávez.

The Pentagon has denied violation of Venezuelan airspace, yet the Venezuelan military has video and photographic images of the US combat plane incursion yesterday. Venezuela’s Foreign Minister, Nicolas Maduro, met with the Charge D’Affairs at the US Embassy in Caracas, John Caulfield, to discuss the matter. But Washington maintained its lack of knowledge of the incident.

Just days earlier, Venezuela’s Vice-President Ramón Carrizalez had publicly denounced the intromission of a US military plane also originating from the air base in Curaçao during 2009.

The governments of Washington and Holland denied the violation, only recognizing one incursion of a US plane in Venezuelan airspace during 2008.

Carrizalez revealed an audio recording between the Venezuelan airport control tower and the US pilot while inside Venezuelan air-space. The pilot stated clearly that he was flying a US Navy military plane stationed at the base in Curaçao. He claimed ignorance as to the violation of Venezuelan territory, stating he was “unaware” he had entered an unauthorized zone. But the US military plane hadn’t just merely crossed a border that some might argue is difficult to visualize.

The pilot had flown over a strategic Venezuelan military base on La Orchila, a small island off Venezuela’s northern coast, well inside Venezuelan territory.


Since 2008, Washington has been increasing its military and intelligence presence on the small Dutch island of Curaçao, where it maintains a Forward Operating Location (FOL) since 1999.

The original contract between Holland and Washington stipulated use of Curaçao for counter-narcotics operations. But since September 11, 2001, Washington began using its military installations around the world to combat “terrorist threats” and threats against US interests, and in some cases, such as in Curaçao and Aruba, violating the terms of previous military agreements that only authorized counter-narcotics or humanitarian missions.

By 2006, US operations from Curaçao were not just US Air Force counter-narcotics missions, but a clear presence of US Navy, Marines, Army, Special Forces and CIA had taken over the tiny Caribbean island.

Together, the US military and intelligence com- munity components were conducting joint exercises and operations to combat a “potencial threat in the region”. At the same time, the Bush Administration was trying to brand Venezuela as a state sponsor of terrorism, despite the lack of any evidence to back such a dangerous accusation.

The arrival of US aircraft carriers, war ships, combat planes, Black Hawk helicopters, nuclear submarines, and thousands of troops to the waters of Curaçao to participate in “joint exercises” caused alarm in the region. Commander Thomas K. Kiss of the U.S.S. Stout, one of the war ships that docked in Willemstad during Spring 2006, declared to the Curaçao press on April 11, 2006, “...we are the most powerful Naval force in the world and the US will defend its friends in the region under all circumstances.”


In 2008, the stakes intensified. Washington formally attempted to place Venezuela on the terrorism list, though Congress didn’t approve the request because of oil dependence. But in July 2008, the US Naval Fourth Fleet was reactivated after almost 60 years, to “demonstrate US power and force in the region”. In 2009, a military agreement between Colombia and Washington was sealed, allowing the Pentagon to occupy and use seven military bases in Colombian territory and any civilian installation necessary.

US Air Force documents justifying the agreement and budget requests to improve Colombian military installations underlined the necessity to combat “…the constant threat of …anti-US governments in the region” and to engage in Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaisance missions, as well as to improve the US armed forces’ capacity to execute “Expeditionary Warfare” in the region.

In December 2009, President Chávez denounced the detection of a US drone plane that had violated Venezuelan territory from Colombia. “A few days ago, one of these military planes penetrated Venezuela as far as Fort Mara,” he stated, referring to a Venezuelan military fort in the State of Zulia, bordering Colombia. The drone was seen by several Venezuelan soldiers who immediately reported the aerial violation to their superiors.

President Chávez gave the order to shoot down any drones detected in Venezuelan territory.

The use of drones in US military operations is highly controversial. The MQ-1 Predator UAV, a type of combat drone, has been used over the past year in Afghanistan and Pakistan to assassinate suspect terrorists. The drones are equipped with Hell-fire missiles and are capable of hitting ground targets in sensitive areas.

Other UAV models are used for espionage and surveillance missions, fully stocked with high-tech camera and video equipment.

Text Eva Golinger & P/ Agencies
Venezuela - Caracas

Picture in original story, via the link: An S-3B Viking taking off from the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt

HR: And this is for the criminal usury cartel - which controls the monetary flow globally - the worst possible nightmare: Latin American ALBA countries which started to make their own money, and that way stay far away from the global usury by the Rothschild empire and its Bank for International Settlements* - the BIS in Basel, Switzerland, which has been enslaving and killing people by the millions at present and through the ages. - ALBA-Currency Sucre valued $1.25 USD - also PDF!

All the same Url.:

Or here: Google search "Correo del Orinoco International" - Url.:


Henk Ruyssenaars & the BIS, Rotschild's 'global usury empire' concentrated in the 'Bank for International Settlements' - Google search - Url.:

Eva Golinger's blog - Postcards from the Revolution - Url.:

Saturday, January 9, 2010 - "US combat plane stationed at the military base in Curaçao violated Venezuelan airspace yesterday." - Url.:

War warning Chavez: Holland plotting with US again, plus Google search - Url.:

* The armed gofers of the CIA and the fake NGO's are still doing the same in Latin America - Url.:

* Belgian and Dutch marines were at least partly involved in the coup d'état that took place in Venezuela. - Url.:

* A very good and informative site concerning Venezuela and the US is lawyer Eva Golinger's - Url.:

* General Melvin Lopez Hidalgo - NATO assassinating Chavez. - Url.:

* The next illegal invasion of Venezuela - Brainwashed Dutch armed forces totally at the disposal of USA warmongers - Url.:





Monday, January 25, 2010


January 25th 2010 - It's again an affront to any thinking human being, but the CIA's Bull Shit program 'CBS' did it again: spreading last night the message that the black bearded fake, impersonating Osama bin Laden who in reality died in december 2001, is still alive and has said something again.*

According to al Jazeera-TV - which like 96% of all global media* also is used by the warmongers - and CBS, it was like a personal message from Osama to Obama, where bin Laden's 'voice from the grave' of course not only endorsed the Mossad's and CIA's 'false flag bombing attempt' on the by Israeli security checked Amsterdam plane to Detroit, which the propaganda lies blame Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab for.

I did a story on that too, and maybe it's better to read it first: "False flag: Mossad & CIA terror bomb Flight 253 - Evidence Mounts for U.S. Complicity in Terrorism" - Wednesday Jan 6, 2010 - Url.:

But, and this was more serious: the Mossad/CIA made TV spot again gave a warning. And, because the Mossad and CIA always orchestrate those 'false flag' attacks, bombing friend and foe when their managers deem this necessary, it may be wise to heed the warning given by another 'front man' who took part in this scare show, Ben Venzke, the CEO of IntelCenter, who said on scare-mongering CBS that the words used at the beginning and end of the fake message "usually are typical of a message that comes in advance of an attack."

This is what the fake Osama bin Laden said: "A peace be on those who follow the light of guidance."

And since the Mossad and the CIA via their deadly spooks orchestrate those 'false flag' bombings and killings, the 'shot before the bow' by the CBS fake Osama and Ben Venzke should be taken as a sign that within short the intelgangsters will conduct another day of infamy somewhere.

And don't you believe anything else: they who are responsible for all this global misery and the millions of dead, all the tortured, jailed or millions of human beings in many countries who are running for their lives, the cartel's warlords never - and I said NEVER - care about whether you, your family, friends or others die, or how. Not one nanosecond!

The only thing that interests those humanoids is power and profit. At whatever price to you and the rest of humanity. And the cartel has not only financial, but also nuclear power, since 1945. And CBS and many others support and even advance all this, knowing it is inhuman and totally illegal armed robbery when invading another country again and killing many more. Like now happens to Haiti too: invaded again by US troops who occupy the harbor in Port au Prince plus the air port, and thus are able to keep the rest out. Including the aid they wanted to bring. Have a look: January 24, 2010:



As said: those who do this to humanity are not human. They are a danger to mankind and these psychopaths must all - whatever they are or nationality they claim - be locked up for life, as soon as laws and justice are valid again.

In England - where most of the managing mafia of the cartel vegetates in their evil empire, their state within a state* - already upped for today the so called 'Terror Threat Level' to "Severe." I don't think it's necessary to say, that the whole management of this global mafia is totally sick in the head. So is the criminal so called PM Gordon Brown 'government' in England.

I really hope to see the day they are punished for their despicable crimes against humanity. All of them! As well as their vile collaborators, especially in the propaganda media, without whom - and I'm absolutely convinced of this - the whole massacres and take-over of the globe by these criminals of the cartel never would have happened. These propagandists all must be punished for life.

Anyhow: apart from the scare-mongering warning, this is what TV stations and their media globally now are spreading to those nitwits who still think it's not stupid propaganda, and that bin Laden is alive.

AP/CBS - CAIRO, Jan. 24, 2010: Bin Laden Claims Christmas Bombing Attempt.

In Unconfirmed Audio Obtained by al Jazeera and Directed to President, al Qaeda Leader Vows Additional Attacks on U.S. - Intel Chief: Errors Made in Bomb Case. - [CBS Video via link below.]

(CBS/AP)  Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden claimed responsibility for the Christmas Day airline bombing attempt in Detroit, in an audio message released Sunday, and vowed further attacks on the U.S. The message suggests that bin Laden wants to show he remains in direct command of al Qaeda's many branches around the world.

In the short recording carried by the Al-Jazeera Arabic news channel, bin Laden directly addressed President Barack Obama, saying the attack was a message similar to that of Sept. 11 and that more attacks against the U.S. would be forthcoming. "The message delivered to you through the plane of the heroic warrior Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was a confirmation of the previous messages sent by the heroes of the Sept. 11," he said.

"America will never dream of security unless we will have it in reality in Palestine," he added. "God willing, our raids on you will continue as long as your support for the Israelis continues."

On Christmas Day, Nigerian national Abdulmutallab attempted to blow up the Northwest Airlines flight he was sitting on as it approached Detroit Metro Airport. But the bomb he was hiding in his underwear failed to explode. He told federal agents shortly afterward that he had been trained and instructed in the plot by al Qaeda operatives in Yemen.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula originally took credit for the attack, but by issuing this message, bin Laden seems to be indicating that he himself is ordering attacks, rather than just putting his seal of approval on events afterward. Analysts had previously suggested that al Qaeda's offshoots in North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and elsewhere were operating independently from bin Laden, who is believed to be somewhere in Afghanistan-Pakistan border region.

There was no way to confirm the voice was actually that of Bin Laden, but it resembled previous recordings attributed to him. In the past year, bin Laden's messages have concentrated heavily on the plight of the Palestinians in attempt to rally support across the region. Many analysts believe that bin Laden is worried about Mr. Obama's popularity across the Middle East - with his promises to withdraw from Iraq and personal background - so the al Qaeda leader is focusing on the close U.S.-Israeli relationship. The suffering of the Palestinians, especially in the blockaded Gaza Strip where 1,400 died during an Israeli offensive there last year, angered many in the Arab world.

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, Andy David, dismissed the latest al Qaeda message and its attempt to link Israel with attacks on the U.S.: "This is nothing new, he has said this before. Terrorists always look for absurd excuses for their despicable deeds," he said.

The last public message from bin Laden* appears to have been on Sept. 26, when he demanded that European countries pull their troops out of Afghanistan. The order came in an audiotape that also warned of "retaliation" against nations that are allied with the United States in fighting the war.

Al Jazeera Transcript: (As translated into English by an al-Jazeera translator)

"In the name of God the most passionate, the most merciful.

From Osama to Obama: A peace be on those who follow the light of guidance.

If our messages to you could be carried by words, we wouldn't have done that by planes.

The message I want to convey to you through the plane of the hero Umar al-Farouk re-affirms a previous message that the heroes of 9/11 convey to you and it was repeated frequently.

The message is that America will never dream of living in peace unless we live it in Palestine.

It is unfair that you enjoy a safe life while our brothers in Gaza suffer greatly.

Therefore, with God's will, our attacks on you will continue as long as you continue to support Israel.

Peace be upon those who follow the light of guidance."

The criminally compliant CBS prompter readers note: "As is usual at this juncture, there has been no independent authentication that the voice on the tape is actually that of Osama Bin Laden, who has not been seen in several years but whose voice has been heard in audio recordings." - [and end] - Source: CBS-TV - Url.:

In December 2007 there also was this 'breaking fake' where another false Osama vowed to destroy Israel, which I wrote about and which facts still are valid. Of course the Osama fake was insulting to intelligent people too, but, according to 'Breaking News' from the Jewish Telegraph Agency (JTA), dead Osama bin Laden made another tape in his grave, and again threatened to destroy Israel. Last time he had nukes too...


FPF - 30 Dec. 2007 - The latest propaganda fake concerning the dead Osama bin Laden is presented today as 'Breaking News' by the Jewish Telegraph Agency.* According to JTA, 'Osama bin Laden vows to destroy Israel', and JTA writes that the fugitive Al-Qaida leader issued a voice recording today, Saturday 30 December 2007, ''in which he came out against Palestinian and other Arab leaders who have recognized the Jewish state.''

According to many sources* however, Osama bin Laden has been dead for many years (16 December 2001) and bin Laden has - as long as he lived - publicly denied having a role in September 11. He correctly kept saying until his last days that the US 'multinational government' - the US/UK financial cartel supported by its collaborators and the Israeli secret service Mossad - was to blame for the 9/11 drama. And even in the US the FBI also confirmed 'they had no hard evidence' against bin Laden concerning 9/11.*

That's not strange, because - as most thinking people know - the 9/11 massacre was an 'inside job' by the US/UK junta.* Anybody not convinced of this, should proof to thousands of US american and global scientists, diplomats, other experts and journalists and/or demolition technicians, why the Law of Nature didn't work that horrible 9/11 day. Have a look at one of the fact sites they want you to forget.*


Because the truth about the inside job on 9/11, the 'New Pearl Harbor' which the 'Project for a New American Century' (PNAC) advocated in writing years earlier, was out already in 2001. The 'bad genius' and 'architect' of the Iraq war (and now Iran) the infamous war criminal Paul Wolfowitz who at that time was the US/Israeli deputy defence secretary, said* on 9 December 2001: "Maybe we'll stop hearing any more of these insane conspiracy theories that somehow the US has made this up or somebody else did it."

Wolfowitz and his usurping mafia knew and know the lies: they spread them. And that included another one by the Mossad: the only so called 'Al-Quada cell' ever found, was an Israeli secret service Mossad front in Gaza.*

But still - concerning the 9/11 bogus - the Wolfowitz gang's cheer-leader, vice-president and war monger Dick Cheney, said about earlier CIA paid and trained 'buddy' Osama bin Laden: "He does in fact display significant knowledge of what happened and there is no doubt about his responsibility for the attack on September 11," He said this on NBC television, stating: "This is one more piece of evidence confirming his responsibility."


Even if the FBI said it wasn't true, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle and the whole group of PNAC warlords, running the Pentagon and NATO's 'war theaters', seem to know better and keep insulting people's intelligence. Like Israel was doing lately, as the only one saying that the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) - in which sixteen US and other intel agencies say Iran has NO nuclear weapons capability - can not be correct. Apparently, and today's JTA's 'breaking fake' confirms this inhuman agenda again, they - and their US/UK junta - want this permanent 'judeo/christian' crusade and genocide for power and profit, to go on. That's also why Iran is and stays in the US/UK junta's cross-hairs, via Israel.


Earlier lies and propaganda led to the illegal invasion, by the US/UK and NATO mercenaries for the multinationals, of Afghanistan and Iraq, with up to three millions of dead people in Iraq alone, according to UNICEF and other humanitarian organisations. Iran is possibly next, which like Pakistan they'll try to further usurp, another enormous disaster. To keep the wars going, earlier a false story was put out in the mainstream propaganda in November 2001 that: "Osama claims he has nukes: If US uses N-arms it will get same response." and written by Hamid Mir for the publication Dawn.


According to Hamid Mir, on Saturday, Shaba'an 23, 1422: "Osama bin Laden has said that "we have chemical and nuclear weapons as a deterrent, and if America used them against us, we reserve the right to use them."

This blatant fake was - it says in Dawn - the first interview given by Osama to any journalist after the US/UK junta's September 11, 2001 'inside job' in New York and Washington.* Another global insult by the fakers.

The 'breaking fake' of the Jewish Telegraph Agency also for the collaborating pro-war mainstream media in the US/UK junta's matrix signifies quite a problem however. Because it's a fact that already on Nov. 28, 2002, the Lausanne-based 'Dalle Molle Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence' said it is 95-per-cent certain that earlier tapes too ''did not feature the voice of the long-absent terrorist leader.''


''The so called Bin Laden tape is a fake'', the Swiss lab said, where scientists compared recordings to 20 other tapes of - what the US/UK spin masters describe as - the 'terror chief'. The review of the (earlier) tape was commissioned by France-2 television - before 'dark force' Sarkozy became the financial cartel's representative in France - and its findings were presented by the institute's Professor Hervé Boulard in a special TV report. Because, normally dead people don't talk anymore. Whatever JTA and other propagandists spin.


In the tape now presented as 'braking news' by JTA, the fakers gang has an 'Osama bin Laden' do his dog-and-pony show, of course uttering threats: "I would like to assure our people in Palestine that we will expand our jihad there," Bin Laden said. "We intend to liberate Palestine, the whole of Palestine from the river to the sea. We will not recognize even one inch for Jews in the land of Palestine as other Muslim leaders have," he added according to JTA.


The JTA/Mossad and other fakers also try to justify their genocidal actions, the killing of the Palestinians like 'shooting fish in a barrel' and other atrocities committed by them in the by Israel ocupied Palestinian land: "Al-Qaida is believed to have set up cells in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but its influence is limited given doctrinal opposition from ruling local groups like Islamist Hamas."

So now the Israeli armed forces say they have another reason to further kill and destroy, and of course resistance is 'verboten'. Like in the jewish ghetto of Warszaw?

As a senior and independent correspondent, I myself have lived and worked during ten years in Northern Africa, also supposed to 'cover' the US's first Gulf war-crime and the Mideast. In the Arab world too, it's a known fact that the only so called 'Al-Quada cell' which ever was found, was an Israeli secret service Mossad front in occupied Gaza.*

Logically it can only be concluded that the latest audio tape statement, again attributed to the in the war propaganda used ghost of Osama bin Laden, is not authentic either. To phrase it nicely.

It's an insult and another breaking fake, paving the road for still more destruction. Resistance is the only answer.

What the warmongers and their 'warnings' for new 'inside jobs' like 9/11 and the London or Madrid bombings do - with an unknown amount of dead and suffering human beings - is again mainstream murder with the assistance of collaborators in their media.

They must all be punished.

Last story - Url.:

* It's not only the screen and radio & TV mind-poisoning and brainwashing from Hollywood: the so called 'Free Press' is Big Money and in the paws of the criminal warmongers too. And we all understand that having 96% of the war propaganda media, one controls the political landscape as well. - Url.:

* The inhuman warlords - The Evil Empire Revisited - Url.:


* Who benefits of all the fakes? - Url.:

* British bombs in Basra. - Url.:

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Henk Ruyssenaars + Agencies

Quote: "This time Washington used the earthquake as a pretext to complete its strategic control in the Caribbean."

January 24th 2010 - One has to look at it globally, and recognize what's happening. Some do, and - apart from the mainstream media propaganda - see that Haiti after the devastating earthquake now seems to be the victim of environmental weapons like H.A.A.R.P. and the as usual following gunboat diplomacy. Haiti is invaded by US troops it shows, even stopping human aid to the victims of the probably man-made earthquake.

The US troops are for the cartel doing the same as in Honduras, where they force the former by the people elected but later on kidnapped president Zelaya to the neighboring Dominican Republic now. To avoid another return, the faked charges against Zelaya stand however. Meaning the US war machine has another country through this coup in its power, and still more military bases in Latin America to attack Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and other countries that want to be independent. And not the slaves anymore of the cartel pushing another US Monroe doctrine, which the cartel's so called 'US State department' describes. - Url.:

But the CIA/Mossad 'Special Spooks' - with the help of local collaborators and other traitors - sabotage those countries already all of the time. No wonder people are frightened of this global fascism spreading through the for power and profit killing cartel, and with facts in hand keep accusing it of using environmental weapons too. As seen below.

Mind controlled and blinded countries, like the compliant 16 million people of The Netherlands follow the Pied Pipers of the spin-doctors and finance again the whole covert operation with their gifts! In The Netherlands at least 100 million Euros where showered on the Haitians, which is double of what the US americans spended. Followed by stupid propaganda: TV broadcasts showing the 'gratitude' of the 'symbolic Haitian' going around, hugging and thanking some dutch people 'for what they have done.' And the people for 99% know nothing of what's written here. They are never told by the perpetrators or their Judas propagandists busy in the media also owned by the warmongers.

The question is always the same, and the answers too, as many by now know the perpetrators as well: "Haiti: Why the poverty? Why eat mud cakes?" I wrote on 15 January 2010: The deep misery and devastating poverty of the people living in Haiti, was already man-made, before the earthquake hit. Man-made by the global banksters who bleed countries to death. And an earthquake with so many dead and injured people doesn't matter to the profiteers of massacres: money will be made out of it, one way or another. - Source: Independent Media - Url.:

In Cuba News - and many other publications the world over - the question rightfully was asked why the US with thousands of troops keeps invading the earthquake-stricken Haitians, and the question is raised whether this means that yet another US military base in Latin America is erected. Because they only give token humanitarian help but again occupy the country.


At IndyMedia in Washington D.C. there's an editorial cartoon about the dire situation now: "Greetings From Haiti!" by Mike Flugennock: "Y'know, I hardly know where to start with this. Perhaps I could start with the gob-smacking sight of ex-Presidents Bubba and Chimp, both smiling their most smarmy and smug smiles as they accept the position of Special Envoys in charge of the Haitian relief effort.

That's right, ex-President I 'Invaded Haiti In The '90s' and ex-President 'Heckuva Job Brownie' have been placed in charge of Haitian earthquake relief, and the bastards are frickin' smiling... - Url.:

The US troops as usual - like in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Africa a.s.o. - are the armed gofers, the deadly dangerous cannon fodder and errand boys, making another base/sales office for the criminal cartel running the US too. A base as another empire's 'frontier post' with strategic and monetary advantages. One has to keep in mind that all of this which is going on in the world, is a matter of long-term planning. The ideas are not at all far-fetched: people everywhere see what's happening:

"The U.S. government is making full opportunistic use of the tragedy caused by the earthquake in Haiti. The white house forced the local government to agree to fill their country with U.S. Marines and troops of the 82nd Airborne Division, in an operation which has nothing to do with humanitarian assistance but with military occupation.

Thus, the streets of Port au Prince, full of rubble and with a bewildered population with infinite needs, are scenes of a large deployment of U.S. soldiers armed to the teeth more common in a military conflict than in a humanitarian catastrophe.

The gardens of the ruined National Palace, seat of the Haitian government and symbol of sovereignty, suffered the ígnominy of being used as a landing strip for helicopters which, instead of bringing aid to the thousands of survivors crowded around the palace, have started to occupy the center of the city, after taking control of the airport.

Some people must have noticed the repetition of the events of 1914 when, with the pretext of protecting U.S. citizens allegedly threatened by a popular uprising, the U.S. troops landed in Port-au-Prince after fierce bombings and remained there for 19 years.

The middle-aged and youngest people should remember the two most recent invasions in 1994 and 2004. In both cases the United States employed the argument that the intérnal instability of the country was threatening international security. This time Washington used the earthquake as a pretext to complete its strategic control in the Caribbean.

The U.S. military forces in Haiti are already comprised of 13,000 troops. They are supported by the Carl Vinson aircraft carrier, the Underwood and Normandy warships, with the capacity of launching cruise míssiles, as well as the Bataan helicopter carrier. Of course, they are not part of the U.N. contingent or belong to the Mission for the Stabilization in Haiti, the MINUSTAH.

The United States with the Haiti under its control would be closing a strategic square of the entíre Caribbean Sea. This square would be formed at both western ends by Haiti, and the illegal naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and in the east by the facilities in Aruba and Curacao, and Colombia.

Remember that in the islands under Dutch control, the Pentagon maintains the constant presence of 300 men with combat capability, as well as five F-15 or F-16 planes, three reconnaissance aircrafts, a flying radar Awac type with continental scope, and maritime control devices.

HR: The Netherlands' managers are part of the global criminal cartel and will help the US/UK/NATO and other mercenaries' war machine to invade Venezuela too. As the Dutch always were the 'lapdog of war' for the criminals. President Chavez has often warned the dutch managers of this collaboration. As a former independent Latin America correspondent, I've followed Latin America developments through the years, and now see the Monroe-doctrine returning in full power and all its nastiness. - HR & Venezuela. - Url.:

Quote: "Colombia has allowed itself to be turned into a giant U.S. aircraft carrier after the military agreement which betrays any spirit of peaceful Latin American coexistence, and places loaded missiles aiming at its neighbors, including Venezuela, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Brazil and Nicaragua.

To all this armed capacity, the Pentagon has added four facilities in Panama, a radar station in Costa Rica, a military base in Soto Cano or Palmerola, Honduras, another military base in Ilopango, El Salvador, and the ones in Puerto Rico.

If we imagine the Caribbean as a huge diamond, we realize that it is full of U.S. troops from north to south and from east to west. This presence is not in for nothing, it is a real threat to all our peoples, particularly to those where the struggle for freedom is so advanced.

The United States is a genetically aggressive and expansionist nation. This isn’t anything new for us. It was predicted by our founding fathers who wisely warned us about the need of uniting together, of standing our ground and not to give in to the enormous danger this military power represents for our life and our dignity. Taken from Radio Havana Cuba." - Source: Las Tunas, Cuba - Url.:

The Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez - who is more trustworthy and believable than the whole pack of US so called 'leaders' - is convinced that the US has used an earthquake weapon on Haiti. And that's very well possible, because the use of man-made climate conditions as a weapon, is known since many decades. Anybody who doesn't know - or doesn't know enough - of this HAARP system and its inhumanity, should read the related articles. This is how Deborah Dupre described what happened in Haiti in 'The Examiner' (US) on January 23d 2010: 6.1 earthquake hits Haiti as victims perish and supplies continue being turned away

US military blocks Doctors Without Borders life-saving resources to Haiti

Humanitarian aid for destabilized Haiti: Warning, raw footage video, via link below.

Russia Today reports that Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez has again accused the United States of playing God, this time accusing the U.S. Navy of causing the Haiti earthquake. (See RT news report video via link below)

Spanish newspaper ABC quotes Chavez saying that the U.S. Navy launched a weapon to induce a powerful earthquake off the shore of Haiti.

He adds that this time, it was only a drill and the final target is Iran according to Russia Today.

The International Red Cross was one of the first major organizations to pressure for action against environmental warfare. It is now joined by over one hundred organizations in raising awareness about geoengineering and environmental warfare.

Geophysical weapons are weapons of mass destruction based on manipulating processes that occur in the earth’s crust, and its liquid and gaseous mantle, for military purposes." - [and end] - Source: 'The Examiner' (US) - Deborah Dupré - Url.:

Very informative is this article too: "Bush, Clinton and the crimes of US imperialism in Haiti" - 18 Jan 2010 ... In selecting his two immediate predecessors to head up fundraising for relief efforts in Haiti, President Obama has demonstrated that the ... - Url.:

And this one, where the poison like with snakes is hidden in the tail: "The Federal Aviation Administration has had a ground-stop on aircraft headed for Haiti for much of the past two days. FAA warned in an advisory Friday that "due to limited ramp space at Port-au-Prince airport," with the exception of international cargo flights, "the Haitians are not accepting any aircraft into their airspace."

The advisory added that domestic U.S. military and civilian flights to Haiti must be first be cleared by its command center. Exemptions will be based solely on the basis of ramp space. The agency also starkly warned "there is no available fuel" at the Port-au-Prince airport." - [end quote] - Url.:

As signature 'Ad' wrote: "Buying out all the corrupt leaders, taking over all the social orgs for total control and domination of Haiti. Yes, its very strategical for wars against Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua. Of course; Southern Command has its new harbor at Port au Prince with a possible second US Air Force HAARP weapon base in the mountains near the epicenter of the earthquake (from there it has direct see-sight to Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, better than the other base in Puerto Rico).

So Haiti will be a military dictatorship run by USA and social opposition will be surpressed easily by their domination of the social orgs. This all was perfectly planned beforehand like a major war to perform to take all 'enemy combatants/resistance' out. And there are several technical indications that a HAARP weapon might haven been used to cause the earthquake itself, that happened only one day after a military disaster help exercise for Haiti run in Florida by the military." [end comment Ad]

Interesting is that in November 2005 Cheryl Seal already wrote about what was happening than with US pans for Haiti, and what apparently now happens to the poverty stricken earthquaked Haitians:

HOSTILE TAKEOVER: Texas NeoCon Attempts Haiti Coup

Tue Nov 15, 2005 - A Texas millionaire as president of Haiti? When I saw that, buzzers and bells went off. My first thought was: Is this the latest NeoCon scheme? - turning poverty stricken countries that happen to offer cheap labor and/or natural resources into feudal kingdoms, presided over by corporate executives who will squeeze every ounce of cash, sweat and blood from a country, then move on. Just like the old timber barons did in the US in the 1800s - they called it "Cut and run."

Alas, after doing some digging, I discovered that my first thought appears to be right on the money - NeoCon money. Here's the whole story, at Url.:

Related to this, so you can make up your own mind:

Haiti & environmental weapons - Google search - 24 Jan. 2010 - Haiti +HAARP - Url.:

Very well informed is Michael Chossudovsky who writes in Global Research: "HAARP Is a Weapon of Mass Destruction: HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction." - [When the small links 'break' please Google name & subject] - Url.:

* Haiti - According to Wikipedia - Url.:

* Google search for Haiti +earthquake - Url.:

* "New World Rebels - 'Through The Eyes Of A Slave..." - You Tube - Url.:

* Or: "New World Rebels - 'Through The Eyes Of Your Controllers..." - YouTube - Url.:

* This is also what I last December 2009 wrote about the mental and physical corruption and corrosion of the war machine managers: "Al-Qaeda jet attack: Another 'False flag' by CIA/Mossad" - Url.:

* Comments: Is Anyone Telling Us The Truth? - Url.:

* Read the stories that TV news networks forget to report! - Url.:

* Pentagon used psychological operation on US public, documents show - Url.:

* TV News and which lies? - Url.:




* COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:

Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
