Friday, January 1, 2010


By Jim Traficant

“We, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.” (Statement of Ariel Sharon, former prime minister of Israel, Oct. 3, 2001.)


Jewish American citizens Steve Rosen and Keith Weissman were both “Big Shots” in the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) hierarchy.

They had one other major common bond. Rosen and Weissman were spies. They spied for Israel. They spied on their own country, America. That is, presuming that America is their true country. I doubt it.

First we had Jonathan Pollard, who plea-bargained his “treason” charge down to a life sentence.

If you recall, Israel defiantly denied any association with Pollard. Eventually, however, Israel finally admitted that Pollard was a spy. A spy for Israel.

Now come Rosen and Weissman. In August of 2004, the U.S. Justice Department announced an investigation of a “high Pentagon official, suspected of spying for Israel.”

The FBI further said they were “investigating this spy apparatus” for several years. The investigation centered around two AIPAC leaders, Rosen and Weissman. Rosen and Weissman were ultimately indicted.

On Aug. 29, 2005, the Israeli embassy “hotly denied any involvement” with the spies.

On that same day, the “top Pentagon official” was publicly named: Larry Franklin. Franklin was named “a spy suspect.

”This Franklin had a job to do, folks. Franklin’s job was to work closely with Michael Ledeen (a leading neocon) and Douglas Feith. These two guys were not pencil pushers at the Pentagon. Douglas Feith was then the undersecretary of Defense in the Pentagon. Ledeen was an “expert” on “terrorism.”

According to the FBI, Franklin was working with Ledeen and Feith to “fabricate” the case for war with Iraq. Bingo!

Start using your own mind in distilling this fabrication. It was invented to help Israel and force Uncle Sam to disarm “dangerous” Iraq.

You might also engage your brain and deductive powers a little further with the following information of fact; Larry Franklin, was the senior analyst on Iran. Yes, Iran. Now, think back to the words of Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry.

When asked about the war in Iraq he said: “Iraq is not our problem any more, our problem is Iran.”

Am I implying that Kerry would have been favorable to an attack on Iran? Does a bear defecate in the woods? Does a bear sleep in the wilderness? Does a bear love honey? Does he make little teddy bears? Of course he does! I believe Kerry, if elected, would have had America invade Iran. (I could be wrong, but I doubt it.) - [snip]

HR - Google search: Web Results 11 - 20 of about 25,600 for "Kerry: an 'israeli' president for the US?" - Url.:

"John Kerry has jewish roots - Who knew?" - 'Jewish Telegraphic Agency':

AFP article: "Back to the Israeli spy network within the Pentagon.

Two senior staffers of Under-Secretary Feith’s Office of Special Plans, (OSP), William Luti and Harold Rhode, were now included. This OSP was the entity responsible for “feeding bogus intelligence to U.S. Officials which led to the U.S. attack on Iraq.


Think about it. Was this for Israel’s benefit? Certainly it was not for America’s. The FBI stated: “This investigation involves wiretaps, undercover surveillance and photography that documents the passing of classified information from Franklin to Rosen and Weissman of AIPAC, and on to the Israeli Government.”

Hear me. Listen carefully.

Top Pentagon officials, all American citizens, pushing the U.S.A. into another needless and illegal war. All predicated on spies and falsehoods. Shame. Shame. Shame!

What makes matters even worse is that this case had the additional goal of pushing America into a “military confrontation with Iran.”

IRAN. Iran, folks!

We’re not talking about a military like that of Iraq’s— one that surrendered to a TV crew. We are talking about Iran, and all the “killing fields” that go with it.

Another trillion dollars folks? More body bags filled with fine young American soldiers? Who would really benefit from all this? You guessed it, Israel. Evidently, Franklin, Rosen and Weissman didn’t care. Neither did Ledeen and Feith, nor Luti or Rhode. You see, they made lots of money. They cared nothing for America.

Truth is, the concern of these “Americans” was for the state of Israel.

On Aug. 29, 2004, Franklin confessed to “passing highly classified, confidential documents to a member of the Israeli government.” Franklin agreed to “expose his contacts within the Israeli government,” said the FBI.

Suddenly, in stepped the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), a leading Jewish pro-Israeli lobby. The ADL spokesman, Abe Foxman, called for a special prosecutor to investigate the “leaks in the FBI.” (Foxman is still a big shot at the ADL and in the halls of Washington D.C.) Foxman said:

 “The FBI is tarnishing the image of Israel!”

Think about it, after all this, the ADL and Foxman wanted the FBI busted for “leaks”!

Not the spies for betraying America, but the FBI for their “leaks.” 

Guess what? Former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, (useless as teats on a boar hog) tried to “stop” the investigation. Absolutely unbelievable.

The investigation was spreading. New names started to pop up. Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle and Michael Rubin were “interviewed” by the FBI. Rubin, a former pentagon specialist on Iran and a resident “scholar” of the American Enterprise Institute, lashed out stating: “This is a anti-Semitic witch hunt.”

You probably figured it out. The words “anti-Semite” scared the hell out of many wimp politicians in Washington D.C.

 - [snip]

HR: It's often the same cliché crap about anti-semitism. But: three hundred million Arabs are Semites, and that includes the holocausted® Lebanese and the Palestinians. The JDL cliché: "anti semitism' has always been a fake accusation, falsely used to kill debates in the past and hide behind it to cover-up the own criminal activities by those who also claim to be jewish.

Not anymore. What the US/israeli murdering and destroying warmachine permanently was and is doing, in Gaza for instance: that's real and inhuman anti-semitism on a global scale.

One of the best definitions:

Is there anti-Semitism? Of course there is! Can we prove the existence of anti-Semitism? Of course we can!

1.5 million Semites have been killed, 6 million Semites have been displaced, 500.000 Semitic children under the age of five were murdered by economic blockade only in Iraq.

Two million Semites were murdered in Algeria, two Semitic nations have been totally devastated, Palestine and Iraq.

Arabs are Semites in every sense of the word, of course.

What are the names of the anti-Semitic perpetrators? Everyone knows it, therefore, no one dare mention it.

The anti-Semitic perpetrators are the Zionists, and their bloodthirsty regime of israel!!

By Anonymous - Halo comment." - [end snip]

Traficant again: "AIPAC immediately launched a political campaign against the U.S. spy probe and openly endorsed and supported the spy’s activities and their leaders. As a result, members of Congress in both the House and Senate got the message loud and clear. They rushed like TV evangelists to the defense of AIPAC, and “pledged their support and confidence” for AIPAC.

Beam me up! These men—many were high-ranking government officials—supported a foreign entity that is still spying on America. I ask: “Who the hell do these politicians represent? Is it America?” I don’t think so. It looks more like Israel to me.

In December 2004, even after search warrants were served on AIPAC’s Washington, D.C., offices, Israel continued to defiantly deny any wrong doing. AIPAC said;

“AIPAC nor any member of our staff, has spied or broken any law.” (Haven’t we heard this before with Pollard?)

A grand jury was convened in early 2005. Franklin’s superiors Wolfowitz and Feith suddenly resigned. (Wolfowitz became president of the World Bank. Evidently this spy business did no harm for Wolfowitz’s political future. 

That is until Wolfowitz was “removed for cause” as president of the World Bank. (Are Jewish Americans given special treatment?) On June 13, 2005, AIPAC was officially “named” in an expanded indictment.

Think back to that ever-important statement: “We, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it” (statement of Ariel Sharon, former prime minister of Israel, Oct. 3, 2001). . .

We’ll pick up next week with the rest of the story. Suffice it to say, you’ll understand why America is bankrupt, still at war, and teetering on the edge of a possible implosion. Please get back at me.

James A. (Jim) Traficant, Jr. was born in Youngstown, Ohio on May 8, 1941. He received B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Pittsburgh, where he was a well-known football star. He also received a M.S. degree from Youngstown State University in 1976.

For ten years he served as executive director of the Mahoning County (Ohio) Drug Program and from 1981-1985 he served as sheriff of Mahoning County, prior to his election to the U.S. Congress as a Democrat in 1984. He was re-elected by overwhelming margins every year up until 2002 when, following his conviction on trumped up corruption charges, he was expelled from the House of Representatives.

Despite his conviction and expulsion and being sent to prison for a seven year term Traficant still won 15% of the vote running for re-election to the House in the 2002 election as an independent. He recently completed a seven-year prison sentence, having refused to seek a pardon or clemency, refusing to admit to or apologize for crimes he did not commit.

Source: 'American Free Press' AFP - Url.:



[scroll to the end of the media story]

Pakistan Daily - Sunday, 01 February 2009 - "Another Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache, stated that she was not worried about negative ramifications the Israeli onslaught on Gaza might have on the way the Obama administration would view Israel.

She said 'You know very well, and the stupid Americans know equally well, that we control their government, irrespective of who sits in the White House.

You see, I know it and you know it that no American president can be in a position to challenge us even if we do the unthinkable.

What can they (Americans) do to us?

We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. 

In America you can criticize God, but you can't criticize Israel."

[end quote] - More information - also on 6 companies and the world's media - from the Pakistan Daily at Url.:

HR - Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 1,400,000 for Israel +spying - Url.:

Web Results 1 - 10 of about 17,300,000 for Spying +Israel +US - Url.:

But the cowards and compliant computer coolies in the propaganda media are to blame heavily. They are rewriting history daily: lying, omitting and propagandizing. And continuously covering up the war crimes and crimes against humanity of this murdering usuring and criminal cartel for which they are the 'gofers' too. Like Rupert Murdoch - Url.:

And concerning humiliation, many saw this as symbolic: remember when Olmert showed who was running the US foreign policy? The criminals in the US or the criminals in israel? - Source: New York Times - Url.:

Remember? "The Humiliation of America" by PC Roberts, January 14, 2009, here at "Information Clearinghouse" - Url.:

A really rotten racket!



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