"Creative Destruction Is His Middle Name."
Henk Ruyssenaars & Franklin's Focus
January 11th 201010 - If you read this first, you can understand why the evil cartel is busy really destroying the United States and it's social infrastructure too. This cabal which runs after its hegemony dream, is a group which does an enormous amount of damage to mankind. Michael Ledeen - who is one of the worst - explains how he sees it:
“Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace.
Seeing America undo traditional societies, they fear us, for they do not wish to be undone. They cannot feel secure so long as we are there, for our very existence-our existence, not our politics-threatens their legitimacy.
They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission.
“Therefore ‘they must attack us in order to survive,’ and, sooner or later, we must confront them and, I hope and trust, defeat them in order to advance our mission of spreading freedom.” - Michael Ledeen.
[end quote] - Url.: http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/1504.html
Franklin's Focus, 1/10/10, has a story about what is happening to the United States too, and writes among many things also this:
"What Did the So-Called 'Stimulus Package' Really Signify?"
There have been endless reams of print by fawning establishment columnists and never ending shallow babbling by intellectually challenged talking heads concerning the grand Obama stimulus package. I finally stopped listening to or reading these apologists for what was in my view an eminently undisguised final stage of American capitalism as the ruling élan vital in American culture, politics, domestic policies, and so on.
This action by Obama and his Wall Street bosses marked an ugly turning point in American history. Standing out at this historical moment in our history was the final knell for organized labor, for free medical care for all, and for a rationally based free educational system from kindergarten through college and technical schools, and such things as protection of home owners from a greed driven, corrupt financial system. Unfettered capitalism and its captains have now finally wiped out any hope for an America that would or could begin to compare with the societies created in such egalitarian, socialist democracies such as those of a Netherlands* or a Norway.
The ruling class with the leadership of Obama have set down the general criteria for political, social, and economic policies in Amerika. That is the way I saw it from day one. The trouble was that my vision of what had happened seemed to be almost unique. None of the talking heads and scribes seemed to have a perspective that was even close to my own. I can normally find one or two such sources that resonate to some small degree with my own radical views. Alas, I could find none.
Then, while visiting a black website this morning, I came across a radio commentary by a black activist that I paused to listen to. As I listened to the tape, it was as though I was hearing my own radical thoughts being fed back to me.
I am attaching a script of that brief commentary so you can see how torrid my thinking has become with regard to Obama's embrace of Wall Street and its minions as the ruling caste for Amerika.
Martin Luther King's dream may have been the final high point in the hopes for a true democracy as it was originally conceived of by the Enlightenment. That long ago magnificent set of hopes ran into an immediate huge land mine in the drafting of the American Constitution in the form of a slave owning, sexist plutocracy. The much revered convention that created that antidemocratic document instead of creating a document that reflected the core spirit of the Enlightenment patched together the foundation stones for what we are seeing emerge in America today under the leadership of Obama and friends.
Maybe I'm exaggerating by painting the bailout as a symbolic Waterloo for any kind of true democracy in Amerika. Okay, I've been known to do so. Still, the evidence for my thesis keeps growing each day as we watch the building of an Amerika that has set a course for creating a vast economic underclass with poor educations, poor health, and a poor understanding of what exactly has happened to their 'America the beautiful'.
Anybody who believes American 'democracy' has not entered a degenerate stage should closely examine the great extent to which torture has been used by agents of our government and is still be being used in secret CIA prisons around the world. This is so profoundly in opposition to the Enlightenment concept of democracy, it is difficult to explain to those who see no harm in it, and actually see it as a meritorious tool to be used for protecting our 'democracy'.
Searching for a suitable quote, I came across the following observations by Ralph Ingersoll. His early comments are the canniest of any I've seen with respect to the interplay between the policies of a nation and the Weltanschauung of its citizenry.
Today's Quotation
'Is it not possible that the tyranny of governments, the injustice of nations, the fierceness of what is called a law, produce in the individual a tendency in the same direction? Is it not true that the citizen is apt to imitate his nation? Society degrades its enemies — the individual seeks to degrade his. Society plunders its enemies, and now and then the citizen has the desire to plunder his. Society kills its enemies, and possibly sows in the heart of some citizen the seeds of murder.'
Robert Ingersoll
The media, both fictional and true, have long glorified the torture using CIA, the mass murdering Green Berets, and so on. What effect does it really have on the mind of a ten-year-old boy who dreams of one day becoming a CIA agent? Or perhaps a police officer?
Young boys at play have been observed acting out torture of their enemies. When I was a kid, this was never even imagined in our play. Ingersoll's comment does seem to resonate today, like it or not.
Warmest regards, Richard."
HR: This is the inhuman example, concerning the US cartel's henchmen, George Bush and Torture: It's The Single Most Potent Tool! - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/vpwd3
In May 2006 I wrote this: "Wall Street moves to European Headquarters" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y9zwy27
And here's the article Richard means:
2009: The Year Wall Street Devoured the US Government
A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford.
“President Barack Obama joined with the Federal Reserve to put the entirety of the nation's current and future wealth at the disposal of the bankster class.”
It is almost always up to historians to locate watersheds in human history, to pinpoint that period of time when accumulated social and economic changes can no longer be denied, and it must be concluded that the society has entered a qualitatively new and different period.
The beginnings and ends of eras are seldom recognized at the time they occur. Only by looking back do we gain the perspective to conclude that something world-shaking has happened.
2009 will, I believe, go down in history as the year that Wall Street – shorthand for the finance capitalist class – finally chewed up and swallowed whole the government of the United States. It is, of course, true that businessmen have shaped the laws and policies of the American state since the founding the Republic – most notably, men in the business of slavery and land piracy. When plantation slavery power was broken in the Civil War, manufacturing capital, in league with banks, dominated national life. By the 1950s, captains of industry could still proclaim that what was good for General Motors was good for the country.
But sometime in the 1970s – no one can definitively say exactly when – the money handlers got the upper hand over the industrialists. For the first time, the General Motors Acceptance Corporation, the financial arm of the giant auto maker, made bigger profits than its parent company.
“When the bubbles finally burst, it would require the full faith and credit of the United States to prevent utter collapse of the financial sector.”
By the 1980s Wall Street was busily dismantling the manufacturing sector of the United States. Finance capital achieved total supremacy over the Democratic Party under President Bill Clinton, whose operatives abolished all effective controls on the mass manipulation of money. The bankers were now free to create bubbles so huge that when they finally burst, in September of 2008, it would require the full faith and credit of the United States to prevent utter collapse of the financial sector.
The job of reinflating the Wall Street bubble fell to President Barack Obama, whose executive branch joined with the Federal Reserve to put the entirety of the nation's current and future wealth at the disposal of the bankster class. By July of 2009, Obama and the Fed had committed $23.7 trillion dollars of the people's cash and credit to bail out the banks.
In a real sense, it does not matter how many trillions were actually spent, or will be sucked up by Wall Street in the future.
The point is, the U.S. government in 2009 put everything the people of the United States own or create, or can ever hope to own or create, permanently at the service of Wall Street. Like the young “Alien” in the science fiction movie series, Wall Street has attached itself to the face and body of the nation and is sucking it to death.
The picture that best explains the historical significance of the year 2009, is President Obama holding a teleconference with bankers who didn't bother to show up for a meeting with him at the White House, in mid-December [2]. Obama is pleading with them to at least pretend to act in the interest of the public whose national resources they have stolen.
But the banksters see no need to pay even token respect [3] toa president who is actually their servant. Having swallowed the state whole, they simply...digest it, knowing they can come back for seconds and thirds until the people's credit is exhausted.
For Black Agenda Radio, I'm Glen Ford.
On the web, go to www.BlackAgendaReport.com [4].
BAR executive editor Glen Ford can be contacted at Glen.Ford@BlackAgendaReport.com
End - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ykgyo26
* 2 Americas - Why do we allow 'them' to do this? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yhgpwtx
* Holland: students protest against 'dumbing down' - Url.: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2007/11/369237.shtml
* Bilderbergers want global currency now - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yljsb26
* The World Central Bank: The Bank for International Settlements - Address: The Tower of Basel - Centralbahnplatz 2, 4051, Basel, Switzerland - Url.: http://www.bilderberg.org/bis.htm
* List of 'Central Banks' and countries belonging and run by the BIS in Basel, Switzerland. - Probably your so called 'central bank' is there too. - Url.: http://www.bis.org/cbanks.htm
* Secretly manipulating the monetary flow: Each Euro note - like the US dollar not backed by anything but believe and fraud - has a letter before each number. The way bankers cover their profit. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/cxzpnu
* The psychopathic BIS humanoids. - ''Beyond Insanity'' - Amos M. Gunsberg - Url.: http://www.serendipity.li/bush/beyond_insanity.htm
* G-20 - Countries and aim. - Source: Wikipedia - Url.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-20_major_economies
* Rothschild's BIS is the 'Central Bank' to 55 country's 'central banks.' - Source: August Review - Url.: http://www.augustreview.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7&Itemid=4
* BIS: "An Unbridled Monster - The global monetary system." - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/kk86q7
* Concerning 'Gold dollars': "Rothschild's Central Banks Gold War" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/lohekf
* Isn't the saying: They who hold the gold, hold the power? - Have a look at what's called 'Rothschild's London Gold price fixing.' - Url.: http://goldinfo.net/londongoldfix.html
* Your future money: Amero or Eurodollar in Gold? - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yzq5bed
* Much of the wealth is since centuries made by 'The City' of London, which is the Rothschild empire's State within a state. This is the lair of the predators of the monetary control. It's here where they control and manipulate food, transport, fuel and whatever prices. As far as I know, and seeing the malignant results here in Europe and the rest of the world, most of this criminal crowd - while they are getting the last drops of bloodmoney out of the US and many of it's colonies - in 2006 moved to Europe, and their headquarters of 'The Evil Empire' in London again. Where for instance also the prices of gold etc. are 'fixed' too, by 'them' of course: - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2zj7wl
* The latest published articles can be seen at APFN's web site. Just type or paste my family-name into the 'search' field of the APFN web site. - Url.: http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?disc=234999
* "Government Sachs" and why financial criminals walk free - Url.: http://fpfcaresse5.blogspot.com/2009/11/government-sachs-and-why-financial.html
* Trilateral Plan to Corner World Gold Market? - Url.: http://www.augustreview.com/issues/globalization/trilateral_plan_to_corner_world_gold_market?_20081209107/
* World Gold Council: members comprise gold mining companies from around the world - Url.: http://www.members.gold.org/members_list/
* BIS Annual usury report: one world currency... - Url.: http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?id=234999;article=2610;search_term=Ruyssenaars
* Slave, who's faking your money? - Url.: http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?id=234999;article=2590;search_term=Ruyssenaars
* The Fed 'lost' another $9 Trillion! - Url.: http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?id=234999;article=2471;search_term=Ruyssenaars
* An Unbridled Monster: the global monetary system - Url.: http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?id=234999;article=2596;search_term=Ruyssenaars
* US: Private Fed banks get total monetary control! - Url.: http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?disc=234999;article=2591;title=APFN%20MESSAGE%20BOARD
* Yahoo search: "Foreign Press Foundation" +"Bank for International Settlements" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yj7jttk
* Yahoo search: "Foreign Press Foundation" +Rothschild - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yf48r4y
* The Lords of Hunger and Depopulation - Web Results 1 - 10 of about 25,300 for Kissinger +depopulation. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yh8begy
* US: The humanoids want a totalitarian State, a very good story: Ellen Brown about the BIS - Url.:http://tinyurl.com/ygjd2qn
* Obama/ Soetoro - Or whatever his name is: Hey! Look! The CIA 'emperor' has no clothes! - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/o55tpv
* TIME Poll - The US/PNAC's war machine poses the greatest danger to world peace. - Url.: http://www.time.com/time/europe/gdml/peace2003.html
North Korea 6.7 %
Iraq 6.3 %
The United States 86.9 %
Total Votes Cast before the TIME poll was stopped: 706842
* "PEOPLE DO NOT FORGET: They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - 2005 Nobel Literature Prize winner Harold Pinter - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/9cyeq
* Is Barack Obama a "Zionist Wolf In Sheep's Clothing"? - With many links - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/oknrnj
* HR concerning Palestine and Israel - Google Url.: http://tinyurl.com/pndb5r
* THE SORRY STATE OF WORLD AFFAIRS - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/5tz8uz
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Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Monday, January 11, 2010
Black Agenda,
United States
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