Sunday, November 15, 2009

More Draft via Obama's 'Universal' Plan: US Hitler Youth?

Training an 'Army of World Servers'?

So called 'Peacekeepers' Armed and in Uniform?

Update November 2009 - "Service learning" isn't a new phenomenon. It has been well tested by U.S. educators for more than a decade. What's new is the scale of Obama's plan. 'His' massive system - training another army of 'World Servers' - would press students and citizens of all ages in a revolutionary government-led program to further change the unreal way they think and relate to each other. A more descriptive term would be mass brainwashing!

And this is how Obama for his managers is going to do this part: "Friday, October 16, 2009 - College Station, Texas - Calling service an integral part of how we meet the challenges of our time, President Barack Obama renewed his appeal for all Americans to make service a part of their daily lives in an address to 2,000 service leaders gathered at the Points of Light Institute's (POL) “Presidential Forum on Service” at Texas A& M University here today. [Read the President's remarks - via the link below.]

"President Obama spoke passionately about the key role citizens play in meeting local needs, advancing justice, bringing people together, and breathing life into our democracy. While government has a key role to play, it doesn't have all the solutions, and citizens need to do their part, the President said.

“And this is the point I want to emphasize today: that service isn't separate from our national priorities, or secondary to our national priorities – it is integral to achieving our national priorities. It is how we will meet the challenges of our time,” said President Obama.

The President highlighted how service is an essential strategy for solving problems and not just something “nice” by pointing to everyday Americans who throughout our history have “stepped forward in our darkest hour to serve,” from the patriots who set forth our founding ideals and soldiers who fought for them to the heroes who rushed in after 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina."

HR: 9/11 was an inside job and Katrina was an unforgivable and inhume disaster. Google search: Web results for HR +9/11 +Katrina.] - Url.:

Qualities of compassion and courage

"He said the same qualities of compassion and courage are needed to address today's challenges, and renewed the call to service he sounded at his Inauguration and reiterated frequently during his Presidency. “I am asking you to have a public service mindset. I'm asking that no matter where you live, or what job you do, or what obstacles you face, you're always looking for ways to make service part of your life.”

In the speech, the President introduced Patrick Corvington, his nominee to be the next CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, which is leading the Administration's effort to engage more Americans in service to help address national and local problems." - [end excerpt 'AmeriCorps' and Obama] - Url.:

What Obama/Soetoro for his mangers is saying, is that one's got to indoctrinate and buy'em wile they are young. As I earlier wrote and quoted: "Buy ’Em While They’re Young" - According to the latest reports US sailors and airmen are being told to fill roles in Iraq normally occupied by Army soldiers. The options? The criminal cartel's Pentagon-warlords will start the draft (18 to 45 years) and fabricate another 9/11 type catastrophe, to justify the draft and their ongoing global holocaust.

Ignoring the $billion constructions like the illegally building of permanent bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa etc. too, 'The Christian Science Monitor' in a contradictory story at that time headlined the question: "Is US finally ready to withdraw troops from Iraq?" - In this malplaced piece of propaganda, collaborator Tom Regan writes: ''Though Iraqi troops are 'very badly equipped' and new government is still forming, conditions may allow US to start to leave.''*

That bait-info is interesting in combination with the information given in an article in 'USA Today': ''About 8,000 sailors are currently serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, and that number may go as high as 12,000 this year. Several experts say this is not necessary a good sign. Frederick Kagan, a military historian at the conservative American Enterprise Institute, says that asking sailors and airmen to do jobs that normally well-trained soldiers perform, especially in a combat area, is "what you do only when you're desperate." 


In a very informative article in 'Fort Worth Weekly' it's pointed out that: 'The Army and the Marines failed to meet recruitment goals last year, and the military doesn’t cotton to failure. Maintaining 1.4 million active duty troops and 1.2 million in guard and reserve units, it seemed, required a renewed focus. The Army, the service branch most relied upon in Iraq, raised its maximum age limit for recruits from 35 to 39. - Url.:

More benefits were offered: “The brainwashing starts early,” said Hillary Timmers of Peaceful Vocations, a Fort Worth group that goes into schools to counterbalance recruiters. For this brainwashing the warmongers have a legion of collaborators and recruiters behind them, which - when they brainstorm - get at least an IQ together above 60, and sneaked in an obscure small print clause in the 'No Child Left Behind Act', a horror in itself. - Bush & Child - Url.:

And the as usual fine written text required all public schools to give the military 'usurers with lives' access to the schools. When parents and other people found out about the 'law' that takes their kids, it was too late. Now some fight for the lives of local youngsters. Wanting a human life for them, not as a disabled veteran or secretly returning in a coffin. 

“We’ve been able to increase the maximum cash enlistment bonus from $20,000 to 40,000.” The Army college fund now offers up to $71,000 to each recruit, although critics say loopholes abound and it’s difficult to actually get all the money. Still, monetary promises in the five figures are a powerful recruiting tool. So far this year, the Army is ahead of its goal of recruiting 80,000 for active duty and 25,500 for the reserves.* 


The feature story in the 'Fort Worth Weekly' on the recruiting in US schools wasn't beating around the Bush policy as advised by the greedy and bellicose group now running the Pentagon: "Get ’Em While They’re Young" - The law requires that the military be given the same access to students as any other recruiters, including those from colleges, and the managers 'appointees' - which have usurped the Supreme Court too - ruled that the 'federal government' can stop funding schools that ban recruiters. Talk about blackmail. 

Anybody seeing the schoolboys recruited - and who knows some history - immediately is reminded of the Hitler Youth, the 'Hitlerjugend': ''By 1943, Nazi leaders began turning the Hitler Youth into a military reserve to draw manpower which had been depleted due to tremendous military losses. The Division was a fully equipped Waffen-SS panzer division with the majority of the enlisted cadre being drawn from Hitler Youth boys between the ages of sixteen and eighteen. - Url.:

As German casualties mounted members of the HJ were recruited at ever younger ages. By 1945, the Volkssturm was commonly drafting Hitler Youth members into its ranks as young as 12 years old. - Wikipedia - Url.: 


USA TODAY's man in Washington filed an item describing some kind of last ditch attempt to fill the ranks of people to the slaughter on the battlefields: "The Navy and Air Force are training their sailors and airmen for war duty far from the seas or skies: jobs typically performed by a strained Army in Iraq and Afghanistan. Navy and Air Force personnel are replacing Army soldiers to carry out such duties as guarding convoys, patrolling bases and watching for homemade bombs, the top killer of U.S. troops in Iraq.

The Navy also is running a prison in Iraq, patrolling rivers and helping to clear and search buildings. - The 'Pentagon's Dirty War' - Url.: 

About 8,000 sailors are on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Rear Adm. David Gove, head of the Navy Personnel Command. By the end of the year, that number is expected to grow to as many as 12,000, he says. The air force has not said how many airmen are doing army jobs. - [end quote]*


Front man and 'christian crusader' George W. Bush - or the now selected next 'front' and straw man Obama/Soetoro] with the so called 'zionist' tail, wagging the American Dog of War and managing the 'war theater' - keeps saying that: ''The United States will not bow to cold-hearted killers".

Forgetting and denying that it's because of the orders to commit war crimes and the 'advisers' infernal deeds during the last centuries, that the rest of the world now looks upon most Americans and their mercenaries in the 'Coalition of the Killing' as 'cold hearted killers'...

"They are totally brainwashed and only look like humans," it is said: "They behave like atrocious aliens." - "Making dead Friends" - Url.:

There's no sign that the spreading global and legally justified resistance against the US empire in the occupied countries will ever stop. Not for generations to come. The US Pentagon and White House managers, the criminal cartel UK group and their collaborators seem to have forgotten that they are surrounded by hundreds of countries and billions of people hating their guts. Populations that want the warmongers and their so called 'governments' heads on a plate. 

And most people seeing the by the also radio-active Holocaust devastated, radiation poisoned people and countries, plus the for power and profit killed millions, only want one thing: the departure of the foreign troops, so this latest Holocaust® by them ends. 

But, looking at the present further deteriorating situation on the globe, I don't think the revenge of the victims which have survived the illegal wars, will have anything to do with the criminal cartel's collaborator's 'human rights' either.

The Newspeak? It's not only a perversion of the language, I'm sorry to say.

You know what I think the global problem for humanity is? We human beings can NOT understand that there are 'humanoids' - they look like human beings anyhow - who kill for power and profit. We can not understand that millions upon millions and mountains of corpses to those 'humanoids' only mean millions in money and power, and 'mountains of profit'. 

It has gone so far - to name one example - that in the US and its colonies the compliant media are not allowed to show the flag draped coffins, the body bags, or the real horror of the wars the US/UK/NATO war machine and the mercenaries inflict. - Take your pick via Google's 'selection' of the 'released' pictures - Url.:

We are not supposed to understand all the absolutely inhuman war crimes those 'humanoids' are guilty of, and the millions of dead people in all by them illegally - and contrary to all international conventions and treaties - invaded countries. With millions upon millions of dead and suffering people as an incredible result. And this criminal group has done this for ages already. It's long-term planning for their hegemony.


Ron Suskind, a U.S. propagandists - and 'one of them' - wrote about their sick mind as a phenomena in the New York Times Magazine, one of the the warmongers most abject propaganda rags:

"In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in Esquire that the White House didn't like about Bush's former communications director, Karen Hughes, and I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush.

He expressed the White House's displeasure, and then he told me something that at the time I didn't fully comprehend - but which I now believe gets to the very heart of the Bush presidency. 

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. 

''That's not the way the world really works anymore,'' he continued.

''We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.''

Source: the New York Times propaganda rag - Url.:

You see what our, what humanity's problem is? Why we die by the millions?

As the former British Prime Minister of England during the late 1800's, Benjamin D'Israeli wrote: "So you see... the world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes." (Coningsby).

And here it is: "The Evil Empire Revisited" - Url.:

It's difficult to believe too, that those 'humanoids' control global monetary affairs, and this money mafia's 'Bank for International Settlements' is based in Basle, Switzerland. The BIS they run, is 'central bank to central banks'.


And via this BIS organisation the 'humanoids' have greater immunity than a sovereign nation, they are accountable to no one, run global monetary affairs and the whole racket is privately owned. It really is inhuman and incredible. All the Bernankes, Paulsons, Geithners, Greenspans, Wolfowitzes and Kissingers are there, on the Board they invented. Their World Board - BIS - Url.:

We don't understand that those 'humanoids behind the curtains' don't care. Just one small example: pro year their killing/usury system kills at least - according to UNICEF figures, so it's probably worse - ten million children under the age of five. If you've seen a child die, you understand why people are heartbroken.

But TEN MILLION children every year? Plus all the other millions which die? Unicef & Poverty - Url.:

What kind of creatures are they, those humanoids?

How can those who do this to humanity all over the world live their life? One of the answers - why those 'humanoids are 'beyond insanity - is given here at Url.:

But I maintain - and I have both the age and all the experiences abroad for more than four decades - that humanity's problem is that we can NOT comprehend that they are so bad. A plague that has been pestering humanity for such a long time.

That so few 'humanoids can do so much damage to so many people: it's just too bad to be true. But they not only are rotten to the core: it's worse than that. - Url.:

They vegetate in another matrix, and they are convinced they are right and that 'our' world doesn't work anymore. Their sick thinking has replaced human common sense, and those deceptive 'humanoids' use all ways to do it. TV, radio, papers, it's all theirs and it's all propaganda and other lies. It's the false and faked reality they want us to believe.


And it's my conviction too, that if we don't stop those 'humanoids' and their genocidal 'dark forces' in every country, humanity is going to be extinct.

Within the armed forces - and that includes Obama's 'Hitler Youth' - there must be some that use their brains and who will turn their guns around and arrest all those who are guilty of crimes against humanity. Just look at the deeds of the 'humanoids' and you've got evidence enough for a couple of life-times in jail. Plus ten years...

As the late Nobel literature Prize Laureate and writer Harold Pinter said: "People do not forget. They do not forget the death of their fellows, they do not forget torture and mutilation, they do not forget injustice, they do not forget oppression, they do not forget the terrorism of mighty powers. They not only don't forget: they also strike back." - Url.:

It's surely going to be an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. The warmongers better connect all the signs on the wall. Because if you live by the sword, you'll die by the sword...

It's not a matter of nationality, race, religion, politics, color or whatever: killers are killers, and that can't be tolerated. 

Calling them 'peace-keepers' won't help.

They absolutely must be caught and punished everywhere.

Otherwise humanity as we know it, will end.





* Earlier FPF Special - ''NATO Europe taking over more illegal US warfare'' - Url.: 

* Dad's Army? Draft for everybody between 18 to 45? - Url.:

* Without a UN mandate, the EU illegally fights and pays - Url.:

* Get 'em while they're young - Url.: 

* World Tribunal on Iraq - Url.: 

* The Christian Science Monitor - - Terrorism & Security - Posted May 9, 2006 - Is US finally ready to withdraw troops from Iraq? - Url.:

* Fort Worth Weekly - Url.: 

* USA Today Url.:

* The for this 'kill and destroy" crimes held responsible 'government' in the Netherlands like Bush calls itself 'Christian' too, but represents just an 'American Lapdog of War.' Those collaborators are a shame for humanity, but their turn will come. - Url.:

* Dutch Special Forces: Poisoned by uranium radiation while on an illegal 'Kill and Destroy' mission for the PNAC - Url.: 

Dutch author HR this far has lived and worked abroad for more than 4 decades for national and international media - when they still knew what honest journalism was - as an independent foreign correspondent. Of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the 'Arab World' and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism !

* FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.:


Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars 

The Netherlands 


Unless otherwise stated by the author, all content is free for non-commercial use, reprint or rebroadcast, via Internet or elsewhere.


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