Saturday, December 12, 2009


Argusoog Radio - The Netherlands December 12th 2009 - Faux recovery? They are stealing and stealing billions! In Copenhagen! Big Brother is watching and has plans for you too: For your information, concerning Climategate: “Copenhagen Treaty, Treat or Trick ?”. ICH had only one lousy article concerning this, while Google has thirty million 'hits' and tries its best to strip everything concerning the gigantic scandal in the scientific world. This is what was 'offered' by ICH: "Copenhagen Climate Summit in Disarray after 'Danish Text' Leak" - Developing countries react furiously to leaked draft agreement that would hand more power to rich nations, sideline the UN's negotiating role and abandon the Kyoto protocol. - By John Vidal in Copenhagen - December 08, 2009 " - The Guardian - ICH Url.: The 'official story' gets more 'hits' than Climategate, which isn't showing reality. - Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 30,300,000 for "Copenhagen Climate Conference" - Url.: Google search: Web Results 1 - 10 of about 25,600,000 for Climategate. - Url.: Aanyhow: Tomorrow, Sunday 13 December 2009, Dutch Argusoog Radio plans to broadcast from 14.00 hrs until 23.00 hrs local time a marathon broadcast in English, with US, UK and other speakers concerning the 'Climate Conference' in Copenhagen, Denmark. The undersigned will be a small part of it too. The World Clock – Time Zones - Url.: "Argusoog Radio is hosting a special broadcast event on December 13th entitled: “Copenhagen Treaty, Treat or Trick ?”. In a climate of suspicion, “The Copenhagen Treaty” is an obvious attempt at world control. Argusoog Radio will be covering the event in a special broadcast. This effort is bringing together individuals in various fields to discuss this effort by the ruling elite. The broadcast will start 7am eastern time on Sunday, December 13th. Schedule: 1st hour Introduction by Argusoog Radio host Désirée Rover 2nd & 3rd hour Chemtrails, Monsanto, and more by Argusoog Radio hosts Arend and Nexus 4th & 5th hour Health and Copenhagen by Argusoog Radio hosts Désirée Rover and Dr. John Waterman 6th & 7th hour Global Monetary impact and Economics by Argusoog Radio hosts Micha Kat and John Consemulder. 8th & 9th hour Roundtable discussion by hosts and guests (by Argusoog Radio hosts Mike Donkers/Wouter Hendriks) Several guest interviews have been scheduled by the hosts. There will be breaking news reports throughout the day from events occurring at Copenhagen. For embedded player for event contact Hans at Argusoog Radio via Skype name “argusoogradio” To listen go to email: Argusoog Radio page - Url.: HR & Climategate - Url.: OK? .

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