Sunday, December 27, 2009

For the Iran shill and/or joke

Henk Ruyssenaars
@Anonymous - 12.25.09 - 4:36 am - Quote concerning poverty and lack of equality in Iran: "They are so poor that they can’t buy a turkey to celebrate the thanksgiving; let alone chip in handsomely in the begging bowl of the religious authorities! You know?"

OK, here we go again: "CIA Handbook: This index measures the degree of inequality in the distribution of family income in a country."

And, yes, we find the United States - according to the CIA Handbook - on place 44.

Where we also find on place 47 Iran, which is supposed to be better than the US according to the CIA...

Source: the armed robbers' CIA Handbook of the world. - Url.:

Out of a total of 134 countries by the way, Sweden is at the top.

This @Anonymous, is what you started with: "The Pope could not be bothered to stay up till midnight!"

Concerning the Pope: I call a midnight mass good enough qua time: "Homily of the Holy Father during the Midnight Mass." - Source: Radio Vaticana - Url.:

How I personally think about religion is here. - Url.:

All the last times this @Anonymous had the usual long and unreadable rant concerning Iran etc.

But, hrm... Anonymous? It's now Christmas, Friday the 25th of December 2009, and since June you still haven't explained or offered a link to your statement that the Iranian information agency PressTV is jewish and similar.

@BigPearl - 06.22.09 - 2:29 pm - Wondering about 'Anonymous' comment: "Sounds like you're saying PRESS TV "is a Jew", in a way. So don't support PRESS TV. Dig? You need to be more specific, there."

That was at 06.22.09 - 2:29 pm. @Anonymous - 06.22.09 - 2:47 pm answered 18 minutes later - Quote: "As for the proof, I am working on it, and will provide it in due time."

Isn't it about 'due time' now, as you wrote, to back up your strange - I nearly had said 'shilling' statements - with a link, Anonymous?

Or how do you think we look at your linkless rants?

If we look at them at all...

Iran - PressTV - Url.:

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