Thursday, February 25, 2010


"Daily Mail (UK) 20th February 2010 - Fuel poverty: 5.4 million pensioners can't afford to heat their homes. The UK's largest supplier, with 15.7million customers, has made profits of more than £550million in the past year."

Henk Ruyssenaars

February 25th 2010 - In the UK there's growing anger at the enormous profits made by the energy companies, like British Gas, over the cold death of forty to fifty thousands of elderly people this winter again. They can not keep their homes warm and freeze to death, while the directors and shareholders of the energy multinationals celebrate the inhuman profit surge.

These criminals, which all are guilty by association to this country-wide murder, apparently are not bothered by the fact that there's another surge:

Every HOUR in the UK, tens of people will die of cold and/or starvation, because they can't both eat, and heat their homes. So they freeze to death. EVERY HOUR!

If one reads the following: "Fuel poverty: 5.4 million pensioners can't afford to heat their homes." one thinks of countries in the developing world, which for ages have been robbed blind by those multinational vultures. But, no, it's also in England they kill lots of people for their own power and profit. This massacre goes on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and has been done so for ages.

The humanoids being members of the criminal cartel never care about people. Never!

They only care about power and profit! Have a look at the cartel's usury empire. - Url.:

I wrote about this UK scandal earlier and the overwhelming profits and inhumanity of the cartel's energy companies. That was last January. "Ages ago it was exactly the shameless same in the UK: there was no change whatsoever concerning the buying power of the money which also lowered by stealthy inflation-theft, and the pension amount the elderly people in reality in the UK got was getting less and less.

And, as a nefarious but expected result, many more elderly people died needlessly of the fact - as an English paper also wrote - that pensioners can not even afford heating. And that's why they die by the ten thousands.

In an alarming report, Sophie Ridge of the News of the World, last 27 December 2009, again wrote about this massacre by the so called UK-government: "A STAGGERING 43,200 Brits will DIE from the cold this winter - because of soaring gas and electricity costs, new figures reveal.

The grim figure, equal to FIFTEEN deaths every HOUR, has DOUBLED in the last seven years. Energy bills have doubled too.

Most deaths are among the elderly - many of whom have to choose between heating and eating, according to the National Pensioners Convention. General secretary Dot Gibson said: "It is a national scandal and getting worse. Over a million more older people are expected to be dragged into financial hardship in the next year."

The winter death rate is the increased number of mortalities between December and March compared with warmer months.

In 2002/3, there were 23,450 winter deaths - and the average annual dual-fuel energy bill was £543 per household. In 2009 it was £1,239.

Three million pensioners are in fuel poverty [see other higher figure below - HR] - which is defined as having to spend more than 10 per cent of your income on fuel bills. Ms Gibson said: "Energy companies are making profits at the expense of vulnerable pensioners."

OAPS can get advice on heating their homes by calling the Age Concern charity on 0800 009966." - [and end] - Url.:

The full story is at Url.:


And here's the other headline in for instance the Daily Mail, which the elderly in their card board boxes can take to their grave:

"British Gas profits surge 50% as cash-strapped elderly freeze."

By Sean Poulter

Daily Mail (UK) 20th February 2010 - Fuel poverty: 5.4 million pensioners can't afford to heat their homes.

British Gas faces a backlash as it prepares to announce a 50 per cent surge in profits on the back of a winter of crippling energy bills.

The UK's largest supplier, with 15.7million customers, has made profits of more than £550million in the past year.

Thousands of elderly, meanwhile, have been unable to afford to keep warm during the coldest winter in 30 years. - [They died - HR]

But critics say British Gas - together with the other members of the 'Big Six' club of energy firms - should have done more to cut bills before the winter.

Wholesale energy prices have fallen by 60 per cent from their peak in the middle of 2008.

However, customer bills have come down by less than 10 per cent.

There were 36,700 more deaths among the elderly last winter than in warmer months, according to the Office of National Statistics. This was up 12,000 on the previous year.

At the same time, there are millions of pensioners among the 5.4million who are in fuel poverty.

This is the group who spend more than 10 per cent of their disposable income on heat and light.

The Age Concern and Help the Aged charity condemned the rise in winter deaths, which it links to 'cash-strapped older people turning down the heating'.

Higher bills: The cold weather is forcing households to turn up their heating

Cold snap: The UK is bracing itself for more snow over the weekend

While the profits of British Gas - which declares its profits on Thursday - and UK-based provider Scottish & Southern Energy are transparent, the same is not true of the other major firms." - [ ]

HR: "British Gas Reports Massive Rise In Profits" - UK, Thursday February 25, 2010 - Hazel Tyldesley, Sky News Online: "British Gas operating profits leapt 58% last year to to £595m - up from £379m in 2008, its parent company Centrica has announced.

New customers and operational changes boosted British Gas profits, Centrica said

The result will further fuel anger over energy bills, following accusations that utility firms were not quick enough to pass on falls in wholesale gas prices last year." - [end quote] - The rest of the text is here at Url.:

Further quote Daily Mail (UK): "Companies such as nPower and Eon hide rising profits within the accounts of their German parent companies. The same is true of EDF, which is French, and Scottish Power, which is Spanish-owned.

Official customer body Consumer Focus and the Conservatives have called for an inquiry into the industry and the failure to pass on wholesale price reductions.

Price comparison website spokesman Ann Robinson said: 'Consumers can still expect their household energy bills to be around £270 higher than just a couple of years ago.'

The household average bill is usually around £1,200 a year, but could be around £100 higher this year because of the weather.

Christine McGourty, director of Energy UK, which represents the major suppliers, rejected claims of profiteering. She said much of the gas being used this winter was bought two years ago, when wholesale prices were higher.

It comes as Britain was warned to brace itself for a big chill over the weekend – forcing homeowners to turn up their heating.

Freezing conditions are set to continue over the weekend with some areas dropping to overnight lows of -6c (21f).

Forecasters are also predicting further snow on Saturday and Sunday as the UK faces its coldest February for 24 years." - [and end] - Story Url.:



* Daily Mail (UK) Britain on course for coldest February for 24 years... as snow causes rush hour chaos yet again - Read more at Url.:

* Google search to make up your own mind: Web results 1 - 10 of about 154,000 for "British Gas" +profit. - Url.:

* The prices and monetary flow are decided in London, in Rotschild's 'The City' - "An excerpt from the book by E.C. Knuth - "The City" is an international financial oligarchy and is perhaps the most arbitrary and absolute form of government in the world." - Url.:

* Also Des Griffin wrote about The City: "The Evil Empire Revisited" - Url.:

* More related links, which give everybody an insight in what kind of 'web of debt' and usury human beings are forced to live in:

* GLOBAL HYPERINFLATION - It could happen - Video + text - Url.:

* Book Review: Inflation is Theft - Horwitz is the Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics - Url.:

* Google search-Feb 16 - 2010 - Web Results 1 – 10 of about 3,740 for "Bank of England" +inflation - Url.:

* "That is, to understand inflation, every time and in every country or region, look for a rapid, excessive supply of money by the country's Central Bank and you'll find your answer."

* Milton Friedman Supply of Money Inflation - [Friedman passed away on the 16th November 2006] - Url.:

* "May 13, 2009 - Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) - "And they frankly own the place." - [end quote] - Source: 2009 Newsmax - Url.:

* Once and for all, concerning Rothschild's BIS bank: "Article Sunday, June 28, 1998; Page H01 - The Washington Post Company. - "Key Players Control World Money Supply" - Url.:

* US: The humanoids want a totalitarian State = A very good story: Ellen Brown about the BIS - Url.:

* Christopher Booker: "No One in the EU Can Keep Books as Badly as the EU!" - More at Url.:

* Rothschild's BIS bank's usury controls the world's money supply - Killing for their own Power and Profit - Url.:

* And the BIS, as the excellent [late] researcher and publisher Eustace Mullins wrote - and some maybe don't know yet - really is killing all the time and reaping the profits: Google 'selection' - To make up your own mind. - Url.:

And mind you: this criminal cartel has done so for ages. Taken humanity for a very - for the usurers - profitable ride. They'll make and break every country and person they want. Millions of dead people, and not only of the cold and starvation.

Humanity's dying and suffering, human being's blood, sweat and tears, make their criminal lavish lifestyle possible. The banksters will steal more billions via inflation too, and they think they have the power to do so. Apparently those psychopaths never get enough. Never!

They who hold the gold hold the power, it's said. Well, the Rothschild's decide the gold price - always to their financial and/or strategic advantage - since more than a century. Whatever the mainstream propaganda media say.

Have a look at what's called 'Rothschild's London Gold price fixing.' - Url.:

Human beings better get out of this usury matrix, because the criminal cartel is killing humanity.

Slowly but surely they want to kill nearly everybody.

Trying to prove that they are the chosen...

Conclusion? It's either them or us.


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