Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The below mentioned army-firm G-Con: is that short for General-Con? The trick to defraud as much as G-Con can for personal gain of the rulers?

Febr. 24th 2010 - Most people, especially those who have Internet, know by now that the compliant World Health Organization's global vaccines-hoax is profitable only to the big pharmaceutical corporations. The Big Pharma creatures don't care for 1 nanosecond whether one million or 10 million people die, as long as their profit is made. People never count. Never!

Actually, the late author and very fine researcher Eustace Mullins wrote a book about this: "Murder By Injection - The Story Of The Medical Conspiracy Against America." And if one has read it, one understands and can connect the dots. See how rotten to the core this whole usury-system is, with 20.000 people dying a day. Every day.

Millions upon millions have been killed by this inhuman system already, and will be killed in the future. And now - to give another example, and because it really is long-term planning - the minions in the countries where the cartel rules buy 'vaccines' and poison the rest of humanity? It's genocidal! - Url.:

A very bad example of criminal thinking can be taken from The Netherlands for instance, where the so called 'minister of health' - the treacherous Ab Klink - did as his managers told him, and against better knowledge - but very profitable for the cartel's Big Pharma - ordered thirty-four million doses of the untested and dangerous vaccines. For a population of 16 plus million people ... which via extorted taxes are forced to pay themselves for their misery.

Two doses each, Klink had been told to buy. But half of the Dutch people didn't want to have anything to do with the minister's sickening and advices, killing in the long term. They had to pay anyhow to Klink and his buddies via taxes, but the mainstream media - like in other countries - never explained it. They won't either explain that criminal Klink now is trying to sell the superfluous 'vaccines' to former East block countries, even when he and his masters know that they'll lead to death and destruction. They really don't care.

They know all that those so called vaccines are untested, dangerous and also 'loss leaders' insuring the fat profits of Big Pharma for decades to come. As long as the patients are alive.

Quote: "Positioned as a loss leader, vaccines appear to be the economic drivers of both the medical and the pharmaceutical industry. A loss leader is a business technique in which a less-expensive product is sold or given away for the sake of offering another product at a greater profit. This common practice is utilized to introduce new customers to a product, to build a new customer base and/or to secure future recurring revenue.

Using a loss leader is more than just a nifty business trick - it can be a very successful economic strategy when executed properly. The classic example of a loss leader is the sale of razor blades. Companies like Gillette essentially give their razor units away for free, knowing that customers will buy their replacement blades, where the company makes all of its profit, for as long as they use the razor.

Vaccines play a similar role for the drug companies. The cost of a vaccine is relatively inexpensive compared to the billions of dollars spent on medical interventions, medications - and even more vaccines - dispensed as a result of a vaccination side effect.

Vaccination is promoted by an industry that capitalizes on fear and the perceived necessity of the procedure has become multi-generationally entrenched. We have been programmed by the medical community and the media to believe that everyone - children and adults - will become sick, and likely die, unless they are vaccinated.

Vaccines are the bedrock of expanded illnesses, skyrocketing medical costs and exponential drug sales. But it is more than individual vaccines that are cause for concern." - [end quote] The rest is here: "Vaccines as 'loss leaders' + Legal immunity for manufacturer" - Url.:;article=3036

No doubt about it: Ab Klink and his collaborators are mass-murdering criminals.

And the dutch taxpayers are again paying all the bills. They may not want to, but they have no choice...

The average tax in Holland is now the highest in the world, with the rulers in Sweden coming second now, but it also means that in Holland the people paying 52% (CBS figures) of their income in taxes, that they are working more than half the year - more than six months - for those living of the taxes, so 'they' can keep their lavish life-style. It's all planned and concocted by the real power brokers. The economic rulers of continents.

By the way: Klink had another very fraudulent scheme for his masters: privatize all big hospitals and further health care was the plan, to make more profit for Big Pharma. This far [ because of upcoming elections in June] it didn't succeed yet, but the published plan was only a test balloon. As mostly is the case.

They're going to do it anyhow, like they stole the rest of the health care, pensionfunds a.s.o. The same deterioration on all social levels, all according to the profitable plans of the corporations of the cartel that rules and thereby abuses countries like The Netherlands and the rest of the world.

But the truth can be told by not corrupted people, and the Polish Health Minister, Mrs & MD Ewa Kopacz, was very honest about it. Being a medical doctor herself - she told the Poles NOT to take a vaccination. Dr. Kopacz nor the Poles where buying the WHO and Big Pharma hoax.

She gave a speech about the dangers of the vaccines in the Polish Parliament on those serious issues, and fully denied the US-made H1N1 swine flu vaccines 'safety'. - 5th Nov 2009. - YouTube - Url.:

The above is only the tip of the criminal cartel's iceberg to make money over the dead and suffering people the cartel has been stealing from already for ages. Read - if you don't know it yet - this Google search: Web results for Ruyssenaars +vaccines - Url.:

Now the WHO hoax spreads to the US army, the cartel's armed errand boys and cannon fodder, because there must be a huge profit in the US-made so called 'Swine Flu Epidemic' - as propaganda master Rupert Murdoch in his 'Wall Street Journal' publishes: "Spurs Military to Join the Hunt for Plant-Based Alternatives: Teasing Vaccines From Tobacco. - By Gautam Naik.

Wall Street Journal - February 24, 2010 - The U.S. Department of Defense, caught off guard by the swift spread of the H1N1 flu virus last year and delays in producing a vaccine, is backing an unusual plan to use tobacco plants to make the vaccine.

Flu vaccines are typically grown in chicken eggs. Although the technique is slow and expensive, vaccine makers have done little to improve on this reliable method for more than 60 years. The urgent need for a better way became apparent last year. "The response to H1N1 was a disaster," said Brett Giroir, vice chancellor for research at Texas A&M University System, part of a consortium testing plant-based vaccines for H1N1, or swine flu.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency—which conducts research to protect soldiers from infectious diseases, and also is concerned about the U.S. capability to react swiftly to a bioterrorist attack, among other things—has awarded the consortium $40 million to make an initial 10 million doses of H1N1 vaccine.

Texas A&M and closely held firm G-Con will together invest a further $21 million. Details of the project, known as GreenVax, will be announced Wednesday. - [24 February 2010 - HR]

For several years, vaccine companies have worked on harvesting vaccines in everything from caterpillar cells to cocker-spaniel kidney cells. Plants have certain advantages over animal parts, which may contain pathogens harmful to humans. The tobacco plant is particularly promising: It has been extensively researched, is cheap to grow and can yield large amounts of vaccine quickly—potentially reducing production time to weeks instead of several months.

Earlier this month, Arizona State University researchers showed a plant-based drug could prevent and treat West Nile virus infection in mice. In January, Germany's Bayer AG said it was testing a plant-based vaccine for non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

In December, Medicago Inc. of Quebec City reported positive results for a tobacco-based vaccine for avian flu, or H5N1, which has killed more than 250 people world-wide. Biotechnology firm VAXX Inc. of Tucson, Ariz., says it soon plans to start a human trial of a tobacco-based vaccine for Norwalk norovirus—or "cruise ship virus"—which causes gastroenteritis in as many as 74 million Americans annually.

GreenVax is one of the more ambitious of the plant-based vaccine projects. It is partly based on research done at Fraunhofer USA Center for Molecular Biotechnology, in a partnership with the biotech firm iBio Inc., both based in Newark, Del.

As a first step, researchers at Fraunhofer isolated a protein from the H1N1 virus known to trigger a protective immune response in a patient without causing an infection. A gene for this protein was then introduced into a bacterium. Tobacco plants were placed in a special chamber and dipped into a soup of the bacteria, which caused the plants to get infected with the gene-carrying bacteria.

The infected plants then began to produce the protein from H1N1 in large quantities. The plants grew for about a week. Their leaves were then chopped up and crushed, and the protein from H1N1—the essence of the vaccine—was extracted from the slurry and purified.

Initial tests on ferrets, which can catch human flu, showed the vaccine was safe and effective. "The good news is that this vast amount of human protein isn't toxic to the plant," so it can keep producing large amounts of the vaccine's raw material, said Barry Holtz, president of G-Con. And the plants don't become "transgenic"—their seeds, for example, aren't changed, so they can't spread genetic alterations to normal plants.

The GreenVax project still has a long way to go. It needs to show that it can produce sufficient quantities of purified vaccine-ready protein quickly and safely. And such a vaccine would have to be tested in humans and get the approval of the Food and Drug Administration before it can be provided more widely. The consortium plans to build a 145,000-square-foot vaccine production facility in Bryan, Texas, managed by G-Con. One innovation being developed: Mobile manufacturing "pods" that can be deployed swiftly in areas where the vaccine is urgently needed.

GreenVax hopes to produce the initial 10 million doses of H1N1 vaccine within 12 months. Large-scale human clinical trials are expected to begin in 2011, and could take up to 18 months to complete. The setup could be used to produce other vaccines as well. "The science hasn't yet been unleashed to get past chicken eggs for making vaccines," says Dr. Giroir. "But now that the system is stressed, there's a reason to get past it."

[end item] - 'Wall Street Journal' - Url.:


And when in doubt: do as has been advocated many times. Just follow the money and you'll find the criminals!

Those who prefer their own wealth to humanity's health!

The worst thing of course is that the global cartel's humanoids - without any human feeling or compassion - have already done this for ages. They never seem to get enough... - Url.:

And it's quite clear to many on earth, that it's either them, those who kill for power and profit, or humanity.

If humanity is going to survive: let's get those criminals first!

Henk Ruyssenaars

Also the Wall Street Journal is owned by media tycoon Rupert Murdoch - Url.:

Google search: Web results for Ruyssenaars +"Rupert Murdoch" - Url.:


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