February 16th 2010 - The late Nobel Prize winning but criminal american economist* Milton Friedman, who wrecked among other countries Chile, said it too: "Inflation is taxation without legislation." Indirect theft.
But anyhow The Telegraph's (UK) Economics Editor, Edmund Conway, wrote now that the again announced theft/inflation, is "expected to rise above Bank of England target. Britain's benchmark inflation rate may be catapulted to 4pc, perhaps as soon as Tuesday's release of January's data, economists have predicted. With inflation rising and wage growth stagnant, each pound families are paid is going comparatively less far. The rise would raise further concerns about a decrease in Britons' living standards."
Making the usual false statements, one of the most disgusting main thieves, Mervyn King, who plays the role as 'Governor' of Rothschild's bank The Bank of England: "has already predicted that the Consumer Price Index is likely to exceed 3pc when figures are published on Tuesday, forcing him to write a letter of explanation to the Chancellor. However, economists said that the scale of increase for the CPI could be greater even than most expect. They said that it is likely to hit 4pc at some point in the coming months. CPI hit 2.9pc in December, rising by the biggest monthly amount in recent history." - [end quote] - The rest is here at Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ydbj76c
And at the same time the Consumer Price Index rises to hellish heights for many people, Barclays bank hands out £1.5bn in cash bonuses, as bank's profits soar by 92% to record £11.6bn - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ybubdjg
It really is unbelievable what those creatures can do. In their own country thousands of people - especially the elderly - are starving and dying around them, and they celebrate? To give just one example: "Ages ago it was exactly the shameless same in the UK: there was no change whatsoever concerning the buying power of the money, the pension amount the elderly people in reality in the UK got. And, as a nefarious but expected result, many more elderly people died needlessly of the fact - as an English paper also wrote - that pensioners can not even afford heating. And that's why they die by the ten thousands.
In an alarming report, Sophie Ridge of the 'News of the World' last 27 December 2009, again wrote about this massacre by the criminals in the totally compliant and corrupted UK-government: "A staggering 43,200 Brits will DIE from the cold this winter - because of soaring gas and electricity costs, new figures reveal. The grim figure, equal to FIFTEEN deaths every HOUR, has DOUBLED in the last seven years. Energy bills have doubled too.
Most deaths are among the elderly - many of whom have to choose between heating and eating, according to the National Pensioners Convention. General secretary Dot Gibson said: "It is a national scandal and getting worse. Over a million more older people are expected to be dragged into financial hardship in the next year." - [end excerpt] There's more at Perth Independent Media Centre - England: 43.200 Cold deaths - Url.: http://www.perth.indymedia.org/?action=newswire&parentview=149373
How can those banksters fool, starve and kill all those people again and again, through the ages, while we can know - and certainly in the Internet age - that we are being ripped off all the time?
Trey Sellers thinks this about it: "Over the past century, inflation has taken root in peoples’ minds as an inevitable fact of life. Inflation is seen as a monetary phenomenon that must be kept in check and controlled as part of managing the economy, a task that should be left to the experts.
This fallacy is perpetuated by a barrage of propaganda that emanates from governments and central banks in an incessant attempt to conceal what is really going on. In reality, inflation is deliberately created as a means to siphon off the wealth of the populace to the benefit of those in power." - [end excerpt] - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yzwq7u6
"As with counterfeiting, the lure of inflation is that the inflator can acquire real resources at virtually zero cost. It does this not only directly, but also by reducing the value of the government’s massive debt. For political actors seeking votes, or governments seeking power, inflation is a far more palatable way than taxation to pay for new programs or military adventures," said Steven Horwitz, who is the Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics at St. Lawrence University and the author of Microfoundations and Macroeconomics. "A running theme in several essays is that inflation’s effects are far more subtle than, but just as injurious as taxation’s."
"Inflation is everywhere and always a monetary phenomenon." - Friedman - This phrase appears to have been first used by Friedman in a conference paper presented in India. The phrase captures the economic principle that inflation, hyperinflation, and all ongoing rises in the price level are simply the result of basic economics - supply and demand for money."
HR: The prices and monetary flow are decided in Rotschild's 'The City': "An excerpt from the book by E.C. Knuth - "The City" is an international financial oligarchy and is perhaps the most arbitrary and absolute form of government in the world." - Url.: http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/empire.htm
Also Des Griffin wrote about it: "The Evil Empire Revisited" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/2zj7wl
Quote: "When it comes to money, the supplier is the printer or coiner of that money - the government, in modern times - which prints or coins at will."
HR: wrong! The FED and Rothschild/Rockefeller's other private central banks, print 'money' out of nothing! We are supposed to pay interest on something they created out of thin air!* But those gangsters and thieves control the global monetary flow via the prices of food, fuel (transport) etc. via The City* in London, and since 1930 the global usury via the Bank for International Settlements, the BIS, in Basel, Switzerland*.
And this criminal cartel has done so for ages. Taken humanity for a very - for the usurers - profitable ride. They'll make and break every country and person they want. Millions of dead people, humanity's dying and suffering, human beings blood, sweat and tears, make their criminal lavish lifestyle possible. The banksters will steal more billions via inflation, and they think they have the power to do so. Apparently those psychopaths never get enough. Never!
They who hold the gold hold the power, it's said. Well, the Rothschild's decide the gold price - always to their financial and/or strategic advantage - since more than a century.
Have a look at what's called 'Rothschild's London Gold price fixing.' - Url.: http://goldinfo.net/londongoldfix.html
Human beings better get out of this usury matrix, because the criminal cartel is killing humanity.
Slowly but surely they want to kill nearly everybody.
Trying to prove that they are the chosen...
Conclusion? It's either them or us.
Related links, which give everybody an insight in what kind of 'web of debt' and usury human beings are forced to live in:
* GLOBAL HYPERINFLATION - It could happen - Video + text - Url.: http://www.globalhyperinflation.com/
* Book Review: Inflation is Theft - Horwitz is the Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/lg6jrq
* Google search-Feb 16 - 2010 - Web Results 1 – 10 of about 3,740 for "Bank of England" +inflation - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yars7sw
* "That is, to understand inflation, every time and in every country or region, look for a rapid, excessive supply of money by the country's Central Bank and you'll find your answer." http://www.econlib.org/library/best.html#friedman
* Milton Friedman Supply of Money Inflation - [Friedman passed away on the 16th November 2006] - Url.: http://www.economictheories.org/2008/08/milton-friedman-supply-of-money.html
* "May 13, 2009 - Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) - "And they frankly own the place." - [end quote] - Source: 2009 Newsmax - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yfehavw
* Once and for all, concerning Rothschild's BIS bank: "Article Sunday, June 28, 1998; Page H01 - The Washington Post Company. - "Key Players Control World Money Supply" - Url.: http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg35891.html
* US: The humanoids want a totalitarian State = A very good story: Ellen Brown about the BIS - Url.:http://tinyurl.com/ygjd2qn
* Christopher Booker: "No One in the EU Can Keep Books as Badly as the EU!" - More at Url.: http://tinyurl.com/qf3kpj
* Rothschild's BIS bank's usury controls the world's money supply - Killing for their own Power and Profit - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/c7xh99
* And the BIS, as the excellent [late] researcher and publisher Eustace Mullins wrote - and some maybe don't know yet - really is: Google 'selection' - To make up your own mind. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/brapst
* The BIS/IMF 'audit' and Der Spiegel's article about this fraudulent audit, is at Url.: http://tinyurl.com/dz9zws
* EU mafia slyly reintroduces the death penalty. - Mussolini & Ceaucescu-like executions? - Url.: http://disc.yourwebapps.com/discussion.cgi?disc=234999;article=2437;
* (BIS) "Authorities estimated that foreign banks hold approximately EUR seven billion on which Dutch tax has not been paid." And which they now try to get as well. The thieves. - Source: Radio Netherlands / Expatica - Friday 26 June 2009 - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/nxj3j6
* EU & BIS explained. A lot of info about the monetary planning of the NWO's European Union is here: "The Bank for International Settlements and the Federal Reserve" - by Charles J. Siegman, who worked for the usurers. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6fzfcd
* The Board of the BIS: there you'll find all the criminals and war profiteers: Geithner, Greenspan, Paulson, Wolfowitz, Zoellick and Ben 'Shalom' Bernanke' etc. etc. again. Plus the BIS subservient bosses of the 55 Central Banks too this cartel runs. It's 'Crooks United' all over. - Url.: http://www.bis.org/about/board.htm
* The International Murderers Fund, IMF, os symbolic for the corporations robbers. Mark Weissbrot had a story about this in Counterpunch. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ohwywu
* Obama/ Soetoro - Or whatever his name is: Hey! Look! The CIA 'emperor' has no clothes! - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/o55tpv
* TIME Poll - The US/PNAC's war machine poses the greatest danger to world peace. - Url.: http://www.time.com/time/europe/gdml/peace2003.html
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Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
The Netherlands
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Bank of England,
cold death,
Mervyn King,
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